Is Wine printing on MacOSX?

Joerg-Cyril.Hoehle at Joerg-Cyril.Hoehle at
Mon Sep 14 06:38:03 CDT 2009


Stefan Dösinger wrote:
>>All that happened [with notepad] is that the printer ejected a blank page.
>Printing from notepad works fine for me on both Linux and OSX, fwiw

Saving to file instead of printing, notepad generated a .ps file.

Reading this into Apple's preview shows the text.
Converting to pdf, then viewing also shows the text.

Printing this prints a blank page!

So either Apple does not like the PS generated by Wine, or only the printer,
or that's a problem with fonts or whatever else.
I'm using a PPC driver for an old Lexmark Z33 printer that prints documents
from TextEdit and Safari perfectly.
I still need to test a wine application other than notepad.

BTW, the page footer says "Page &p": &p is not substituted by notepad.
Is this a known bug in notepad or Wine's printer driver?

	Jörg Höhle.

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