Wine in Tango

Joel Holdsworth joel at
Sat Sep 19 11:40:21 CDT 2009

On Sat, 2009-09-19 at 19:02 +0400, Nikolay Sivov wrote:
> This looks really great. But what for a first look wine glass
> position 
> and size isn't consistent for 48x48 icons -
> is there any reason for that?

As I was drawing the icons, it didn't seem appropriate to draw the glass
in the same way for all the icons. e.g. I don't think it would be
appropriate to have a small glass for winetest - it wouldn't look good
with the tickbox. It's debatable for notepad, and wordpad; these are
more of a product of the tango icons I originally inherited from Ubuntu

> Also it's interesting how will it look if a fallback to grayscale, 
> monochrome or 16-bit is needed? Maybe it's handled somewhere already,
> I don't know.

16-bit works fine - X renders the icons in true color then downsamples.
greyscale/monochrome will be similar, not that the end result would be
pretty. A more realistic case is 8-bit, and the only way I can think to
set that up is with ssh+X11 in cygwin in a WinXP VM with the screen
depth set to 8-bit, but wine doesn't even start in this case due to
missing extensions, so I assume it's not supported.

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