No subject

Fri Sep 18 15:31:18 CDT 2009

cchTextMax is the maximum number of TCHARs (including NULL) that can
be stored in pszText.

That is, it supports things like:
    TCHAR buffer[100];
    item.pszText =3D buffer;
    item.cchTextMax =3D sizeof(buffer) / sizeof(TCHAR);

That link says that cchTextMax is read-only during LVN_GETDISPINFO and
that pszText points to a buffer that can hold cchTextMax TCHARs, but
in the LVN_GETDISPINFO example
( it
uses assignment instead of copy, i.e.:
    item.pszText =3D "hello";
instead of:
    strncpy(item.pszText, "hello", item.cchTextMax);

>>> A test required for this - let's say check that an ownerdata listview
>>> send LVN_GETDISPINFO before text update and the same thing for callback=
>>> (don't remember now maybe similar tests are already in).
>> I can do a test but not for 2 weeks (summer holidays).
> Summer? Ok.

Southern hemisphere. They get to avoid the snow and cold weather.

- Reece

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