Added a DOS test to kernel32 based on assembler code.

Morten Rønne morten.roenne at
Mon Apr 26 03:25:23 CDT 2010

 dlls/kernel32/tests/dosasm.c    |  129 +++++
 dlls/kernel32/tests/int21.asm   | 1069 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 dlls/kernel32/tests/ |    4 +
 dlls/kernel32/tests/  |   48 ++
 4 files changed, 1250 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 dlls/kernel32/tests/dosasm.c
 create mode 100644 dlls/kernel32/tests/int21.asm
 create mode 100644 dlls/kernel32/tests/
 create mode 100644 dlls/kernel32/tests/

diff --git a/dlls/kernel32/tests/dosasm.c b/dlls/kernel32/tests/dosasm.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b1e7f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dlls/kernel32/tests/dosasm.c
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+ * Copyright 2010 Morten Rønne
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+ */
+#include "wine/test.h"
+#include <winbase.h>
+static DWORD pos, end;
+char   buffer[8192];
+static int read_line (HANDLE *file, char *text)
+    DWORD  o;
+    o = 0;
+    if(pos == end) {
+        ReadFile(file, buffer, 8192, &end, NULL);
+        pos = 0;
+    }
+    while(pos < end) {
+        switch(buffer[pos]) {
+        case '\n':
+            text[o++] = '\n';
+            text[o++] = '\0';
+            pos++;
+            return 1;
+        case '\r': break;
+        default:
+            if(o < 510)
+                text[o++] = buffer[pos];
+        }
+        pos++;
+        if(pos == end) {
+            ReadFile(file, buffer, 8192, &end, NULL);
+            pos = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int read_test_file(char *name) {
+    HANDLE file;
+    char   line[512];
+    file = CreateFileA("test.rep", GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING,
+    ok(file != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "CreateFile failed for test.rep: %08x\n",
+        GetLastError());
+    if(file == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+        return 0;
+    pos = 0;
+    end = 0;
+    /* Read each line and make report */
+    while(read_line(file, line)) {
+        if(line[1] == ':' && line[2] == ' ') {
+            switch(line[0]) {
+            case 't':
+                todo_wine {
+                    ok(FALSE, "%s: %s", name, &line[3]);
+                }
+                break;
+            case 'w':
+                ok(TRUE, "%s: %s", name, &line[3]);
+                break;
+            default:
+                ok(FALSE, "%s: %s", name, &line[3]);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    CloseHandle(file);
+    return 1;
+static int run_program(LPSTR name)
+    /* The file is not found, then tests are not run, so we return TRUE */
+    if(GetFileAttributes(name) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)
+        return TRUE;
+    memset(&si, 0, sizeof(si));
+    si.cb = sizeof(si);
+    if (CreateProcessA(NULL, name, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi))
+    {
+        /* Wait for the process to finish */
+        WaitForSingleObject( pi.hProcess, INFINITE );
+        CloseHandle(pi.hThread);
+        CloseHandle(pi.hProcess);
+        if(read_test_file(name))
+            return TRUE;
+    }
+    return FALSE;
+    /*
+     *  We are testing DOS functions which requires 16 bit mode.
+     *  But this program runs in 32 bit mode.
+     *  So we load a 16 bit test program to do the actual testing.
+     *  After that reports are gathered and tested based on file created
+     *  by the run program.
+     *  So to affect todo's, change the 16 bit program not this.
+     */
+     /* First test int 21 which are required by all the others */
+     ok(run_program((LPSTR)"") == TRUE,
+         "Failed to run int 21 tests. Last Error: 0x%04x", GetLastError());
diff --git a/dlls/kernel32/tests/int21.asm b/dlls/kernel32/tests/int21.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57450b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dlls/kernel32/tests/int21.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,1069 @@
+; Copyright 2010 Morten Rønne
+; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+; version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+;    Test of selected int21 functions
+;    File open/write/close functions are expected to work in order
+;    to write the report file.
+;    But more extensive tests will be done.
+section .text
+    org 100h;
+    call  open_report
+    call  test_version_number
+    call  test_stdin
+    call  test_curr_drive
+    call  test_free_spc
+    call  test_sys_time
+    ;call  test_country
+    call  test_mem_alloc
+    ;===============================================================
+    ;
+    ;   Test file FCB functions
+    ;      Should we do this?
+    ;      Also Get/Set Disk Transfer Area
+    ;   
+    ;===============================================================
+    ;===============================================================
+    ;
+    ;   Get/Set interrupt vector
+    ;
+    ;===============================================================
+    ;  25/35
+    ;===============================================================
+    ;
+    ;   Create New program segment prefix
+    ;
+    ;===============================================================
+    ;  26h, DX = segment at which to create PSP
+    ;===============================================================
+    ;
+    ;  Close report file
+    ;
+    ;===============================================================
+    call  close_report
+    ;  Exit the program
+    mov  ax,4C00h
+    int  21h
+    retn
+    ;===============================================================
+    ;
+    ;  Test version number
+    ;
+    ;===============================================================
+    ; Get version number
+    mov   ax,3000h
+    int   21h
+    ; AL = Major, AH = Minor, BH = flag, BL:CX = Serial number
+    or    bl,bl
+    jnz   .ser_err
+    or    cx,cx
+    jnz   .ser_err
+    mov   byte [serial_err_str],'w'
+    push  ax
+    mov   dx,serial_err_str
+    mov   cx,serial_err_len
+    call  report
+    pop   ax
+    mov   bp,known_versions
+    mov   dx,[bp]
+    add   bp,2
+    cmp   dx,0
+    jz    .version_error
+    cmp   ax,dx
+    jz    .dos_version_ok
+    jmp   .loop
+    mov   byte [version_err_str],'w'
+    mov   di,version_output
+    call  ax_as_hex
+    mov   dx,version_err_str
+    mov   cx,version_err_len
+    call  report
+    ; Get OEM version number
+    mov   ax,3001h
+    int   21h
+    mov   bp,known_oem_versions
+    mov   dx,[bp]
+    add   bp,2
+    cmp   dx,0
+    jz    .version_error
+    cmp   ax,dx
+    jz    .oem_version_ok
+    jmp   .loop
+    mov   byte [vers_oem_err_str],'w'
+    mov   di,vers_oem_err_out
+    call  ax_as_hex
+    mov   dx,vers_oem_err_str
+    mov   cx,vers_oem_err_len
+    call  report
+    retn
+    ;===============================================================
+    ;
+    ;  Test system date/time
+    ;
+    ;===============================================================
+    mov   cx,0ffffh
+    mov   dx,0ffffh
+    mov   al,0ffh
+    ; Get system date
+    mov   ah,2ah
+    int   21h
+    ; CX = Year, DH = Month, DL = Day, AL = Day of Week
+    mov   byte [sysdate_check],'1'
+    cmp   cx,2009
+    jc    .sys_date_fail
+    mov   byte [sysdate_check],'2'
+    cmp   cx,2050
+    jnc   .sys_date_fail
+    mov   byte [sysdate_check],'3'
+    cmp   al,7
+    jnc   .sys_date_fail
+    mov   byte [sysdate_check],'4'
+    cmp   dh,13
+    jnc   .sys_date_fail
+    mov   byte [sysdate_check],'5'
+    cmp   dl,32
+    jnc   .sys_date_fail
+    mov   byte [sysdate_str],'w'
+    mov   dx,sysdate_str
+    mov   cx,sysdate_len
+    call  report
+    mov  cx,0ffffh
+    mov  dx,0ffffh
+    ; Get System time
+    mov  ah,2ch
+    int  21h
+    ; CH = Hour, CL = Min, DH = sec, DL = millisec
+    mov   byte [systime_check],'1'
+    cmp   ch,24
+    jnc   .sys_time_fail
+    mov   byte [systime_check],'2'
+    cmp   cl,60
+    jnc   .sys_time_fail
+    mov   byte [systime_check],'3'
+    cmp   dh,60
+    jnc   .sys_time_fail
+    mov   byte [systime_str],'w'
+    mov   dx,systime_str
+    mov   cx,systime_len
+    call  report
+    retn
+    ;===============================================================
+    ;
+    ;  Test stdin status
+    ;    Should return no character available
+    ;
+    ;===============================================================
+    mov   ah,0bh
+    mov   al,20h
+    int   21h
+    cmp   al,00h
+    jz    .ok_status
+    cmp   al,0ffh
+    jnz   .err_status
+    mov   byte [stdin_err_str],'w'
+    mov   di,stdin_status
+    call  al_as_hex
+    mov   dx,stdin_err_str
+    mov   cx,stdin_err_len
+    call  report
+    retn
+    ;===============================================================
+    ;
+    ;  Test current drive
+    ;
+    ;===============================================================
+    mov   ax,19ffh
+    int   21h
+    mov   [current_drive],al
+    cmp   al,26
+    jnc   .drive_err
+    mov   byte [curr_drive_str],'w'
+    mov   di,curr_drive_hex
+    call  al_as_hex
+    mov   dx,curr_drive_str
+    mov   cx,curr_drive_len
+    call  report
+    ;   TODO:  0eh - Set current drive
+    retn
+    ;===============================================================
+    ;
+    ;  Test free space of C:
+    ;
+    ;===============================================================
+    mov   ah,36h
+    mov   dl,[current_drive]
+    inc   dl
+    cmp   dl,25
+    jnz   .notz
+    mov   dl,3    ; If run from wine Z: use disk C: instead
+    int   21h
+    cmp   ax,0ffffh
+    jz    .free_err
+    mov   byte [freespace_str],'w'
+    mov   di,freespace_sector
+    call  ax_as_hex
+    mov   di,freespace_free
+    mov   ax,bx
+    call  ax_as_hex
+    mov   di,freespace_bytes
+    mov   ax,cx
+    call  ax_as_hex
+    mov   di,freespace_total
+    mov   dx,ax
+    call  ax_as_hex
+    mov   dx,freespace_str
+    mov   cx,freespace_len
+    call  report
+    retn
+    ;===============================================================
+    ;
+    ;   Check country information
+    ;
+    ;===============================================================
+    ;  Get default country
+    mov   ax,3800h
+    mov   dx,country_default
+    int   21h
+    jc    country_error
+    ; Check all the known languages
+    mov   dx,0ffffh
+    mov   bp,country_known
+    mov   ax,[bp]
+    cmp   ax,0ffffh
+    jz    country_error
+    cmp   ax,0ffh
+    jc    .lowval
+    mov   bx,ax
+    mov   al,0ffh
+    mov   ah,38h
+    mov   dx,country_buffer
+    int   21h
+    jnc   country_ok
+    inc   bp
+    inc   bp
+    jmp   .country_loop
+    mov   byte [country_err],'w'
+    mov   dx,country_err
+    mov   cx,country_len
+    call  report
+    retn
+    ;===============================================================
+    ;
+    ;   Test memory functions
+    ;
+    ;===============================================================
+    ; Get segment of first byte after from PSP
+    mov   ax,[2]
+    ; Do some size calculation based on PSP values.
+    mov   bx,es
+    sub   ax,bx
+    mov   [psp_mem_size],ax   ; Size of largest block
+    mov   ax,[2]
+    call  dump_mcb
+    ; Check that it points to valid end MCB
+    ; As .COM program we should have all low memory
+    ; So we resize to 64K first
+    mov   ah,4ah
+    mov   bx,4096
+    int   21h
+    jc    .cant_decrease1
+    mov   ax,bx
+    mov   di,resize_out
+    call  ax_as_hex
+    mov   dx,resize_str
+    mov   ah,9
+    int   21h
+    ; Resize to max should reallocate all memory again
+    mov   ah,4ah
+    mov   bx,0ffffh
+    int   21h
+    jnc   .unexpected_succes
+    cmp   bx,[psp_mem_size]
+    jnz   .resize_wrong
+    ; And resize to 64K again, so we can check memory alloc
+    mov   ah,4ah
+    mov   bx,4096
+    int   21h
+    jc    .cant_decrease2
+    mov   ax,bx
+    mov   di,resize_out
+    call  ax_as_hex
+    mov   dx,resize_str
+    mov   ah,9
+    int   21h
+    ; 
+    ; Allocate 1M. This should fail
+    mov   bx,0ffffh
+    mov   ah,48h
+    int   21h
+    jnc   .unexpected_succes
+    mov   [largest],bx
+    mov   ax,bx
+    mov   di,large
+    call  ax_as_hex
+    mov   dx,large_str
+    mov   ah,9
+    int   21h
+    ; Calculate the size we should have gotten
+    mov   ax,[psp_mem_size]
+    sub   ax,1001h
+    cmp   ax,[largest]
+    jnz   .memory_failed
+    ; Allocate a fresh 4K block
+    mov   ah,48h
+    mov   bx,100h
+    int   21h
+    jc    .memory_failed
+    mov   [new_memory],ax
+    mov   es,ax
+    ; Try resize above possible
+    mov   ah,4ah
+    mov   bx,0ffffh
+    int   21h
+    jnc   .unexpected_succes
+    ; BX should be largest 
+    cmp   bx,[largest]
+    jnz   .resize_failed
+    ; Now we should have all normal memory
+    ; We should get a upper memory block now
+    mov   ah,4ah
+    mov   bx,100h
+    int   21h
+    jc    .upper_failed
+    cmp   ax,0a000h
+    jnc   .upper_failed
+    jmp   .memory_ok
+    ; Now lets resize the original memory (which can't expand)
+    mov   ax,ds
+    mov   es,ax
+    mov   ah,48h
+    mov   bx,2000h
+    int   21h
+    jnc   .resize_didnt_fail
+    cmp   bx,1000h
+    jnz   .resize_size_err
+    mov   byte [resize_no_out],'w'
+    mov   ax,bx
+    mov   di,resize_no_out
+    call  ax_as_hex
+    mov   dx,resize_no_str
+    mov   cx,resize_no_len
+    call  report
+    ; This may succed if run in protected mode
+    mov   dx,memory_ok_err
+    mov   cx,memory_ok_len
+    call  report
+    jmp   .memory_ok
+    mov   ax,bx
+    mov   di,resize_up1_got
+    call  ax_as_hex
+    mov   ax,[psp_mem_size]
+    mov   di,resize_up1_expect
+    call  ax_as_hex
+    mov   dx,resize_up1_err
+    mov   cx,resize_up1_len
+    call  report
+    jmp   .memory_ok
+    mov   dx,decrease1_err
+    mov   cx,decrease1_len
+    call  report
+    jmp   .memory_ok
+    mov   dx,decrease2_err
+    mov   cx,decrease2_len
+    call  report
+    jmp   .memory_ok
+    mov   dx,resize_fail_err
+    mov   cx,resize_fail_len
+    call  report
+    jmp   .memory_ok
+    mov   dx,no_resize_err
+    mov   cx,no_resize_len
+    call  report
+    jmp   .memory_ok
+    mov   dx,upper_fail_err
+    mov   cx,upper_fail_len
+    call  report
+    jmp   .memory_ok
+    mov   dx,memory_fail_err
+    mov   cx,memory_fail_len
+    call  report
+    ; Cleanup
+    mov   ax,[new_memory]
+    or    ax,ax
+    jz    .free_upper
+    mov   es,ax
+    ; We clear new_memory now, to avoid trying freeing it again
+    xor   ax,ax
+    mov   [new_memory],ax
+    mov   ah,49h
+    int   21h
+    jc    .memory_failed
+    mov   ax,[upper_mem]
+    or    ax,ax
+    jz    .free_done
+    mov   es,ax
+    ; We clear uper_mem now, to avoid trying freeing it again
+    xor   ax,ax
+    mov   [upper_mem],ax
+    mov   ah,49h
+    int   21h
+    jc    .upper_failed
+    mov   ax,ds
+    mov   es,ax
+    retn
+    mov   si,0
+    mov   di,mcb_dump
+    mov   bx,ax
+    push  ds
+    mov   ds,bx
+    mov   al,[si]
+    pop   ds
+    call  al_as_hex
+    inc   di
+    inc   si
+    cmp   si,16
+    jnz   .loop
+    mov   dx,mcb_str
+    mov   ah,09h
+    int   21h
+    retn
+    ;===============================================================
+    ;
+    ;   Test file handle functions
+    ;
+    ;===============================================================
+    ;   3ch   create or truncate file
+    ;   3dh   open file
+    ;   3eh   close file
+    ;   3fh   read from file
+    ;   40h   write to file
+    ;   41h   delete file
+    ;   42h   Set current file position
+    ;   43h   Get file attributes
+    ;   43h   Set file attributes
+    ;   3bh   Set current directory
+    ;   39h   Create directory
+    ;   3ah   Delete directory
+    ;   47h   Get current directory
+    ;   56h   Rename file
+    ;   57h   Get last-written date and time
+    ;   57h   Set last-written date and time
+    ;  Open file for writing
+    ;  Write a string to file
+    ;  Close file
+    ;  Open file for reading
+    ;  Read string from file
+    ;  Close file
+    ;  Compare to stored string
+    ;  Create directory
+    ;  Change to directory
+    ;  Repeat file test above
+    ;  Delete file
+    ;  Change to old current directory
+    ;  Delete directory
+    ;  Position checking
+    ;  Get verify flag
+    ;  Set verify flag
+    retn
+    push  si
+    mov   al,[si]
+    cmp   al,0
+    jz    .clear
+    inc   si
+    mov   [di],al
+    inc   di
+    dec   cx
+    jz    .exit
+    jmp   .loop
+    mov   byte [di],' '
+    inc   di
+    dec   cx
+    jnz   .clear
+    pop   si
+    retn
+    push  ax
+    mov   al,ah
+    call  al_as_hex
+    pop   ax
+    push ax
+    ror  al,4
+    call .digit
+    pop  ax
+    and  al,0fh
+    add  al,48
+    cmp  al,58
+    jc   .nothex
+    add  al,7
+    mov  [di],al
+    inc  di
+    retn
+%include ""
+section .data
+output_handle     dw   0
+largest           dw   0
+avail             dw   0
+new_memory        dw   0
+upper_mem         dw   0
+psp_mem_size      dw   0
+resize_mem_size   dw   0
+current_drive     db   0
+country_known     dw  001h  ; (1)	United States
+                  dw  002h  ; (2)	Canadian-French
+                  dw  003h  ; (3)	Latin America
+                  dw  004h  ; (4)	Canada (English)
+                  dw  007h  ; (7)	Russia
+                  dw  014h  ; (20)	Egypt
+                  dw  01Bh  ; (27)	South Africa
+                  dw  01Eh  ; (30)	Greece
+                  dw  01Fh  ; (31)	Netherlands
+                  dw  020h  ; (32)	Belgium
+                  dw  021h  ; (33)	France
+                  dw  022h  ; (34)	Spain
+                  dw  023h  ; (35)	Bulgaria???
+                  dw  024h  ; (36)	Hungary (not supported by DR DOS 5.0)
+                  dw  026h  ; (38)	Yugoslavia (not supported by DR DOS 5.0) -- obsolete
+                  dw  027h  ; (39)	Italy / San Marino / Vatican City
+                  dw  028h  ; (40)	Romania
+                  dw  029h  ; (41)	Switzerland / Liechtenstein
+                  dw  02Ah  ; (42)	Czechoslovakia / Tjekia / Slovakia (not supported by DR DOS 5.0)
+                  dw  02Bh  ; (43)	Austria (DR DOS 5.0)
+                  dw  02Ch  ; (44)	United Kingdom
+                  dw  02Dh  ; (45)	Denmark
+                  dw  02Eh  ; (46)	Sweden
+                  dw  02Fh  ; (47)	Norway
+                  dw  030h  ; (48)	Poland (not supported by DR DOS 5.0)
+                  dw  031h  ; (49)	Germany
+                  dw  033h  ; (51)	Peru
+                  dw  034h  ; (52)	Mexico
+                  dw  035h  ; (53)	Cuba
+                  dw  036h  ; (54)	Argentina
+                  dw  037h  ; (55)	Brazil (not supported by DR DOS 5.0)
+                  dw  038h  ; (56)	Chile
+                  dw  039h  ; (57)	Columbia
+                  dw  03Ah  ; (58)	Venezuela
+                  dw  03Ch  ; (60)	Malaysia
+                  dw  03Dh  ; (61)	International English / Australia
+                  dw  03Eh  ; (62)	Indonesia / East Timor
+                  dw  03Fh  ; (63)	Philippines
+                  dw  040h  ; (64)	New Zealand
+                  dw  041h  ; (65)	Singapore
+                  dw  042h  ; (66)	Thailand (or Taiwan???)
+                  dw  051h  ; (81)	Japan (DR DOS 5.0, MS-DOS 5.0+)
+                  dw  052h  ; (82)	South Korea (DR DOS 5.0)
+                  dw  054h  ; (84)	Vietnam
+                  dw  056h  ; (86)	China (MS-DOS 5.0+)
+                  dw  058h  ; (88)	Taiwan (MS-DOS 5.0+)
+                  dw  05Ah  ; (90)	Turkey (MS-DOS 5.0+)
+                  dw  05Bh  ; (91)	India
+                  dw  05Ch  ; (92)	Pakistan
+                  dw  05Dh  ; (93)	Afghanistan
+                  dw  05Eh  ; (94)	Sri Lanka
+                  dw  062h  ; (98)	Iran
+                  dw  063h  ; (99)	Asia (English)
+                  dw  066h  ; (102)	??? (Hebrew MS-DOS 5.0)
+                  dw  070h  ; (112)	Belarus
+                  dw  0C8h  ; (200)	Thailand (PC DOS 6.1+)
+		 ; (reported as 01h due to a bug in PC DOS COUNTRY.SYS)
+                  dw  0D4h  ; (212)	Morocco
+                  dw  0D5h  ; (213)	Algeria
+                  dw  0D8h  ; (216)	Tunisia
+                  dw  0DAh  ; (218)	Libya
+                  dw  0DCh  ; (220)	Gambia
+                  dw  0DDh  ; (221)	Senegal
+                  dw  0DEh  ; (222)	Maruitania
+                  dw  0DFh  ; (223)	Mali
+                  dw  0E0h  ; (224)	African Guinea
+                  dw  0E1h  ; (225)	Ivory Coast
+                  dw  0E2h  ; (226)	Burkina Faso
+                  dw  0E3h  ; (227)	Niger
+                  dw  0E4h  ; (228)	Togo
+                  dw  0E5h  ; (229)	Benin
+                  dw  0E6h  ; (230)	Mauritius
+                  dw  0E7h  ; (231)	Liberia
+                  dw  0E8h  ; (232)	Sierra Leone
+                  dw  0E9h  ; (233)	Ghana
+                  dw  0EAh  ; (234)	Nigeria
+                  dw  0EBh  ; (235)	Chad
+                  dw  0ECh  ; (236)	Centra African Republic
+                  dw  0EDh  ; (237)	Cameroon
+                  dw  0EEh  ; (238)	Cape Verde Islands
+                  dw  0EFh  ; (239)	Sao Tome and Principe
+                  dw  0F0h  ; (240)	Equatorial Guinea
+                  dw  0F1h  ; (241)	Gabon
+                  dw  0F2h  ; (242)	Congo
+                  dw  0F3h  ; (243)	Zaire
+                  dw  0F4h  ; (244)	Angola
+                  dw  0F5h  ; (245)	Guinea-Bissau
+                  dw  0F6h  ; (246)	Diego Garcia
+                  dw  0F7h  ; (247)	Ascension Isle
+                  dw  0F8h  ; (248)	Seychelles
+                  dw  0F9h  ; (249)	Sudan
+                  dw  0FAh  ; (250)	Rwhanda
+                  dw  0FBh  ; (251)	Ethiopia
+                  dw  0FCh  ; (252)	Somalia
+                  dw  0FDh  ; (253)	Djibouti
+                  dw  0FEh  ; (254)	Kenya
+                  dw  0FFh  ; (255)	Tanzania
+                  dw  100h  ; (256)	Uganda
+                  dw  101h  ; (257)	Burundi
+                  dw  103h  ; (259)	Mozambique
+                  dw  104h  ; (260)	Zambia
+                  dw  105h  ; (261)	Madagascar
+                  dw  106h  ; (262)	Reunion Island
+                  dw  107h  ; (263)	Zimbabwe
+                  dw  108h  ; (264)	Namibia
+                  dw  109h  ; (265)	Malawi
+                  dw  10Ah  ; (266)	Lesotho
+                  dw  10Bh  ; (267)	Botswana
+                  dw  10Ch  ; (268)	Swaziland
+                  dw  10Dh  ; (269)	Comoros
+                  dw  10Eh  ; (270)	Mayotte
+                  dw  122h  ; (290)	St. Helena
+                  dw  129h  ; (297)	Aruba
+                  dw  12Ah  ; (298)	Faroe Islands
+                  dw  12Bh  ; (299)	Greenland
+                  dw  15Eh  ; (350)	Gibraltar
+                  dw  15Fh  ; (351)	Portugal
+                  dw  160h  ; (352)	Luxembourg
+                  dw  161h  ; (353)	Ireland
+                  dw  162h  ; (354)	Iceland
+                  dw  163h  ; (355)	Albania
+                  dw  164h  ; (356)	Malta
+                  dw  165h  ; (357)	Cyprus
+                  dw  166h  ; (358)	Finland
+                  dw  167h  ; (359)	Bulgaria
+                  dw  172h  ; (370)	Lithuania (reported as 372 due to a bug in MS-DOS COUNTRY.SYS)
+                  dw  173h  ; (371)	Latvia (reported as 372 due to a bug in MS-DOS COUNTRY.SYS)
+                  dw  174h  ; (372)	Estonia
+                  dw  175h  ; (373)	Moldova
+                  dw  177h  ; (375)	??? (MS-DOS 7.10 / Windows98)
+                  dw  17Ch  ; (380)	Ukraine
+                  dw  17Dh  ; (381)	Serbia / Montenegro
+                  dw  180h  ; (384)	Croatia
+                  dw  181h  ; (385)	Croatia (PC DOS 7+)
+                  dw  182h  ; (386)	Slovenia
+                  dw  183h  ; (387)	Bosnia-Herzegovina (Latin)
+                  dw  184h  ; (388)	Bosnia-Herzegovina (Cyrillic) (PC DOS 7+)
+		 ; (reported as 381 due to a bug in PC DOS COUNTRY.SYS)
+                  dw  185h  ; (389)	FYR Macedonia
+                  dw  1A5h  ; (421)	Czech Republic / Tjekia (PC DOS 7+)
+                  dw  1A6h  ; (422)	Slovakia
+		 ; (reported as 421 due to a bug in COUNTRY.SYS)
+                  dw  1F4h  ; (500)	Falkland Islands
+                  dw  1F5h  ; (501)	Belize
+                  dw  1F6h  ; (502)	Guatemala
+                  dw  1F7h  ; (503)	El Salvador
+                  dw  1F8h  ; (504)	Honduras
+                  dw  1F9h  ; (505)	Nicraragua
+                  dw  1FAh  ; (506)	Costa Rica
+                  dw  1FBh  ; (507)	Panama
+                  dw  1FCh  ; (508)	St. Pierre and Miquelon
+                  dw  1FDh  ; (509)	Haiti
+                  dw  24Eh  ; (590)	Guadeloupe
+                  dw  24Fh  ; (591)	Bolivia
+                  dw  250h  ; (592)	Guyana
+                  dw  251h  ; (593)	Ecuador
+                  dw  252h  ; (594)	rench Guiana
+                  dw  253h  ; (595)	Paraguay
+                  dw  254h  ; (596)	Martinique / French Antilles
+                  dw  255h  ; (597)	Suriname
+                  dw  256h  ; (598)	Uruguay
+                  dw  257h  ; (599)	Netherland Antilles
+                  dw  29Ah  ; (666)	Russia??? (PTS-DOS 6.51 KEYB)
+                  dw  29Bh  ; (667)	Poland??? (PTS-DOS 6.51 KEYB)
+                  dw  29Ch  ; (668)	Poland??? (Slavic???) (PTS-DOS 6.51 KEYB)
+                  dw  29Eh  ; (670)	Saipan / N. Mariana Island
+                  dw  29Fh  ; (671)	Guam
+                  dw  2A0h  ; (672)	Norfolk Island (Australia) / Christmas Island/Cocos Islands / Antartica
+                  dw  2A1h  ; (673)	Brunei Darussalam
+                  dw  2A2h  ; (674)	Nauru
+                  dw  2A3h  ; (675)	Papua New Guinea
+                  dw  2A4h  ; (676)	Tonga Islands
+                  dw  2A5h  ; (677)	Solomon Islands
+                  dw  2A6h  ; (678)	Vanuatu
+                  dw  2A7h  ; (679)	Fiji
+                  dw  2A8h  ; (680)	Palau
+                  dw  2A9h  ; (681)	Wallis & Futuna
+                  dw  2AAh  ; (682)	Cook Islands
+                  dw  2ABh  ; (683)	Niue
+                  dw  2ACh  ; (684)	American Samoa
+                  dw  2ADh  ; (685)	Western Samoa
+                  dw  2AEh  ; (686)	Kiribati
+                  dw  2AFh  ; (687)	New Caledonia
+                  dw  2B0h  ; (688)	Tuvalu
+                  dw  2B1h  ; (689)	French Polynesia
+                  dw  2B2h  ; (690)	Tokealu
+                  dw  2B3h  ; (691)	Micronesia
+                  dw  2B4h  ; (692)	Marshall Islands
+                  dw  2C7h  ; (711)	??? (currency = EA$, code pages 437,737,850,852,855,857)
+                  dw  311h  ; (785)	Arabic (Middle East/Saudi Arabia/etc.)
+                  dw  324h  ; (804)	Ukraine
+                  dw  329h  ; (809)	Antigua and Barbuda and more
+                  dw  352h  ; (850)	North Korea
+                  dw  354h  ; (852)	Hong Kong
+                  dw  355h  ; (853)	Macao
+                  dw  357h  ; (855)	Cambodia
+                  dw  358h  ; (856)	Laos
+                  dw  370h  ; (880)	Bangladesh
+                  dw  376h  ; (886)	Taiwan (MS-DOS 6.22+)
+                  dw  3C0h  ; (960)	Maldives
+                  dw  3C1h  ; (961)	Lebanon
+                  dw  3C2h  ; (962)	Jordan
+                  dw  3C3h  ; (963)	Syria / Syrian Arab Republic
+                  dw  3C4h  ; (964)	Iraq
+                  dw  3C5h  ; (965)	Kuwait
+                  dw  3C6h  ; (966)	Saudi Arabia
+                  dw  3C7h  ; (967)	Yemen
+                  dw  3C8h  ; (968)	Oman
+                  dw  3C9h  ; (969)	Yemen??? (Arabic MS-DOS 5.0)
+                  dw  3CBh  ; (971)	United Arab Emirates
+                  dw  3CCh  ; (972)	Israel (Hebrew) (DR DOS 5.0,MS-DOS 5.0+)
+                  dw  3CDh  ; (973)	Bahrain
+                  dw  3CEh  ; (974)	Qatar
+                  dw  3CFh  ; (975)	Bhutan
+                  dw  3D0h  ; (976)	Mongolia
+                  dw  3D1h  ; (977)	Nepal
+                  dw  3E3h  ; (995)	Myanmar (Burma)
+                  dw 0ffffh ; End marker
+;   Each known version takes 2 words
+;   The order is minor/major with 2 hexdigits for each
+;   This is due to way the value is returned
+                  dw 0005h
+                  dw 0006h
+                  dw 0007h
+                  dw 0       ; end marker
+                  dw 0005h
+                  dw 0006h
+                  dw 0007h
+                  dw 0       ; end marker
+%include ""
+serial_err_str    db "t: Serial number is zero",13,10
+serial_err_len    equ $ - serial_err_str
+version_err_str   db "t: DOS version match known list: "
+version_output    db '????'
+                  db 13,10
+version_err_len   equ $ - version_err_str
+vers_oem_err_str  db "t: OEM Version match known list: "
+vers_oem_err_out  db '????'
+                  db 13,10
+vers_oem_err_len  equ $ - vers_oem_err_str
+stdin_err_str     db 'e: Stdin status 00 or FFh,  Got '
+stdin_status      db '??'
+                  db 13,10
+stdin_err_len     equ $- stdin_err_str
+curr_drive_str    db 'e: Current drive in expected range 0x00-0x19.'
+                  db ' Return: '
+curr_drive_hex    db '??h.'
+                  db 13,10
+curr_drive_len    equ $- curr_drive_str
+sysdate_str       db 'e: System date ok. Check no '
+sysdate_check     db '?',13,10
+sysdate_len       equ $- sysdate_str
+systime_str       db 'e: System time ok. Check no '
+systime_check     db '?',13,10
+systime_len       equ $- systime_str
+freespace_str     db  'e: Free disk space check. Sectors pr. Cluster: '
+freespace_sector  db  '????h. Bytes pr. sector: '
+freespace_bytes   db  '????h. Free clusters: '
+freespace_free    db  '????h. Total clusters: '
+freespace_total   db  '????h.'
+                  db  13,10
+freespace_len     equ $- freespace_str
+country_err       db 't: No specific country returned information.',13,10
+country_len       equ $ - country_err
+upper_fail_err    db 't: Failed to allocate upper memory block.',13,10
+upper_fail_len    equ $ - upper_fail_err
+resize_fail_err   db "t: Resize failure. Didn't return correct size",13,10
+resize_fail_len   equ $ - resize_fail_err
+no_resize_err     db "e: Resize didn',39,'t fail as it should.",13,10
+no_resize_len     equ $ - no_resize_err
+memory_fail_err   db 'e: Memory allocation failed',13,10
+memory_fail_len   equ $ - memory_fail_err
+memory_ok_err     db 'e: Unexpect succes of memory allocation.',13,10
+memory_ok_len     equ $ - memory_ok_err
+decrease1_err     db 'e: Couldn',39,'t decrease size to 64K first time.',13,10
+decrease1_len     equ $ - decrease1_err
+decrease2_err     db 'e: Couldn',39,'t decrease size to 64K second time.',13,10
+decrease2_len     equ $ - decrease2_err
+resize_up1_err    db 't: Couldn',39,'t resize original size to max. Expected '
+resize_up1_expect db '????. Got '
+resize_up1_got    db '????.',13,10
+resize_up1_len    equ $ - resize_up1_err
+resize_no_str     db 't: Resize to 128K and no memory available.'
+                  db ' Expected 1000h, BX='
+resize_no_out     db '????h.',13,10
+resize_no_len     equ $ - resize_no_str
+avail_str         db 'Available '
+avail_out         db '????',13,10,'$'
+psp_str           db 'PSP size '
+psp_out           db '????',13,10,'$'
+resize_str        db 'Resize to 64K, BX='
+resize_out        db '????',13,10,'$'
+maxsize_str       db 'Resize to max alloc, BX='
+maxsize_out       db '????',13,10,'$'
+large_str         db 'Largest '
+large             db '????',13,10,'$'
+mcb_str           db 'MCB: '
+mcb_dump          db '?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? '
+                  db '?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??'
+                  db 13,10,'$'
+section .bss
+    ; Buffer for country information
+country_buffer    resb 64 
+country_default   resb 64 
+stack             resb 1024
diff --git a/dlls/kernel32/tests/ b/dlls/kernel32/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3dd741b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dlls/kernel32/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+output_filename   db 'test.rep',0
+failed_output     db "Can't create report file test.rep",13,10,'$'
+failed_write      db "Can't write to report file test.rep",13,10,'$'
diff --git a/dlls/kernel32/tests/ b/dlls/kernel32/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44dbe16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dlls/kernel32/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+    ; Open test output report file
+    mov   ah,3ch
+    mov   cx,0000h
+    mov   dx,output_filename
+    int   21h
+    jnc   test_go
+    ; Can't write to output file
+    mov   ah,09h
+    mov   dx,failed_output
+    int   21h
+    mov   ax,4c01h
+    int   21h
+    mov   [output_handle],ax
+    retn
+  ; Report the string pointer at dx, length cx
+  ; String is written to report file
+    mov   ah,40h
+    mov   bx,[output_handle]
+    int   21h
+    jc   .err
+    retn
+    mov   dx,failed_write
+    mov   ah,9
+    int   21h
+    ; Terminate
+    mov   ax,4c01h
+    int   21h
+    retn
+    mov   ah,2eh
+    mov   bx,[output_handle]
+    int   21h
+    retn

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