shell32[1/2]: implements shell link's GetCurFile (with tests, fixes bug #21297)

Austin English austinenglish at
Wed Feb 10 14:28:26 CST 2010

2010/2/10 Mikołaj Zalewski <mikolaj at>:
>  Some installers require this.
+    expect_eq_x(S_FALSE, IPersistFile_IsDirty(pf));
+    expect_eq_x(S_FALSE, IPersistFile_GetCurFile(pf, &string));
+    expect_eq_p(NULL, string);
+    expect_eq_x(S_OK, IShellLinkA_GetHotkey(link, &hotkey));
+    expect_eq_x(0, hotkey);
+    expect_eq_x(S_FALSE, IPersistFile_IsDirty(pf));
+    // Setting the same value will not set IsDirty...
+    expect_eq_x(S_OK, IShellLinkA_SetHotkey(link, 0));
+    todo_wine expect_eq_x(S_FALSE, IPersistFile_IsDirty(pf));
+    // ... but a different one will.

You've got C++ comments in there...


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