Addition of En resources to non-En resources

Francois Gouget fgouget at
Fri Jul 2 11:36:38 CDT 2010

Dmitry wrote:
> > These were picked at random. Isn't it strange how all these 
> > translated controls have the same size as the English version 
> > despite widely different text content?
> There is nothing strange there, if the text still fits and doesn't get
> clipped out.

Let's check it out then:

> dlls/comdlg32/cdlg_En.rc: LTEXT "List Files of &Type:", 1089, 6, 104, 90, 9
> dlls/comdlg32/cdlg_Eo.rc: LTEXT "Dosier&speco:", 1089, 6, 104, 90, 9
> dlls/comdlg32/cdlg_Wa.rc: LTEXT "Djveye des fitchs del sr&te:", 1089, 6, 104, 90, 9
> dlls/comdlg32/cdlg_Fi.rc: LTEXT "&Luettele tiedostot tyypeittin:", 1089, 6, 104, 90, 9

As expected Wallon and Finnish are truncated:

> dlls/msvfw32/msvfw32_En.rc:    PUSHBUTTON "&About...",883,129,52,49,14
> dlls/msvfw32/msvfw32_Da.rc:    PUSHBUTTON "O&m...",883,129,52,49,14
> dlls/msvfw32/msvfw32_Ru.rc:    PUSHBUTTON "&Информация...",883,129,52,49,14
> dlls/msvfw32/msvfw32_Uk.rc:    PUSHBUTTON "&Інформація...",883,129,52,49,14

I couldn't check Russian and Ukranian due to font issues, but Italian 
at least is truncated:

> dlls/shell32/shell32_Ja.rc: LTEXT "Wine was brought to you by:", IDC_ABOUT_WINE_TEXT, 8, 54, 204, 10
> dlls/shell32/shell32_Es.rc: LTEXT "Wine le ha sido proporcionado por:", IDC_ABOUT_WINE_TEXT, 8, 54, 204, 10
> dlls/shell32/shell32_Si.rc: LTEXT "Wine smo ustvarili:", IDC_ABOUT_WINE_TEXT, 8, 54, 204, 10
> dlls/shell32/shell32_Sv.rc: LTEXT "Wine hade inte varit mjligt utan dessa personer:", IDC_ABOUT_WINE_TEXT, 8, 54, 204, 10

You were right about this string, it's in a field large enough that it 
does not get trucated. The 'About...' button is not so lucky however:

> dlls/winspool.drv/En.rc:    LTEXT "&Output File Name:", -1, 7, 13, 194, 13, WS_VISIBLE
> dlls/winspool.drv/Pl.rc:    LTEXT "&Nazwa pliku do ktrego ma by zapisany wydruk:", -1, 7, 13, 194, 13, WS_VISIBLE
> dlls/winspool.drv/No.rc:    LTEXT "&Ut-fil:", -1, 7, 13, 194, 13, WS_VISIBLE

This one does not generate a fake dll so I did not check it out.

So the situation is not so good.

Francois Gouget <fgouget at>    
                     Linux: the choice of a GNU generation

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