More benchmarks of 3d performance comparing windows and linux

Dan Kegel dank at
Wed May 12 20:10:10 CDT 2010

On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 8:24 AM, Stefan Dösinger <stefandoesinger at> wrote:
> Steam is pretty nice in this regard. Everything you need can be controlled via Command line, e.g.
> Steam.exe -login <user> <pass> -applaunch 220 -novid -console -window -w 1024 -h 768 -dxlevel 90 +timedemo mytimedemo
> Everything after -applaunch 220 is a game argument. With Source engine games you can pass anything you can enter on the console via "+command". You can't make the game quit that way though, because if you pass "+timedemo xxx +quit" it will quit right after starting the timedemo - the timedemo command doesn't block.

I hear there's a +timedemoquit command....

Can you send me the timedemo files you use?

> Also, there's an add popup after the game quits, which can be annoying if you run multiple tests without restarting Steam. It can be disabled via a Steam setting(or registry key)

Pray tell...
- Dan

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