shell32: Add ExplorerBrowser with IExplorerBrowser interface stub.

Nikolay Sivov nsivov at
Mon May 24 08:22:37 CDT 2010

On 5/24/2010 17:13, David Hedberg wrote:
>> You don't test for a rectangle later, so there's no point to initialize it.
> I haven't written any tests to see what ::Initialize can handle yet,
> but the reasoning behind the initialization is to make sure that
> ExplorerBrowser won't crash randomly due to being passed a bad
> rectangle (the RECT parameter is an in-parameter). I think that doing
> this is reasonable?
Yeah, that's fine then. I personally don't like ZeroMemory, but in that 
case I don't really care.

Also could you use more descriptive test functions names:
> +    test_Initialize();
> +    test_Interfaces();
For example test_supported_interfaces() or something like that, cause 
all these tests are about testing interfaces actually.

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