Allowed reverse engineering methods

Mariusz Pluciński vshader at
Sun May 30 12:41:02 CDT 2010

I'm working on implementation of Games Explorer for Wine
(in Google Summer of Code). My work gets progress, but to
finish it, I need to get more information about Windows

My question is: which reverse engineering methods are
legal and accepted while working in Wine project?
Only information I found is located on Wine's wiki page

>  *  You are not allowed to read or reuse Windows source code
>(leaked source / Windows >Research Kernel* / ...)
>(* we are following the SFLC's advice)
>  *  You are not allowed to reverse engineer Windows files by
>disassembling or >decompiling them
>  *  You are not allowed to analyze Windows files with the
>trace functions of Wine

But which methods are allowed? I assume that "obvious"
methods (reading header files, registry dumps, etc.) are
acceptable, but can I e.g. analyze .pdb symbol files
(availble in e.g. Microsoft's DirectX SDK)?

Can I copy executable from Windows (.exe) and analyze it in Wine
using winedebug's "relay" channel? (last point from website
I linked above says that I can't analyze "Windows files" this way,
but I'm not sure is it apply for executables in way I described).

Mariusz Pluciński

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