Stopping Win9x testing

Greg Geldorp ggeldorp at
Tue Nov 30 14:06:39 CST 2010

> From: Paul Vriens
> On 11/30/2010 04:41 PM, Alexandre Julliard wrote:
> > The value of running tests on Win9x these days is certainly questionable.
> > We don't try to emulate the Win9x behavior anyway, except in a very few
> > cases (which most likely don't have tests...) so it only serves to
> > document historical behavior that nobody cares about any longer.
> >
> > I wouldn't be opposed to switching off win9x test runs and getting rid
> > of the corresponding broken().
> So the first thing is a patch to winetest.exe and the winetest website
> and at the same time tell Greg to exclude it from 'patchwatcher' and the
> batch running of the (almost) daily winetests.

I'll mark the Win9x VMs offline when there's nothing queued to run on them.
Then in a weeks time I can delete them after all jobs referring to them
have been retired/deleted (referential integrity in the database).
So for the next week you'll see a red dot with "One or more VMs are offline"
on the testbot main page, don't be alarmed by this.


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