wined3d/state: Treat unrecognized D3DZBUFFERTYPEs as D3DZB_TRUE. (try 2)

Adam Martinson amartinson at
Thu Apr 28 10:47:34 CDT 2011

On 04/28/2011 04:21 AM, Henri Verbeet wrote:
> I'm not so convinced there's value in this, considering there are no
> known applications depending on this. Stefan thinks it's useful
> anyway. If you do want to spend the effort to make this go in, note
> that this affects ddraw and d3d8 as well, not just d3d9. The test
> should probably just have a loop in depth_buffer_test() itself, or
> even write a test specific for this purpose. The wined3d part might as
> well handle the state as a BOOL, considering WINED3DZB_USEW isn't
> handled all that different from WINED3DZB_TRUE, except for the FIXME.
I'll continue to work on this if Stefan wants it, but as the app doesn't 
need it anymore I won't spend more time on it otherwise.

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