cmd: Print error messages on stderr, not on stdout. (try3)

Francois Gouget fgouget at
Fri Dec 2 09:55:22 CST 2011

On Fri, 2 Dec 2011, Frédéric Delanoy wrote:
> There is now a discrepancy between wine output, and testrunner output, e.g.
> echo ------ eol option
> for /f "eol=@" %%i in ("    ad") do echo %%i
> echo bar
> gave
> ------ eol option
> Syntax error
> bar
> but not gives
> ------ eol option
> bar
> Shouldn't cmd output  always give the same as test runner output
> (which is supposed to run cmd on the input file (test_builtins.cmd),
> albeit with some preprocessing)?

Are you just confused because batch.c sends stdout to test.out and 
sdterr to test.err while, when running 'wine cmd' everything ends out 
on the console?

Francois Gouget <fgouget at>    
                Linux: It is now safe to turn on your computer.

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