tests/amstream.c doesn't test anything

Joerg-Cyril.Hoehle at t-systems.com Joerg-Cyril.Hoehle at t-systems.com
Wed Jan 12 06:16:33 CST 2011


please take a look at test.winehq.org

It appears that almost all native machines perform 0 tests on amstream.
As no skip is flagged, results appear all green.
The only exception are Wylda's XP machines. They execute 16 tests
but fail one of them.

Can we conclude that the amstream tests are in a bad shape, despite green colour?
Or that some amstream components are optional and should be installed on more test bots?
(Note that the amstream.dll is present, otherwise the message would be different)

Most Wine machines also execute 0 tests, except Nicolas Le Cam's (nlc)
amstream.c:163: Test marked todo: IDirectDrawMediaStream_CreateSample returned: 80004001
What's different about these machines?

Should I take this to bugzilla? I know next to nothing about
amstream. It is about streaming to audio or a DirectDraw surface.

 Jörg Höhle

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