Wine compatibility

Adam Kłobukowski adamklobukowski at
Wed Mar 23 03:47:32 CDT 2011


I have a question for Wine developers, not 100% related to development, 
so: please excuse me for wasting your time.

Officially sated, Wine wants to be 'bug-by-bug' implementation of 
Windows APIs. On the other hand, it is known that all (?) version of 
Windows contain 'hacks' to make important and not well behaving 
applications work (mostly workarounds for application bugs). This 
'hacks' work by detecting that a faulty app is running, and turning 
special 'hack' mode for such app. Because of this, black box testing 
often used by Wine developers will not detect such workarounds, and 
applications that (seem to) work perfectly well under Windows, will not 
work under Wine.

Is there a solution for this? What is Wine devs position on this matter?

Side question: Windows could make a 'clean start' with 64 bit 
environment, did they?

Thank you for your time.

Adam Klobukowski

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