Using native msvc*.dll: all or nothing?

Dan Kegel dank at
Thu Nov 17 14:34:39 CST 2011

Given errors like

err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward
'msvcrt.__CxxFrameHandler3' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\msvcr90.dll". If
you are using builtin L"msvcr90.dll", try using the native one instead.

I'm starting to get the feeling that, if you're going to install any
flavor of Microsoft C++ runtime libraries, you should install
them all.  Is that more or less correct?

i.e. should winetricks add a verb that installs all of
vcrun6, vcrun2003, vcrun2005, vcrun2008, and maybe vcrun2010
and encourage users to do that instead of installing the
individual libraries?

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