po: Update Russian translation

Francois Gouget fgouget at free.fr
Wed Sep 21 04:47:14 CDT 2011

On Wed, 21 Sep 2011, Nikolay Sivov wrote:
> >   * "(Yes|No)" ->  "(да|нет)" and "Y" ->  "д"
> >     This is used for languages where typing the translated strings
> >     presents no special challenge.
> >
> >   * "(Yes|No)" ->  "(да (Y)|нет (N))" and "Y" ->  "Y"
> >     If typing the translated strings is cumbersome for some reason (but
> >     I guess it's not the case here).
> >     In truth this approach is mostly used for accelerators. I guess
> >     that's because Alt cannot be combined with characters composed
> >     through dead keys or special input methods, and also because it
> >     avoids trouble with accelerator collisions in case two translations
> >     start with the same letter (like if 'Yes' and 'No' both both
> >     translated to words starting with 'C' for instance).
> I don't know what we use for other languages but I prefer second way.

They all went with the first way:

po/sr_RS at cyrillic.po:msgid "%s? (Yes|No)\n"
po/sr_RS at cyrillic.po-msgstr "%s? (Да|Не)\n"

po/da.po:msgid "%s? (Yes|No)\n"
po/da.po-msgstr "%s? (Ja|Nei)\n"

po/de.po:msgid "%s? (Yes|No)\n"
po/de.po-msgstr "%s? (Ja|Nein)\n"

po/fr.po:msgid "%s? (Yes|No)\n"
po/fr.po-msgstr "%s ? (Oui|Non)\n"

po/it.po:msgid "%s? (Yes|No)\n"
po/it.po-msgstr "%s? (Sì|No)\n"

po/ja.po:msgid "%s? (Yes|No)\n"
po/ja.po:msgstr "%s? (Yes|No)\n" !!!

po/ko.po:msgid "%s? (Yes|No)\n"
po/ko.po-msgstr "%s? (예|아니오)\n"

po/lt.po:msgid "%s? (Yes|No)\n"
po/lt.po-msgstr "%s? (Taip|Ne)\n"

po/nb_NO.po:msgid "%s? (Yes|No)\n"
po/nb_NO.po-msgstr "%s? (Ja|Nei)\n"

po/nl.po:msgid "%s? (Yes|No)\n"
po/nl.po-msgstr "%s? (Ja|Nee)\n"

po/pl.po:msgid "%s? (Yes|No)\n"
po/pl.po-msgstr "%s? (Tak|Nie)\n"

po/pt_BR.po:msgid "%s? (Yes|No)\n"
po/pt_BR.po-msgstr "%s? (Sim|Não)\n"

po/sl.po:msgid "%s? (Yes|No)\n"
po/sl.po-msgstr "%s? (Da|Ne)\n"

po/sr_RS at latin.po:msgid "%s? (Yes|No)\n"
po/sr_RS at latin.po-msgstr "%s? (Da|Ne)\n"

po/sv.po:msgid "%s? (Yes|No)\n"
po/sv.po-msgstr "%s? (Ja|Nej)\n"

Francois Gouget <fgouget at free.fr>              http://fgouget.free.fr/
     Linux, WinNT, MS-DOS - also known as the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

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