automate winedbg IDE integration

Eric Pouech eric.pouech at
Fri Apr 13 14:39:07 CDT 2012

Le 13/04/2012 19:58, Ilya Basin a écrit :
> Hi developers. There's a manual on this page:
>> Start the Wine debugger with a command line like:
>>          winedbg --gdb --no-start<name_of_exe_to_debug.exe>
>> Start ddd
>> In ddd, use the 'Open File' or 'Open Program' to point to the Wine executable (which is either wine-pthread or wine-kthread depending on your settings).
>> In the output of 1/, there's a line like
>>          target remote localhost:32878
>> copy that line and paste into ddd command pane (the one with the (gdb) prompt)
> So many steps. Is there an easier way? Or maybe everyone use plain
> winedbg without any IDE?

it depends on how the interaction with gdb is done... some IDE provide 
sufficient parametrisation of gdb launching so that you can use directly
        winedbg --gdb <nameofexe.exe>
but YMMV
which IDE do you have in mind ?

Eric Pouech
"The problem with designing something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of a complete idiot." (Douglas Adams)

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