d3dx9_36: Implementation of D3DXSHRotateZ

Matteo Bruni matteo.mystral at gmail.com
Wed Jul 18 07:17:05 CDT 2012

2012/7/18 Nozomi Kodama <nozomi.kodama at yahoo.com>:

Minor nitpicks, but nevertheless:

> -@ stub D3DXSHRotateZ(ptr long long ptr)
> +@ stdcall D3DXSHRotateZ(ptr long long ptr)
> +FLOAT* WINAPI D3DXSHRotateZ(FLOAT *out, UINT order, FLOAT angle, CONST FLOAT *in)

I guess using "float" in the spec file for the third parameter would
be more appropriate (yes, it was already wrong but that's not an
excuse ;)

+                if ( i >= order * order || ( (order >
+                expected = ( i + 1.0f ) * ( i + 1.0f );

Bad indentation.

In general the inner for loop in the tests feels awkward, try to
rewrite it to avoid the duplicated stuff.

+            }
+	}
+    }

You're adding a tab character here, please use only whitespaces for indentation.

That said, thanks for your work on d3dx9!

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