Got Application cross-compiled with msvc11 for ARM running

André Hentschel nerv at
Thu Mar 8 15:44:20 CST 2012

Am 08.03.2012 22:15, schrieb Stefan Dösinger:
> Am Donnerstag, 8. März 2012, 17:59:48 schrieb Michael Stefaniuc:
>> I don't mean the full Wine, just the missing libs and headers for people
>> to easily port their Windows apps to ARM.
> What libraries are missing? Or is this still under NDA?

Easier to tell what's available:

ActiveDS.Lib      evr.lib          PortableDeviceGuids.lib
AdvAPI32.Lib      Gdi32.Lib        RpcRT4.Lib
ComDlg32.Lib      kernel32.Lib     shell32.lib
d2d1.lib          Mfcore.lib       strsafe.lib
d3d11.lib         Mf.lib           twinapi.lib
d3dcompiler.lib   Mfplat.lib       UIAutomationCore.lib
dcomp.lib         mfreadwrite.lib  User32.Lib
deviceaccess.lib  mfuuid.lib       Uuid.Lib
DhcpCSvc6.Lib     mmdevapi.lib     WebServices.lib
DhcpCSvc.Lib      msxml6.lib       windowscodecs.lib
dloadhelper.lib   normaliz.lib     WinSpool.Lib
dwrite.lib        odbc32.lib       Xinput.lib
dxgi.lib          odbccp32.lib     xmllite.lib
ElsCore.lib       Ole32.Lib
esent.lib         OleAut32.Lib

(That's the build environment, can't tell what will be available in WOA)


Best Regards, André Hentschel

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