Spelling errors in en_US translation

Francois Gouget fgouget at free.fr
Mon Mar 26 11:31:07 CDT 2012

On Fri, 16 Mar 2012, Julian Rüger wrote:

> Am Freitag, den 16.03.2012, 11:05 +0100 schrieb Francois Gouget:
> >  * All of Wine resources are supposed to be 100% American English.
> >  * en_US is automatically filled using Wine's resources.
> >  * en is manually translated to British English, essentially like any 
> >    other language.
> > Why en rather than en_GB?
> Maybe we should rename en.po?

I checked with Alexandre and it turns out en.po is not just used for 
British but also for Canadian, Australian, etc. That's why it's not 
called en_GB.po. In theory that means it should contain 'neutral 
English' but there's not really any such thing so in practice that means 
it's British English.

And I got confirmation that the en_US.po spelling issues should be fixed 
in the corresponding RC file. Also, ideally one should provide a command 
to fixup the PO files to avoid fuzzying the translations every time.

> > Should en.po only contain translations where British differs from 
> > American English? But then how do we know that the translation is 
> > complete?

The thinking is that en.po should probably contain entries for 
everything even though that may be more work to maintain (really not 
that much compared to a real translation; imho, maybe even less as it 
would make keeping it up to date much easier). And that should fix bug 

Francois Gouget <fgouget at free.fr>              http://fgouget.free.fr/
                     f u kn rd ts, ur wy 2 gky 4 ur wn gd.

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