Any advice please... Console input issue

Eric Pouech eric.pouech at
Tue Nov 13 03:40:33 CST 2012

> I tested the following
>           HANDLE hConRW = CreateFileA("CONIN$"
>                              , GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,
>                              FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING,
>                              FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0);
>           if (hConRW == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) hConRW = handle;
>           ret = bare_console_fetch_input(hConRW, fd, timeout);
>           if (hConRW!=handle) CloseHandle(hConRW);
> It works a charm, although feels inefficient for the times handle was
> already r/w - (it feels slightly odd that the 'handle' we are working on is
> unrelated to the handle passed in (I was worried about stdin redirection,
> but that seems to work fine even after the change).
> Was this what you meant or have I gone off on a tangent?
more or less. I was thinking to add a helper functions for the
writeconsoleinput calls in bare_console_fetch_input.
and this helper function would :
- try to call writeconsoleinput with the current console input handle
- if it fails with status_access_denied, then create the right handle as you did
- from your code, please use CreateFileW instead of CreateFileA

Eric Pouech

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