Does auto-apt work to get wine dependencies in source code?

Hugh McMaster hugh.mcmaster at
Mon Aug 26 23:38:31 CDT 2013

On Monday, 26 August 2013 5:20 AM, Maarten Lankhorst wrote:

>Op 25-08-13 14:09, Susan Cragin schreef:
>> Was thinking of running some tests but the list of dependencies on the website seems outdated, apt-get build-dep does not work.
>Is that with the ubuntu-wine ppa enabled?

The Wine PPA isn't required on Ubuntu or similar distros (e.g. Linux Mint).

You just need to make sure that the source repositories (i.e. deb-src) are enabled in /etc/apt/sources.list or /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sources.list. (Ubuntu seems to do this automatically.)

Once this is done, you can just enter 'sudo apt-get build-dep wine' in a terminal. Confusion may come from the Recommended Packages wiki page ( The command should be 'wine' not 'wine1.3' or 'wine1.4'.  I'll get a patch for this later today.

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