My Wine static analysis tool

Damjan Jovanovic damjan.jov at
Tue Jan 15 13:15:12 CST 2013

On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 9:06 PM, André Hentschel <nerv at> wrote:
> Am 15.01.2013 18:51, schrieb Damjan Jovanovic:
>> Hi
>> I've hacked together a simple tool for analyzing Wine code. Currently
>> it can do the following:
>> 1. Find BOOL functions returning non-BOOL.
>> 2. Find HRESULT functions returning non-HRESULTs.
>> 3. Generate a TRACE() for each function showing all its parameters.
>> It isn't really a formal C parser, as it ignores all preprocessor
>> directives, but this makes it *much* simpler and shorter than a real C
>> parser, and it sees original Windows types like LPCWSTR etc. It's not
>> 100% accurate, but it's very effective. 3 of my recent patches have
>> been generated with its help - and I've barely gotten started.
>> I'd like to add the following features at some stage:
>> * Populate all functions with a TRACE() of their arguments, if they
>> don't already have it.
>> * Scan all GUIDs in include/ and generate a full list of all GUIDs and
>> their names. Then patch debugstr_guid() to also output the name of the
>> GUID when available, and/or search and replace GUIDs in WINEDEBUG
>> traces after they've been recorded.
>> * Update .spec files from .c file contents, and verify .spec file accuracy.
>> * It could be extended to examine contents of functions and enforce
>> the absence of W->A and 32->16 calls, etc.
>> * etc.
> I'd say put it on github. Which language do you use? I have a hacked tool for one feature, maybe i'll clean it up and send a patch/git-pull-request.
> --
> Best Regards, André Hentschel

svn co
mvn package

Then run it, eg.:
java -jar target/GrapeVineScanner-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar checkHresultReturns

Function parse_file_list returns ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER which might
not be a HRESULT
Function parse_file_list returns ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED which might not
Function copy_files returns ERROR_SHELL_INTERNAL_FILE_NOT_FOUND which
might not be a HRESULT
Function copy_files returns ERROR_CANCELLED which might not be a HRESULT
Function copy_files returns ERROR_CANCELLED which might not be a HRESULT
Function copy_files returns ERROR_CANCELLED which might not be a HRESULT
Function copy_files returns ERROR_CANCELLED which might not be a HRESULT
Function copy_files returns ERROR_CANCELLED which might not be a HRESULT
Function copy_files returns ERROR_CANCELLED which might not be a HRESULT
Function copy_files returns ERROR_SUCCESS which might not be a HRESULT
Function copy_files returns ERROR_NO_MORE_SEARCH_HANDLES which might
not be a HRESULT
Function copy_files returns ERROR_SUCCESS which might not be a HRESULT
Function copy_files returns ERROR_CANCELLED which might not be a HRESULT
Function copy_files returns ERROR_CANCELLED which might not be a HRESULT
Function copy_files returns ERROR_SUCCESS which might not be a HRESULT
Function delete_files returns ERROR_SUCCESS which might not be a HRESULT
Function delete_files returns 0 which isn't a HRESULT constant
Function delete_files returns ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND which might not be a HRESULT
Function delete_files returns ERROR_SUCCESS which might not be a HRESULT
Function move_files returns ERROR_CANCELLED which might not be a HRESULT
Function move_files returns ERROR_CANCELLED which might not be a HRESULT
Function move_files returns ERROR_CANCELLED which might not be a HRESULT
Function move_files returns ERROR_CANCELLED which might not be a HRESULT
Function move_files returns ERROR_CANCELLED which might not be a HRESULT
Function move_files returns ERROR_CANCELLED which might not be a HRESULT
Function move_files returns ERROR_SUCCESS which might not be a HRESULT
Function rename_files returns ERROR_GEN_FAILURE which might not be a HRESULT
Function rename_files returns ERROR_CANCELLED which might not be a HRESULT
Function rename_files returns ERROR_SHELL_INTERNAL_FILE_NOT_FOUND
which might not be a HRESULT
Function rename_files returns ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS which might not be a HRESULT
Function rename_files returns SHNotifyMoveFileW(feFrom->szFullPath,
feTo->szFullPath) which might not be a HRESULT
Function SHPathPrepareForWriteA returns SHPathPrepareForWriteW(hwnd,
modless, wpath, flags) which might not be a HRESULT

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