windowscodecs: Workaround libtiff bug when it defines toff_t as 32-bit for 32-bit builds. Take 2.

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at
Sat Jul 27 20:38:18 CDT 2013

Vincent Povirk <madewokherd at> wrote:

> There's a TIFF_VERSION define that seems to have been renamed to
> It doesn't make sense to do the check at runtime, given we're only
> going to link to one of the versions.

TIFF_VERSION_CLASSIC reflects the TIFF format itself, it's defined
to 42, TIFF_VERSION_BIG introduced in 4.x defined to 43.

Unfortunately TIFFLIB_VERSION define reflects the date, not the real
version. So for instance libtiff 3.9.7 has it defined to 20120922,
4.0.0 - 20111221, 4.0.1 - 20120218. I don't see a way to differentiate
between 3.x and 4.x at compile time. 


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