Duplicate relocations in DLL

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Thu May 16 09:34:40 CDT 2013

On 15 May 2013, at 16:31, Alessandro Pignotti wrote:

> Packaged with a game, I found a peculiar DLL which has duplicate  
> blocks in the
> relocation table. I mean that the same pages are relocated twice and  
> this of
> course breaks the DLL. I'm not sure about what could be a right way  
> to support
> such (broken) DLLs. A possibility would be to keep track of already  
> relocated
> pages and skip them if needed. Suggestions are welcome.

I've just asked a colleague of mine about this and according to him  
it's perfectly legal in Windows to have multiple relocation blocks for  
the same section, in which case Windows will also fixup everything  
twice. So simply ignoring such relocations is normally wrong. Which  
dll from which game is this?


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