ole32: Add a basic OLE client/server test suite. Take 2.

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at baikal.ru
Fri May 31 22:24:36 CDT 2013

Alexandre Julliard <julliard at winehq.org> wrote:

> It seems to be awfully complicated. In particular I don't think you need
> a shared mapping plus a pipe plus a mutex just to log tracing
> output. Redefining standard macros is also not a good idea.

Launching the server in responce to say CoCreateInstance is out of our
control, happens behind the scene, and the server runs in its own console,
so it's impossible make a simple redirection by passing in/out handles to
CreateProcess. So using a pipe and a passing its write end via shared memory
seems like an obvious solution. Without a mutex client and server output is
messed up under Windows. Redefining trace allows to write to the pipe in
the server and synchronize server output on the client side. If you have
a suggestion how to simplify all of this please let me know.


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