[PATCH 2/5] wait until all data from earlier test has been written in test_waittxempty

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at baikal.ru
Thu Sep 5 05:40:13 CDT 2013

Wolfgang Walter <wine at stwm.de> wrote:

> This is not a work around.
> todo_wine will not magically undo sending the bytes.
> Please explain why you think that there will be now pending
> bytes in the tx buffer if the tests fails.
> And why it does not make the next tests fail even if wine would
> behave correctly then.
>     res = WriteFile(hcom, tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), &bytes, NULL);
> todo_wine
>     ok(!res, "WriteFile on an overlapped handle without ovl structure should fail\n");
> todo_wine
>     ok(GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "expected ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %d\n", GetLastError());
> both tests would fail with wine actually. Wine does write 17 bytes to
> com port these bytes now sit in tx buffer and need some time sending.
> This distorts the following tests which tests the EV_TXEMPTY behaviour:
> Again 17 bytes are written and then the tests assume that one waits
> for these 17 bytes (timeout value and messurement).
> But really we wait for much more bytes being sent, up to 36.
> So even if EV_TXEMPTY handling would work the test for it will fail with a timeout.

Does 'make test' pass without failures for you?


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