testbot/log2revtimes: Add a script to extract the VM revert times from the WineTestBot log and prepare them for analysis.

Francois Gouget fgouget at codeweavers.com
Mon May 12 13:59:15 CDT 2014

On Mon, 12 May 2014, Francois Gouget wrote:

> ---
> I'm using this script to parse the Engine log and generate a CSV files I 
> can import in a spreadsheet to generate a graph of the VM revert times. 
> But having it only on my machine feels wrong. So I propose to put it in 
> the scripts directory (which feels like a sort of contrib directory) so 
> it can be used by others.

And here is the spreadsheet I import the 'CVS' file into:

And the corresponding graphs:

 * Since the beginning of times
   This graph shows all the revert times since the new TestBot was put 
   online. The Y axis is logarithmic so the high revert times don't 
   cause all the low ones to be crunched together. Note that the 
   stratification is caused by the 1 second ganularity of the 
   mesurements. I guess it needs an annotation with the different 

 * Since last April
   This shows the revert times a bit before the VM1 host crashed and 
   went through reconstruction. This confirms my suspicions: the revert 
   times are not very good :-(

Francois Gouget <fgouget at codeweavers.com>

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