[PATCH 8/8] wined3d: Implement applying state for compute pipeline.

Matteo Bruni matteo.mystral at gmail.com
Thu Feb 2 12:16:45 CST 2017

2017-02-02 19:10 GMT+01:00 Henri Verbeet <hverbeet at gmail.com>:
> On 2 February 2017 at 15:41, Józef Kucia <joseph.kucia at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I think it would complicate things a lot. Applying all states for
>> dispatches would mean that we have to acquire, prepare and load all
>> resources potentially used by draws, e.g. render targets and constant
>> buffers. This would be required mainly because of the way how
>> context_state_fb(), state_cb() and similar are implemented. It could
>> be possibly mitigated to some extent by refactoring how the states are
>> applied, e.g. using a similar mechanism to
>> "context->update_shader_resource_bindings", but this approach doesn't
>> appeal to me.
> One approach would be to split things up when invalidating the states.
> In the longer term, I do think we want to think about reworking how
> states are applied, but it'll likely be a bit involved.

Heh, I was writing a reply mostly along the same lines. It doesn't add
much at this point but here it is anyway...

>>> +    for (i = 0, dirty_idx = 0; i < context->numDirtyEntries; ++i)
>>>      {
>>>          DWORD rep = context->dirtyArray[i];
>>> -        DWORD idx = rep / (sizeof(*context->isStateDirty) * CHAR_BIT);
>>> -        BYTE shift = rep & ((sizeof(*context->isStateDirty) * CHAR_BIT) - 1);
>>> -        context->isStateDirty[idx] &= ~(1u << shift);
>>> -        state_table[rep].apply(context, state, rep);
>>> +        if (!is_compute_state(rep))
>>> +            apply_state(context, state_table, state, rep);
>>> +        else
>>> +            context->dirtyArray[dirty_idx++] = rep;
> Applying just necessary states may also avoid unnecessary work, but
> this shouldn't matter much in practice.

It shouldn't but it might, I'd not be surprised to see applications
change a bunch of draw states before a compute dispatch and change
them again before the eventual draw. We've seen similar things before.

Doing it like this does look a bit ugly though. What about changing
the dirty flags side instead, so that compute shader states don't end
up in isStateDirty / dirtyArray but in their own data structures?

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