Adding DXIL support

Greg Roth goyoroth at
Tue Sep 10 18:42:42 CDT 2019


I'd like to add support for the new Direct X shader bitcode format, DXIL to
wine. I'm afraid I only just subscribed to this list. So I'm unsure if
someone else is already working on it. I've made some progress on the
project already and I wanted to check if I could get clearance to do so.

There is one potential complication. I've never worked for Microsoft. I've
never viewed Microsoft proprietary code that is not under a FOSS license. I
have however made some contributions to the DirectXShaderCompiler project It is based on LLVM and
released under the University of Illinois License. So I've obviously viewed
parts of that code. I will not be basing my implementation on that
codebase, rather I'll be drawing from the rather extensive LLVM
documentation. I hope this will not be a hindrance to contributing to this
project, but I wanted to be forthcoming about it in case it was.


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