[PATCH v2 1/9] shell32: Move _SHCreateSymbolicLinks() above shell folders lookup functions.

Olivier F. R. Dierick o.dierick at piezo-forte.be
Tue Feb 18 17:16:36 CST 2020

Looking up shell folders creates real directories when the folder is
inexistant, but the intended behavior for some folders is to create
symbolic links by default. Prepare that change by moving the helper
function above shell folders lookup functions. Also fix whitespace
issues in the moved code.

Wine-Bug: https://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=22974
Signed-off-by: Olivier F. R. Dierick <o.dierick at piezo-forte.be>
 dlls/shell32/shellpath.c | 534 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 file changed, 267 insertions(+), 267 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/shell32/shellpath.c b/dlls/shell32/shellpath.c
index b6350ea..9bec709 100644
--- a/dlls/shell32/shellpath.c
+++ b/dlls/shell32/shellpath.c
@@ -3949,9 +3949,274 @@ end:
+ * _SHAppendToUnixPath  [Internal]
+ *
+ * Helper function for _SHCreateSymbolicLinks. Appends pwszSubPath (or the
+ * corresponding resource, if IS_INTRESOURCE) to the unix base path 'szBasePath'
+ * and replaces backslashes with slashes.
+ *
+ *  szBasePath  [IO] The unix base path, which will be appended to (CP_UNXICP).
+ *  pwszSubPath [I]  Sub-path or resource id (use MAKEINTRESOURCEW).
+ *
+ *  Success: TRUE,
+ *  Failure: FALSE
+ */
+static inline BOOL _SHAppendToUnixPath(char *szBasePath, LPCWSTR pwszSubPath) {
+    WCHAR wszSubPath[MAX_PATH];
+    int cLen = strlen(szBasePath);
+    char *pBackslash;
+    if (IS_INTRESOURCE(pwszSubPath)) {
+        if (!LoadStringW(shell32_hInstance, LOWORD(pwszSubPath), wszSubPath, MAX_PATH)) {
+            /* Fall back to hard coded defaults. */
+            switch (LOWORD(pwszSubPath)) {
+                case IDS_PERSONAL:
+                    lstrcpyW(wszSubPath, DocumentsW);
+                    break;
+                case IDS_MYMUSIC:
+                    lstrcpyW(wszSubPath, My_MusicW);
+                    break;
+                case IDS_MYPICTURES:
+                    lstrcpyW(wszSubPath, My_PicturesW);
+                    break;
+                case IDS_MYVIDEOS:
+                    lstrcpyW(wszSubPath, My_VideosW);
+                    break;
+                case IDS_DOWNLOADS:
+                    lstrcpyW(wszSubPath, DownloadsW);
+                    break;
+                case IDS_TEMPLATES:
+                    lstrcpyW(wszSubPath, TemplatesW);
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    ERR("LoadString(%d) failed!\n", LOWORD(pwszSubPath));
+                    return FALSE;
+            }
+        }
+    } else {
+        lstrcpyW(wszSubPath, pwszSubPath);
+    }
+    if (szBasePath[cLen-1] != '/') szBasePath[cLen++] = '/';
+    if (!WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UNIXCP, 0, wszSubPath, -1, szBasePath + cLen,
+                             FILENAME_MAX - cLen, NULL, NULL))
+    {
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    pBackslash = szBasePath + cLen;
+    while ((pBackslash = strchr(pBackslash, '\\'))) *pBackslash = '/';
+    return TRUE;
+ * _SHCreateSymbolicLinks  [Internal]
+ *
+ * Sets up symbol links for various shell folders to point into the user's home
+ * directory. We do an educated guess about what the user would probably want:
+ * - If there is a 'My Documents' directory in $HOME, the user probably wants
+ *   wine's 'My Documents' to point there. Furthermore, we infer that the user
+ *   is a Windows lover and has no problem with wine creating subfolders for
+ *   'My Pictures', 'My Music', 'My Videos' etc. under '$HOME/My Documents', if
+ *   those do not already exist. We put appropriate symbolic links in place for
+ *   those, too.
+ * - If there is no 'My Documents' directory in $HOME, we let 'My Documents'
+ *   point directly to $HOME. We assume the user to be a unix hacker who does not
+ *   want wine to create anything anywhere besides the .wine directory. So, if
+ *   there already is a 'My Music' directory in $HOME, we symlink the 'My Music'
+ *   shell folder to it. But if not, then we check XDG_MUSIC_DIR - "well known"
+ *   directory, and try to link to that. If that fails, then we symlink to
+ *   $HOME directly. The same holds for 'My Pictures', 'My Videos' etc.
+ * - The Desktop shell folder is symlinked to XDG_DESKTOP_DIR. If that does not
+ *   exist, then we try '$HOME/Desktop'. If that does not exist, then we leave
+ *   it alone.
+ * ('My Music',... above in fact means LoadString(IDS_MYMUSIC))
+ */
+static void _SHCreateSymbolicLinks(void)
+    static const UINT aidsMyStuff[] = {
+    };
+    static const WCHAR * const MyOSXStuffW[] = {
+        PicturesW, MoviesW, MusicW, DownloadsW, TemplatesW
+    };
+    static const int acsidlMyStuff[] = {
+    };
+    static const char * const xdg_dirs[] = {
+    };
+    static const unsigned int num = ARRAY_SIZE(xdg_dirs);
+    WCHAR wszTempPath[MAX_PATH];
+    char szPersonalTarget[FILENAME_MAX], *pszPersonal;
+    char szMyStuffTarget[FILENAME_MAX], *pszMyStuff;
+    char szDesktopTarget[FILENAME_MAX], *pszDesktop;
+    struct stat statFolder;
+    const char *pszHome;
+    HRESULT hr;
+    char ** xdg_results;
+    char * xdg_desktop_dir;
+    UINT i;
+    /* Create all necessary profile sub-dirs up to 'My Documents' and get the unix path. */
+                          SHGFP_TYPE_DEFAULT, wszTempPath);
+    if (FAILED(hr)) return;
+    pszPersonal = wine_get_unix_file_name(wszTempPath);
+    if (!pszPersonal) return;
+    hr = XDG_UserDirLookup(xdg_dirs, num, &xdg_results);
+    if (FAILED(hr)) xdg_results = NULL;
+    pszHome = getenv("HOME");
+    if (pszHome && !stat(pszHome, &statFolder) && S_ISDIR(statFolder.st_mode))
+    {
+        while (1)
+        {
+            /* Check if there's already a Wine-specific 'My Documents' folder */
+            strcpy(szPersonalTarget, pszHome);
+            if (_SHAppendToUnixPath(szPersonalTarget, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(IDS_PERSONAL)) &&
+                !stat(szPersonalTarget, &statFolder) && S_ISDIR(statFolder.st_mode))
+            {
+                /* '$HOME/My Documents' exists. Create subfolders for
+                 * 'My Pictures', 'My Videos', 'My Music' etc. or fail silently
+                 * if they already exist.
+                 */
+                for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(aidsMyStuff); i++)
+                {
+                    strcpy(szMyStuffTarget, szPersonalTarget);
+                    if (_SHAppendToUnixPath(szMyStuffTarget, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(aidsMyStuff[i])))
+                        mkdir(szMyStuffTarget, 0777);
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+            /* Try to point to the XDG Documents folder */
+            if (xdg_results && xdg_results[num-2] &&
+               !stat(xdg_results[num-2], &statFolder) &&
+               S_ISDIR(statFolder.st_mode))
+            {
+                strcpy(szPersonalTarget, xdg_results[num-2]);
+                break;
+            }
+            /* Or the hardcoded / OS X Documents folder */
+            strcpy(szPersonalTarget, pszHome);
+            if (_SHAppendToUnixPath(szPersonalTarget, DocumentsW) &&
+               !stat(szPersonalTarget, &statFolder) &&
+               S_ISDIR(statFolder.st_mode))
+                break;
+            /* As a last resort point to $HOME. */
+            strcpy(szPersonalTarget, pszHome);
+            break;
+        }
+        /* Replace 'My Documents' directory with a symlink or fail silently if not empty. */
+        remove(pszPersonal);
+        symlink(szPersonalTarget, pszPersonal);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* '$HOME' doesn't exist. Create subdirs for 'My Pictures', 'My Videos',
+         * 'My Music' etc. in '%USERPROFILE%\My Documents' or fail silently if
+         * they already exist. */
+        pszHome = NULL;
+        strcpy(szPersonalTarget, pszPersonal);
+        for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(aidsMyStuff); i++) {
+            strcpy(szMyStuffTarget, szPersonalTarget);
+            if (_SHAppendToUnixPath(szMyStuffTarget, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(aidsMyStuff[i])))
+                mkdir(szMyStuffTarget, 0777);
+        }
+    }
+    /* Create symbolic links for 'My Pictures', 'My Videos', 'My Music' etc. */
+    for (i=0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(aidsMyStuff); i++)
+    {
+        /* Create the current 'My Whatever' folder and get its unix path. */
+        hr = SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, acsidlMyStuff[i]|CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE, NULL,
+                              SHGFP_TYPE_DEFAULT, wszTempPath);
+        if (FAILED(hr)) continue;
+        pszMyStuff = wine_get_unix_file_name(wszTempPath);
+        if (!pszMyStuff) continue;
+        while (1)
+        {
+            /* Check for the Wine-specific '$HOME/My Documents' subfolder */
+            strcpy(szMyStuffTarget, szPersonalTarget);
+            if (_SHAppendToUnixPath(szMyStuffTarget, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(aidsMyStuff[i])) &&
+                !stat(szMyStuffTarget, &statFolder) && S_ISDIR(statFolder.st_mode))
+                break;
+            /* Try the XDG_XXX_DIR folder */
+            if (xdg_results && xdg_results[i])
+            {
+                strcpy(szMyStuffTarget, xdg_results[i]);
+                break;
+            }
+            /* Or the OS X folder (these are never localized) */
+            if (pszHome)
+            {
+                strcpy(szMyStuffTarget, pszHome);
+                if (_SHAppendToUnixPath(szMyStuffTarget, MyOSXStuffW[i]) &&
+                    !stat(szMyStuffTarget, &statFolder) &&
+                    S_ISDIR(statFolder.st_mode))
+                    break;
+            }
+            /* As a last resort point to the same location as 'My Documents' */
+            strcpy(szMyStuffTarget, szPersonalTarget);
+            break;
+        }
+        remove(pszMyStuff);
+        symlink(szMyStuffTarget, pszMyStuff);
+        heap_free(pszMyStuff);
+    }
+    /* Last but not least, the Desktop folder */
+    if (pszHome)
+        strcpy(szDesktopTarget, pszHome);
+    else
+        strcpy(szDesktopTarget, pszPersonal);
+    heap_free(pszPersonal);
+    xdg_desktop_dir = xdg_results ? xdg_results[num - 1] : NULL;
+    if (xdg_desktop_dir ||
+        (_SHAppendToUnixPath(szDesktopTarget, DesktopW) &&
+        !stat(szDesktopTarget, &statFolder) && S_ISDIR(statFolder.st_mode)))
+    {
+                              SHGFP_TYPE_DEFAULT, wszTempPath);
+        if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (pszDesktop = wine_get_unix_file_name(wszTempPath)))
+        {
+            remove(pszDesktop);
+            if (xdg_desktop_dir)
+                symlink(xdg_desktop_dir, pszDesktop);
+            else
+                symlink(szDesktopTarget, pszDesktop);
+            heap_free(pszDesktop);
+        }
+    }
+    /* Free resources allocated by XDG_UserDirLookup() */
+    if (xdg_results)
+    {
+        for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
+            heap_free(xdg_results[i]);
+        heap_free(xdg_results);
+    }
  * SHGetFolderPathW			[SHELL32.@]
- * Convert nFolder to path.  
+ * Convert nFolder to path.
  *  Success: S_OK
@@ -4046,7 +4311,7 @@ HRESULT WINAPI SHGetFolderPathAndSubDirW(
     DWORD      folder = nFolder & CSIDL_FOLDER_MASK;
     CSIDL_Type type;
     int        ret;
     TRACE("%p,%#x,%p,%#x,%s,%p\n", hwndOwner, nFolder, hToken, dwFlags, debugstr_w(pszSubPath), pszPath);
     /* Windows always NULL-terminates the resulting path regardless of success
@@ -4382,271 +4647,6 @@ static HRESULT _SHRegisterCommonShellFolders(void)
- * _SHAppendToUnixPath  [Internal]
- *
- * Helper function for _SHCreateSymbolicLinks. Appends pwszSubPath (or the 
- * corresponding resource, if IS_INTRESOURCE) to the unix base path 'szBasePath' 
- * and replaces backslashes with slashes.
- *
- *  szBasePath  [IO] The unix base path, which will be appended to (CP_UNXICP).
- *  pwszSubPath [I]  Sub-path or resource id (use MAKEINTRESOURCEW).
- *
- *  Success: TRUE,
- *  Failure: FALSE
- */
-static inline BOOL _SHAppendToUnixPath(char *szBasePath, LPCWSTR pwszSubPath) {
-    WCHAR wszSubPath[MAX_PATH];
-    int cLen = strlen(szBasePath);
-    char *pBackslash;
-    if (IS_INTRESOURCE(pwszSubPath)) {
-        if (!LoadStringW(shell32_hInstance, LOWORD(pwszSubPath), wszSubPath, MAX_PATH)) {
-            /* Fall back to hard coded defaults. */
-            switch (LOWORD(pwszSubPath)) {
-                case IDS_PERSONAL:
-                    lstrcpyW(wszSubPath, DocumentsW);
-                    break;
-                case IDS_MYMUSIC:
-                    lstrcpyW(wszSubPath, My_MusicW);
-                    break;
-                case IDS_MYPICTURES:
-                    lstrcpyW(wszSubPath, My_PicturesW);
-                    break;
-                case IDS_MYVIDEOS:
-                    lstrcpyW(wszSubPath, My_VideosW);
-                    break;
-                case IDS_DOWNLOADS:
-                    lstrcpyW(wszSubPath, DownloadsW);
-                    break;
-                case IDS_TEMPLATES:
-                    lstrcpyW(wszSubPath, TemplatesW);
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    ERR("LoadString(%d) failed!\n", LOWORD(pwszSubPath));
-                    return FALSE;
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-        lstrcpyW(wszSubPath, pwszSubPath);
-    }
-    if (szBasePath[cLen-1] != '/') szBasePath[cLen++] = '/';
-    if (!WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UNIXCP, 0, wszSubPath, -1, szBasePath + cLen,
-                             FILENAME_MAX - cLen, NULL, NULL))
-    {
-        return FALSE;
-    }
-    pBackslash = szBasePath + cLen;
-    while ((pBackslash = strchr(pBackslash, '\\'))) *pBackslash = '/';
-    return TRUE;
- * _SHCreateSymbolicLinks  [Internal]
- * 
- * Sets up symbol links for various shell folders to point into the user's home
- * directory. We do an educated guess about what the user would probably want:
- * - If there is a 'My Documents' directory in $HOME, the user probably wants
- *   wine's 'My Documents' to point there. Furthermore, we infer that the user
- *   is a Windows lover and has no problem with wine creating subfolders for
- *   'My Pictures', 'My Music', 'My Videos' etc. under '$HOME/My Documents', if
- *   those do not already exist. We put appropriate symbolic links in place for
- *   those, too.
- * - If there is no 'My Documents' directory in $HOME, we let 'My Documents'
- *   point directly to $HOME. We assume the user to be a unix hacker who does not
- *   want wine to create anything anywhere besides the .wine directory. So, if
- *   there already is a 'My Music' directory in $HOME, we symlink the 'My Music'
- *   shell folder to it. But if not, then we check XDG_MUSIC_DIR - "well known"
- *   directory, and try to link to that. If that fails, then we symlink to
- *   $HOME directly. The same holds for 'My Pictures', 'My Videos' etc.
- * - The Desktop shell folder is symlinked to XDG_DESKTOP_DIR. If that does not
- *   exist, then we try '$HOME/Desktop'. If that does not exist, then we leave
- *   it alone.
- * ('My Music',... above in fact means LoadString(IDS_MYMUSIC))
- */
-static void _SHCreateSymbolicLinks(void)
-    static const UINT aidsMyStuff[] = {
-    };
-    static const WCHAR * const MyOSXStuffW[] = {
-        PicturesW, MoviesW, MusicW, DownloadsW, TemplatesW
-    };
-    static const int acsidlMyStuff[] = {
-    };
-    static const char * const xdg_dirs[] = {
-    };
-    static const unsigned int num = ARRAY_SIZE(xdg_dirs);
-    WCHAR wszTempPath[MAX_PATH];
-    char szPersonalTarget[FILENAME_MAX], *pszPersonal;
-    char szMyStuffTarget[FILENAME_MAX], *pszMyStuff;
-    char szDesktopTarget[FILENAME_MAX], *pszDesktop;
-    struct stat statFolder;
-    const char *pszHome;
-    HRESULT hr;
-    char ** xdg_results;
-    char * xdg_desktop_dir;
-    UINT i;
-    /* Create all necessary profile sub-dirs up to 'My Documents' and get the unix path. */
-                          SHGFP_TYPE_DEFAULT, wszTempPath);
-    if (FAILED(hr)) return;
-    pszPersonal = wine_get_unix_file_name(wszTempPath);
-    if (!pszPersonal) return;
-    hr = XDG_UserDirLookup(xdg_dirs, num, &xdg_results);
-    if (FAILED(hr)) xdg_results = NULL;
-    pszHome = getenv("HOME");
-    if (pszHome && !stat(pszHome, &statFolder) && S_ISDIR(statFolder.st_mode))
-    {
-        while (1)
-        {
-            /* Check if there's already a Wine-specific 'My Documents' folder */
-            strcpy(szPersonalTarget, pszHome);
-            if (_SHAppendToUnixPath(szPersonalTarget, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(IDS_PERSONAL)) &&
-                !stat(szPersonalTarget, &statFolder) && S_ISDIR(statFolder.st_mode))
-            {
-                /* '$HOME/My Documents' exists. Create subfolders for
-                 * 'My Pictures', 'My Videos', 'My Music' etc. or fail silently
-                 * if they already exist.
-                 */
-                for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(aidsMyStuff); i++)
-                {
-                    strcpy(szMyStuffTarget, szPersonalTarget);
-                    if (_SHAppendToUnixPath(szMyStuffTarget, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(aidsMyStuff[i])))
-                        mkdir(szMyStuffTarget, 0777);
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-            /* Try to point to the XDG Documents folder */
-            if (xdg_results && xdg_results[num-2] &&
-               !stat(xdg_results[num-2], &statFolder) &&
-               S_ISDIR(statFolder.st_mode))
-            {
-                strcpy(szPersonalTarget, xdg_results[num-2]);
-                break;
-            }
-            /* Or the hardcoded / OS X Documents folder */
-            strcpy(szPersonalTarget, pszHome);
-            if (_SHAppendToUnixPath(szPersonalTarget, DocumentsW) &&
-               !stat(szPersonalTarget, &statFolder) &&
-               S_ISDIR(statFolder.st_mode))
-                break;
-            /* As a last resort point to $HOME. */
-            strcpy(szPersonalTarget, pszHome);
-            break;
-        }
-        /* Replace 'My Documents' directory with a symlink or fail silently if not empty. */
-        remove(pszPersonal);
-        symlink(szPersonalTarget, pszPersonal);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        /* '$HOME' doesn't exist. Create subdirs for 'My Pictures', 'My Videos',
-         * 'My Music' etc. in '%USERPROFILE%\My Documents' or fail silently if
-         * they already exist. */
-        pszHome = NULL;
-        strcpy(szPersonalTarget, pszPersonal);
-        for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(aidsMyStuff); i++) {
-            strcpy(szMyStuffTarget, szPersonalTarget);
-            if (_SHAppendToUnixPath(szMyStuffTarget, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(aidsMyStuff[i])))
-                mkdir(szMyStuffTarget, 0777);
-        }
-    }
-    /* Create symbolic links for 'My Pictures', 'My Videos', 'My Music' etc. */
-    for (i=0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(aidsMyStuff); i++)
-    {
-        /* Create the current 'My Whatever' folder and get its unix path. */
-        hr = SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, acsidlMyStuff[i]|CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE, NULL,
-                              SHGFP_TYPE_DEFAULT, wszTempPath);
-        if (FAILED(hr)) continue;
-        pszMyStuff = wine_get_unix_file_name(wszTempPath);
-        if (!pszMyStuff) continue;
-        while (1)
-        {
-            /* Check for the Wine-specific '$HOME/My Documents' subfolder */
-            strcpy(szMyStuffTarget, szPersonalTarget);
-            if (_SHAppendToUnixPath(szMyStuffTarget, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(aidsMyStuff[i])) &&
-                !stat(szMyStuffTarget, &statFolder) && S_ISDIR(statFolder.st_mode))
-                break;
-            /* Try the XDG_XXX_DIR folder */
-            if (xdg_results && xdg_results[i])
-            {
-                strcpy(szMyStuffTarget, xdg_results[i]);
-                break;
-            }
-            /* Or the OS X folder (these are never localized) */
-            if (pszHome)
-            {
-                strcpy(szMyStuffTarget, pszHome);
-                if (_SHAppendToUnixPath(szMyStuffTarget, MyOSXStuffW[i]) &&
-                    !stat(szMyStuffTarget, &statFolder) &&
-                    S_ISDIR(statFolder.st_mode))
-                    break;
-            }
-            /* As a last resort point to the same location as 'My Documents' */
-            strcpy(szMyStuffTarget, szPersonalTarget);
-            break;
-        }
-        remove(pszMyStuff);
-        symlink(szMyStuffTarget, pszMyStuff);
-        heap_free(pszMyStuff);
-    }
-    /* Last but not least, the Desktop folder */
-    if (pszHome)
-        strcpy(szDesktopTarget, pszHome);
-    else
-        strcpy(szDesktopTarget, pszPersonal);
-    heap_free(pszPersonal);
-    xdg_desktop_dir = xdg_results ? xdg_results[num - 1] : NULL;
-    if (xdg_desktop_dir ||
-        (_SHAppendToUnixPath(szDesktopTarget, DesktopW) &&
-        !stat(szDesktopTarget, &statFolder) && S_ISDIR(statFolder.st_mode)))
-    {
-                              SHGFP_TYPE_DEFAULT, wszTempPath);
-        if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (pszDesktop = wine_get_unix_file_name(wszTempPath))) 
-        {
-            remove(pszDesktop);
-            if (xdg_desktop_dir)
-                symlink(xdg_desktop_dir, pszDesktop);
-            else
-                symlink(szDesktopTarget, pszDesktop);
-            heap_free(pszDesktop);
-        }
-    }
-    /* Free resources allocated by XDG_UserDirLookup() */
-    if (xdg_results)
-    {
-        for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
-            heap_free(xdg_results[i]);
-        heap_free(xdg_results);
-    }
  * create_extra_folders  [Internal]
  * Create some extra folders that don't have a standard CSIDL definition.

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