[PATCH 3/5] gdi32: Extract freetype code to winefreetype DLL.

Marvin testbot at winehq.org
Mon Jul 6 16:27:32 CDT 2020


While running your changed tests, I think I found new failures.
Being a bot and all I'm not very good at pattern recognition, so I might be
wrong, but could you please double-check?

Full results can be found at:

Your paranoid android.

=== debiant (32 bit report) ===

monitor: Timeout
msg: Timeout
resource: Timeout
scroll: Timeout
static: Timeout
sysparams: Timeout
text: Timeout
uitools: Timeout
win: Timeout
winstation: Timeout

=== debiant (32 bit Chinese:China report) ===

input.c:2485: Test failed: 4: Unexpected cursor movement
input.c:2485: Test failed: 5: Unexpected cursor movement
input.c:2485: Test failed: 6: Unexpected cursor movement
input.c:2485: Test failed: 7: Unexpected cursor movement
input.c:2485: Test failed: 8: Unexpected cursor movement
input.c:2206: Test failed: 9: foreground process expected WM_MOUSEMOVE message
input.c:2485: Test failed: 9: Unexpected cursor movement
input.c:2206: Test failed: 10: foreground process expected WM_MOUSEMOVE message
input.c:2485: Test failed: 10: Unexpected cursor movement
input.c:2206: Test failed: 11: foreground process expected WM_MOUSEMOVE message
input.c:2485: Test failed: 11: Unexpected cursor movement
input.c:2206: Test failed: 12: foreground process expected WM_MOUSEMOVE message
input.c:2485: Test failed: 12: Unexpected cursor movement
input.c:2485: Test failed: 13: Unexpected cursor movement
input.c:2485: Test failed: 14: Unexpected cursor movement
input.c:2485: Test failed: 15: Unexpected cursor movement
input.c:2485: Test failed: 16: Unexpected cursor movement
monitor: Timeout
msg: Timeout

=== debiant (32 bit WoW report) ===

monitor: Timeout
msg: Timeout
resource: Timeout
scroll: Timeout
static: Timeout
sysparams: Timeout
text: Timeout
uitools: Timeout
win: Timeout
winstation: Timeout

=== debiant (build log) ===

0024:err:winediag:nodrv_CreateWindow Application tried to create a window, but no driver could be loaded.
0024:err:winediag:nodrv_CreateWindow The explorer process failed to start.
Task: WineTest did not produce the wow64 report

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