Gitlab experiment wrapup

Giovanni Mascellani gmascellani at
Tue Jun 14 09:03:39 CDT 2022


Il 14/06/22 12:55, Alexandre Julliard ha scritto:
> - Signoffs are a bit cumbersome (Rémi). We should change the
>    requirements to something better adapted to Gitlab.

I don't remember if this point has already been made, but we're using 
the Signed-off-by pseudo-header in a rather peculiar fashion. The 
standard meaning of Signed-off-by is something like "I have checked that 
I have the legal right to submit this patch for inclusion" (more 
specifically, see [1]), while we use it as "I have checked that this 
patch is technically sound". Other projects use other pseudo-headers for 
the latter, like "Reviewed-by" or "Acked-by".


Could we take the occasion to switch to something more standard?


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