X11DRV Control Keypress Patch

Andy Johnson andyj at aspin.co.uk
Mon Mar 12 04:28:12 CST 2001

I've been shot down once for posting this information on the wrong 
newsgroup by mistake so I've patched my system and you can take it or 
leave it.

The keyboard handler in X11DRV explicitly only passes CTRL-A to CTRL-Z 
and CTRL-a to CTRL-z to the windows app. I believe whoever originally 
wrote this code was mistaken in their belief that Windows apps only 
respond to these keypresses. Any terminal program should be able to 
respond to them, so that (for example) CTRL-] can escape you from a 
telnet session or CTRL-\ returns control to a cKermit session.

* windows/x11drv/keyboard.c
Andy Johnson <andyj at thejohnsonclan.org.uk>
Enable passing of non A-Z control keypresses to client app.

--- windows/x11drv/keyboard.c.old	Fri Mar  9 17:13:24 2001
+++ windows/x11drv/keyboard.c	Fri Mar  9 17:14:38 2001
@@ -1565,14 +1565,16 @@

/* more areas where X returns characters but Windows does not
CTRL + number or CTRL + symbol*/
+        /* Oh yes it does! - Andy Johnson */
if (e.state & ControlMask)
-            if (((keysym>=33) && (keysym < 'A')) ||
+/*            if (((keysym>=33) && (keysym < 'A')) ||
((keysym > 'Z') && (keysym < 'a')))
*(char*)lpChar = 0;
ret = 0;

/* We have another special case for delete key (XK_Delete) on an

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