x11drv patch

Ove Kaaven ovehk at ping.uio.no
Mon Mar 19 00:50:15 CST 2001

Here's some more x11drv code... in addition to the HAL bits, it adds some
gamma control stuff, so we can implement Get/SetDeviceGammaRamp (in GDI).

Ove Kaaven <ovek at transgaming.com>
Added gamma ramp code to the XVidMode interface.

Index: dlls/x11drv/xvidmode.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/winex/wine/dlls/x11drv/xvidmode.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.1.1.1 -r1.8
--- dlls/x11drv/xvidmode.c	2001/03/02 11:33:59
+++ dlls/x11drv/xvidmode.c	2001/03/19 06:28:00	1.8
@@ -6,9 +6,6 @@
 #include "config.h"
-/* FIXME: XVidMode also includes gamma functions,
- * we could perhaps use it to implement Get/SetGammaRamp */
 /* FIXME: ChangeDisplaySettings ought to be able to use this */
@@ -16,6 +13,8 @@
 #include "ts_xlib.h"
 #include "ts_xf86vmode.h"
 #include "x11drv.h"
+#include "x11ddraw.h"
+#include "xvidmode.h"
 #include "windef.h"
 #include "wingdi.h"
@@ -24,6 +23,8 @@
+static int xf86vm_event, xf86vm_error, xf86vm_major, xf86vm_minor;
 LPDDHALMODEINFO xf86vm_modes;
 unsigned xf86vm_mode_count;
 XF86VidModeModeInfo** modes;
@@ -56,16 +57,17 @@
 void X11DRV_XF86VM_Init(void)
-  int nmodes, major, minor, i;
+  int nmodes, i;
+  if (xf86vm_major) return; /* already initialized? */
-  if (xf86vm_modes) return; /* already initialized? */
+  /* see if XVidMode is available */
+  if (!TSXF86VidModeQueryExtension(display, &xf86vm_event, &xf86vm_error)) return;
+  if (!TSXF86VidModeQueryVersion(display, &xf86vm_major, &xf86vm_minor)) return;
   /* if in desktop mode, don't use XVidMode */
   if (X11DRV_GetXRootWindow() != DefaultRootWindow(display)) return;
-  /* see if XVidMode is available */
-  if (!TSXF86VidModeQueryVersion(display, &major, &minor)) return;
   /* retrieve modes */
   if (!TSXF86VidModeGetAllModeLines(display, DefaultScreen(display), &nmodes,
@@ -85,7 +87,7 @@
 void X11DRV_XF86VM_Cleanup(void)
-  TSXFree(modes);
+  if (modes) TSXFree(modes);
 int X11DRV_XF86VM_GetCurrentMode(void)
@@ -94,6 +96,8 @@
   int dotclock, i;
+  if (!xf86vm_modes) return 0; /* no XVidMode */
   TRACE("Querying XVidMode current mode\n");
   TSXF86VidModeGetModeLine(display, DefaultScreen(display), &dotclock, &line);
   convert_modeline(dotclock, &line, &cmode);
@@ -108,6 +112,8 @@
 void X11DRV_XF86VM_SetCurrentMode(int mode)
+  if (!xf86vm_modes) return; /* no XVidMode */
   TSXF86VidModeSwitchToMode(display, DefaultScreen(display), modes[mode]);
   TSXF86VidModeSetViewPort(display, DefaultScreen(display), 0, 0);
   TSXSync(display, False);
@@ -115,7 +121,175 @@
 void X11DRV_XF86VM_SetExclusiveMode(int lock)
+  if (!xf86vm_modes) return; /* no XVidMode */
   TSXF86VidModeLockModeSwitch(display, DefaultScreen(display), lock);
+/* actual DirectDraw HAL stuff */
+  X11DRV_XF86VM_SetCurrentMode(data->dwModeIndex);
+  X11DRV_DDHAL_SwitchMode(data->dwModeIndex, NULL);
+  data->ddRVal = DD_OK;
+int X11DRV_XF86VM_CreateDriver(LPDDHALINFO info)
+  if (!xf86vm_mode_count) return 0; /* no XVidMode */
+  info->dwNumModes = xf86vm_mode_count;
+  info->lpModeInfo = xf86vm_modes;
+  X11DRV_DDHAL_SwitchMode(X11DRV_XF86VM_GetCurrentMode(), NULL);
+  info->lpDDCallbacks->SetMode = X11DRV_XF86VM_SetMode;
+  return TRUE;
+/***** GAMMA CONTROL *****/
+/* (only available in XF86VidMode 2.x) */
+#ifdef X_XF86VidModeSetGamma
+static void GenerateRampFromGamma(WORD ramp[256], float gamma)
+  float r_gamma = 1/gamma;
+  unsigned i;
+  TRACE("gamma is %f\n", r_gamma);
+  for (i=0; i<256; i++)
+    ramp[i] = pow(i/255.0, r_gamma) * 65535.0;
+static BOOL ComputeGammaFromRamp(WORD ramp[256], float *gamma)
+  float r_x, r_y, r_lx, r_ly, r_d, r_v, r_e, g_avg, g_min, g_max;
+  unsigned i, f, l, g_n, c;
+  f = ramp[0];
+  l = ramp[255];
+  if (f >= l) {
+    ERR("inverted or flat gamma ramp (%d->%d), rejected\n", f, l);
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+  r_d = l - f;
+  g_min = g_max = g_avg = 0.0;
+  /* check gamma ramp entries to estimate the gamma */
+  TRACE("analyzing gamma ramp (%d->%d)\n", f, l);
+  for (i=1, g_n=0; i<255; i++) {
+    if (ramp[i] < f || ramp[i] > l) {
+      ERR("strange gamma ramp ([%d]=%d for %d->%d), rejected\n", i, ramp[i], f, l);
+      return FALSE;
+    }
+    c = ramp[i] - f;
+    if (!c) continue; /* avoid log(0) */
+    /* normalize entry values into 0..1 range */
+    r_x = i/255.0; r_y = c / r_d;
+    /* compute logarithms of values */
+    r_lx = log(r_x); r_ly = log(r_y);
+    /* compute gamma for this entry */
+    r_v = r_ly / r_lx;
+    /* compute differential (error estimate) for this entry */
+    /* some games use table-based logarithms that magnifies the error by 128 */
+    r_e = -r_lx * 128 / (c * r_lx * r_lx);
+    /* compute min & max while compensating for estimated error */
+    if (!g_n || g_min > (r_v + r_e)) g_min = r_v + r_e;
+    if (!g_n || g_max < (r_v - r_e)) g_max = r_v - r_e;
+    /* add to average */
+    g_avg += r_v;
+    g_n++;
+    /* TRACE("[%d]=%d, gamma=%f, error=%f\n", i, ramp[i], r_v, r_e); */
+  }
+  if (!g_n) {
+    ERR("no gamma data, shouldn't happen\n");
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+  g_avg /= g_n;
+  TRACE("low bias is %d, high is %d, gamma is %5.3f\n", f, 65535-l, g_avg);
+  /* the bias could be because the app wanted something like a "red shift"
+   * like when you're hit in Quake, but XVidMode doesn't support it,
+   * so we have to reject a significant bias */
+  if (f && f > (pow(1/255.0, g_avg) * 65536.0)) {
+    ERR("low-biased gamma ramp (%d), rejected\n", f);
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+  /* check that the gamma is reasonably uniform across the ramp */
+  if (g_max - g_min > 0.1) {
+    ERR("ramp not uniform (max=%f, min=%f, avg=%f), rejected\n", g_max, g_min, g_avg);
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+  /* ok, now we're pretty sure we can set the desired gamma ramp,
+   * so go for it */
+  *gamma = 1/g_avg;
+  return TRUE;
+#endif /* X_XF86VidModeSetGamma */
+/* Hmm... should gamma control be available in desktop mode or not?
+ * I'll assume that it should */
+#ifdef X_XF86VidModeSetGamma
+  XF86VidModeGamma gamma;
+  Bool ret;
+  if (xf86vm_major < 2) return FALSE; /* no gamma control */
+  wine_tsx11_lock();
+  ret = XF86VidModeGetGamma(display, DefaultScreen(display), &gamma);
+  wine_tsx11_unlock();
+  if (ret) {
+    GenerateRampFromGamma(ramp->red,   gamma.red);
+    GenerateRampFromGamma(ramp->green, gamma.green);
+    GenerateRampFromGamma(ramp->blue,  gamma.blue);
+    return TRUE;
+  }
+#endif /* X_XF86VidModeSetGamma */
+  return FALSE;
+#ifdef X_XF86VidModeSetGamma
+  XF86VidModeGamma gamma;
+  if (xf86vm_major < 2) return FALSE; /* no gamma control */
+  if (ComputeGammaFromRamp(ramp->red,   &gamma.red) &&
+      ComputeGammaFromRamp(ramp->green, &gamma.green) &&
+      ComputeGammaFromRamp(ramp->blue,  &gamma.blue)) {
+    Bool ret;
+    wine_tsx11_lock();
+    ret = XF86VidModeSetGamma(display, DefaultScreen(display), &gamma);
+    wine_tsx11_unlock();
+    return ret;
+  }
+#endif /* X_XF86VidModeSetGamma */
+  return FALSE;
 #endif /* HAVE_LIBXXF86VM */
+/* FIXME: should move these somewhere appropriate, but probably not before
+ * the stuff in graphics/x11drv/ has been moved to dlls/x11drv, so that
+ * they can include xvidmode.h directly */
+BOOL X11DRV_GetDeviceGammaRamp(DC *dc, LPVOID ramp)
+  return X11DRV_XF86VM_GetGammaRamp(ramp);
+  return FALSE;
+BOOL X11DRV_SetDeviceGammaRamp(DC *dc, LPVOID ramp)
+  return X11DRV_XF86VM_SetGammaRamp(ramp);
+  return FALSE;
Index: dlls/x11drv/xvidmode.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/winex/wine/dlls/x11drv/xvidmode.h,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.1.1.1 -r1.3
--- dlls/x11drv/xvidmode.h	2001/03/02 11:33:59
+++ dlls/x11drv/xvidmode.h	2001/03/07 23:53:32	1.3
@@ -17,6 +17,10 @@
 int X11DRV_XF86VM_GetCurrentMode(void);
 void X11DRV_XF86VM_SetCurrentMode(int mode);
 void X11DRV_XF86VM_SetExclusiveMode(int lock);
+int X11DRV_XF86VM_CreateDriver(LPDDHALINFO info);
 #endif /* HAVE_LIBXXF86VM */
 #endif /* __WINE_XVIDMODE_H */
Index: include/x11drv.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/winex/wine/include/x11drv.h,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -u -r1.1.1.9 -r1.14
--- include/x11drv.h	2001/03/18 09:30:22
+++ include/x11drv.h	2001/03/18 09:57:48	1.14
@@ -158,6 +158,8 @@
 				      WORD fGet, UINT startscan,
 				      UINT lines, LPSTR bits,
 				      LPBITMAPINFO info, UINT coloruse );
+extern BOOL X11DRV_GetDeviceGammaRamp( struct tagDC *dc, LPVOID ramp );
+extern BOOL X11DRV_SetDeviceGammaRamp( struct tagDC *dc, LPVOID ramp );
 /* OpenGL / X11 driver functions */
 extern int X11DRV_ChoosePixelFormat(DC *dc, const PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR *pppfd) ;
@@ -268,6 +270,8 @@
 			       DWORD xSrc, DWORD ySrc,   
 			       DWORD xDest, DWORD yDest, 
 			       DWORD width, DWORD height);
+extern INT X11DRV_DCICommand(INT cbInput, LPVOID lpInData, LPVOID lpOutData);
  * X11 GDI driver

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