cards.dll, first patch

Jonathan Wilson jonwil at
Sat Jul 26 02:56:37 CDT 2003

Since it didnt go through before (mabie the patch is too large or 
something), I have uploaded the patch to (most of the size is all the 
resource bitmaps)
Here is the patch to add cards.dll to the wine tree
Should build properly (if relavent build system stuff is added) on MingW
Tested under windows with solitare and also under WINE with solitare
Played through solitare in WINE without any problems, even the bouncing 
cards animation at the end worked like a charm.
Although, I did learn that one should never call SelectObject on a 
Screen DC and a HBITMAP, bad things will happen if you do
No code or images have been taken from anything thats (c) microsoft 
although studying cards.dll in IDA did help me to figure out how it all 

If anyone has any questions about this or any feedback, do let me know.

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