AppDB - Rewrite editAppFamily.php

Tony Lambregts tony_lambregts at
Sun Apr 25 19:55:34 CDT 2004

editAppFamily.php did not allow app owners to edit applications they owned. 
It allowed adding but not deleting or editing URLs. It also allowed the 
editing of the appid which it should not have. This patch fixes all that.

Change Log: Improve fuctionality of editAppFamily.php
Files Changed: editAppFamily.php

Tony Lambregts

Index: editAppFamily.php
RCS file: /home/wine/appdb/admin/editAppFamily.php,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.1.1.1 editAppFamily.php
--- editAppFamily.php	15 Mar 2004 16:22:01 -0000
+++ editAppFamily.php	25 Apr 2004 23:19:53 -0000
@@ -8,83 +8,197 @@
 global $apidb_root;
-//FIXME: need to check for admin privs
 if(!loggedin() || (!havepriv("admin") && !$current->ownsApp($appId)) )
     errorpage("Insufficient Privileges!");
-apidb_header("Edit Application Family");
-$t = new TableVE("edit");
     $statusMessage = '';
-    //process add URL
-    if($cmd == "add_url")
-	{
-	    $query = "INSERT INTO appData VALUES (null, $appId, 0, 'url', ".
-		"'$url_desc', '$url')";
-	    if(debugging()) { echo "<p align=center><b>query:</b> $query </p>"; }
-	    if (mysql_query($query))
-	    {
-	        //success
-	        $statusMessage = "<p>The URL was successfully added into the database</p>\n";
-	    }
-	    else
-	    {
-	       //error
-	       $statusMessage = "<p><b>Database Error!<br>".mysql_error()."</b></p>\n";
-	    }
+    // commit changes of form to database
+    if($submit1 == "Update Database")
+    {
+        $statusMessage = '';
+        $appName       = addslashes($appName);
+        $description   = addslashes($description);
+        $webPage       = addslashes($webPage);
+        if (!mysql_query("UPDATE appFamily SET appName = '".$appName."', ".
+            "vendorId = $vendorId, keywords = '".$keywords."', ".
+            "description = '".$description."', ".
+            "webPage = '".$webPage."', ".
+            "catId = $catId".
+            " WHERE appId = $appId"))
+        {
+            $statusMessage = "<p><b>Database Error!<br>".mysql_error()."</b></p>\n";
+            addmsg($statusMessage, "red");
-    // display status message
-    if ($statusMessage)
+        else
+            addmsg("Database Updated", "green");
+    }
+    else if($submit1 == "Update URL")
-	echo html_frame_start("Edit Application","300");
-	echo "<p><b>$statusMessage</b></p>\n";
-	echo html_frame_end();
-	echo html_back_link(1,"editAppFamily.php?appId=$appId");
+        //process added URL
+        if(debugging()) { echo "<p align=center><b>$url:</b> $url_desc </p>"; }
+        if ($url_desc && $url )
+        {
+            $query = "INSERT INTO appData VALUES (null, $appId, 0, 'url','$url_desc', '$url')";
+            if(debugging()) { echo "<p align=center><b>query:</b> $query </p>"; }
+            if (mysql_query($query))
+            {
+            //success
+                addmsg("The URL was successfully added into the database", "green");
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                //error
+                $statusMessage = "<p><b>Database Error!<br>".mysql_error()."</b></p>\n";
+                addmsg($statusMessage, "red");
+            }
+        }
+        else if ($url_desc != $url) // not both blank
+        {
+            addmsg("The URL or description was blank. URL not added into the database", "red");
+        }
+        // Process changed URL's
+        for($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++)
+        {
+            if(debugging()) { echo "<p align=center><b>$adescription[$i]:</b> $aURL[$i]: $adelete[$i] : $aId[$i] : .$aOldDesc[$i]. : $aOldURL[$i]</p>"; }
+            if ($adelete[$i] == "on")
+            {
+                if(debugging()) { echo "<p align=center><b>$adescription[$i]:</b> $aURL[$i]: $adelete[$i] : $aId[$i] : $aOldDesc[$i] : $aOldURL[$i]</p>"; }
+	        $result = mysql_query("DELETE FROM appData WHERE id = '$aId[$i]'");
+                if(!$result)
+                {
+                    //error
+                    $statusMessage = "<p><b>Database Error!<br>".mysql_error()." deleting URL ".$aOldDesc[$i]." (".$aOldURL[$i].")</b></p>\n";
+                    addmsg($statusMessage, "red");
+                    $i = $rows+1;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    $statusMessage = "<p><b>Successfully deleted URL ".$aOldDesc[$i]." (".$aOldURL[$i].")</b></p>\n";
+                    addmsg($statusMessage, "green");
+                }  
+            }
+            else if( $aURL[$i] != $aOldURL[$i] || $adescription[$i] != $aOldDesc[$i])
+            {
+                if(!$aURL[$i] || !$adescription[$i])
+                    addmsg("The URL or description was blank. URL not changed in the database", "red");
+                else
+                {
+                    if(debugging()) { echo "<p align=center><b>$adescription[$i]:</b> $aURL[$i]: $adelete[$i] : $aId[$i] : $aOldDesc[$i] : $aOldURL[$i]</p>"; }
+                    $adescription[$i] = addslashes($adescription[$i]);
+                    $aURL[$i] = addslashes($aURL[$i]);
+                    if (!mysql_query("UPDATE appData SET description = '".$adescription[$i]."' , url = '".$aURL[$i]."'".
+                        " WHERE Id = $aId[$i]"))
+                    {
+                        //error
+                        $statusMessage = "<p><b>Database Error!<br>".mysql_error()." updateing URL ".$aOldDesc[$i]." (".$aOldURL[$i].")</b></p>\n";
+                        addmsg($statusMessage, "red");
+                       $i = $rows+1;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                         $statusMessage = "<p><b>Successfully updated ".$aOldDesc[$i]." (".$aOldURL[$i].")</b></p>\n";
+                         addmsg($statusMessage, "green");
+                    }
+                }
+            }            
+        }
-else if($HTTP_POST_VARS)
-    // commit changes of form to database
-    $t->update($HTTP_POST_VARS);
+//Show the form for editing the Application Family 
+    $family = new TableVE("edit");
+    $result = mysql_query("SELECT appId, appName, vendorId, keywords, ".
+			      "description, webPage, catId from appFamily WHERE ".
+			      "appId = '$appId'");
+    if(!$result)
+    {
+        errorpage("You must be logged in to edit preferences");
+        exit;
+    }
-    // show form
+    list($appId, $appName, $vendorId, $keywords, $description, $webPage, $catId) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
+    if(debugging()) { echo "<p align=center><b>appName:</b> $appName </p>"; }
+    // show edit app family form
     $table = "appFamily";
     $query = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE appId = $appId";
     if(debugging()) { echo "<p align=center><b>query:</b> $query </p>"; }
+    apidb_header("Edit Application Family");
-    $t->edit($query);
-      //url entry box
-      echo '<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="editAppFamily.php" method="post">',"\n";
-      echo html_frame_start("Add URL","400","",0);
-      echo '<table border=0 cellpadding=6 cellspacing=0 width="100%">',"\n";
+    echo "<form method=post action='editAppFamily.php'>\n";
+    echo html_frame_start("Data for Application ID $appId", "90%","",0);
+    echo html_table_begin("width='100%' border=0 align=left cellpadding=6 cellspacing=0 class='box-body'");
+    echo '<input type=hidden name="appId" value='.$appId.'>';
+    echo '<tr><td class=color1>Name</td><td class=color0><input size=80% type="text" name="appName" type="text" value="'.$appName.'"></td></tr>',"\n";
+    echo '<tr><td class=color4>Vendor</td><td class=color0>';
+    $family->make_option_list("vendorId", $vendorId, "vendor", "vendorId", "vendorName");
+    echo '</td></tr>',"\n";
+    echo '<tr><td class=color1>Keywords</td><td class=color0><input size=80% type="text" name="keywords" value="'.$keywords.'"></td></tr>',"\n";
+    echo '<tr><td class=color4>Description</td><td class=color0>', "\n";
+    echo '<textarea cols=$50 rows=10 name="description">'.stripslashes($description).'</textarea></td></tr>',"\n";
+    echo '<tr><td class=color1>Web Page</td><td class=color0><input size=80% type="text" name="webPage" value="'.$webPage.'"></td></tr>',"\n";
+    echo '<tr><td class=color4>Category</td><td class=color0>';
+    $family->make_option_list("catId", $catId, "appCategory", "catId", "catName");
+    echo '</td></tr>',"\n";
+    echo '<tr><td colspan=2 align=center class=color3><input type="submit" name=submit1 value="Update Database"></td></tr>',"\n";
+    echo html_table_end();
+    echo html_frame_end();
+    // url edit form
+    echo '<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="editAppFamily.php" method="post">',"\n";
+    echo html_frame_start("Edit URL","90%","",0);
+    echo '<table border=0 cellpadding=6 cellspacing=0 width="100%">',"\n";
-      echo '<tr><td class=color1>URL</td><td class=color0><input name="url" type="text"></td></tr>',"\n";
-      echo '<tr><td class=color1>Description</td><td class=color0><input type="text" name="url_desc"></td></tr>',"\n";
-      echo '<tr><td colspan=2 align=center class=color3><input type="submit" value="Add URL"></td></tr>',"\n";
-      echo '</table>',"\n";
-      echo html_frame_end();
-      echo '<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="add_url">',"\n";
-      echo '<input type="hidden" name="appId" value="'.$appId.'"></form>',"\n";
+    $i = 0;
+    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM appData WHERE appId = $appId AND type = 'url' AND versionId = 0");
+    if($result && mysql_num_rows($result) > 0)
+    {
+        echo '<tr><td class=color1><b>Delete</b></td><td class=color1><b>Description</b></td><td class=color1><b>URL</b></td></tr>',"\n";
+        while($ob = mysql_fetch_object($result))
+        {
+            $temp0 = "adelete[".$i."]";
+            $temp1 = "adescription[".$i."]";
+            $temp2 = "aURL[".$i."]";
+            $temp3 = "aId[".$i."]";
+            $temp4 = "aOldDesc[".$i."]";
+            $temp5 = "aOldURL[".$i."]";
+            echo '<tr><td class=color3><input type="checkbox" name="'.$temp0.'"></td>',"\n";
+            echo '<td class=color3><input size=45% type="text" name = "'.$temp1.'" value ="'.stripslashes($ob->description).'"</td>',"\n";
+            echo '<td class=color3><input size=45% type="text" name="'.$temp2.'" value="'.$ob->url.'"></td></tr>',"\n";
+            echo '<input type=hidden name="'.$temp3.'" value='.$ob->id.'>';
+            echo '<input type=hidden name="'.$temp4.'" value="'.stripslashes($ob->description).'">';
+            echo '<input type=hidden name="'.$temp5.'" value="'.$ob->url.'">',"\n";
+            $i++;
+	}
+    echo "</td></tr>\n";
+    echo '<input type=hidden name="rows" value='.$i.'>';
+    }
+    echo '<tr><td class=color1>New</td><td class=color1><input size=45% name="url" type="text"></td>',"\n";
+    echo '<td class=color1><input size=45% type="text" name="url_desc"></td></tr>',"\n";
+    echo '<tr><td colspan=3 align=center class=color3><input type="submit" name=submit1 value="Update URL"></td></tr>',"\n";
+    echo '</table>',"\n";
+    echo html_frame_end();
-      echo html_back_link(1,$apidb_root."appview.php?appId=$appId");
+    echo html_back_link(1,$apidb_root."appview.php?appId=$appId");

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