dsound test new tests

Robert Reif reif at earthlink.net
Sat Aug 7 08:57:18 CDT 2004

We currently test different secondary buffer formats while keeping
the primary buffer format constant.

This patch tests different primary buffer formats while keeping the
secondary buffer format constant.

This produces some of the mixer problems we are seeing in
some games when run in interactive mode.  This should help in
tracking down those problems.
-------------- next part --------------
Index: dlls/dsound/tests/dsound.c
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/dsound/tests/dsound.c,v
retrieving revision 1.32
diff -u -r1.32 dsound.c
--- dlls/dsound/tests/dsound.c	30 Jul 2004 18:42:51 -0000	1.32
+++ dlls/dsound/tests/dsound.c	7 Aug 2004 13:49:43 -0000
@@ -453,6 +453,136 @@
     return rc;
+ * Test the primary buffer at different formats while keeping the
+ * secondary buffer at a constant format.
+ */
+static HRESULT test_primary_secondary(LPGUID lpGuid)
+    HRESULT rc;
+    DSBUFFERDESC bufdesc;
+    DSCAPS dscaps;
+    WAVEFORMATEX wfx, wfx2;
+    int f,ref;
+    /* Create the DirectSound object */
+    rc=DirectSoundCreate(lpGuid,&dso,NULL);
+    ok(rc==DS_OK,"DirectSoundCreate failed: %s\n",DXGetErrorString8(rc));
+    if (rc!=DS_OK)
+        return rc;
+    /* Get the device capabilities */
+    ZeroMemory(&dscaps, sizeof(dscaps));
+    dscaps.dwSize=sizeof(dscaps);
+    rc=IDirectSound_GetCaps(dso,&dscaps);
+    ok(rc==DS_OK,"IDirectSound_GetCaps failed: %s\n",DXGetErrorString8(rc));
+    if (rc!=DS_OK)
+        goto EXIT;
+    /* We must call SetCooperativeLevel before creating primary buffer */
+    /* DSOUND: Setting DirectSound cooperative level to DSSCL_PRIORITY */
+    rc=IDirectSound_SetCooperativeLevel(dso,get_hwnd(),DSSCL_PRIORITY);
+    ok(rc==DS_OK,"IDirectSound_SetCooperativeLevel failed: %s\n",
+       DXGetErrorString8(rc));
+    if (rc!=DS_OK)
+        goto EXIT;
+    ZeroMemory(&bufdesc, sizeof(bufdesc));
+    bufdesc.dwSize=sizeof(bufdesc);
+    bufdesc.dwFlags=DSBCAPS_PRIMARYBUFFER;
+    rc=IDirectSound_CreateSoundBuffer(dso,&bufdesc,&primary,NULL);
+    ok(rc==DS_OK && primary!=NULL,
+       "IDirectSound_CreateSoundBuffer failed to create a primary buffer %s\n",
+       DXGetErrorString8(rc));
+    if (rc==DS_OK && primary!=NULL) {
+        for (f=0;f<NB_FORMATS;f++) {
+            /* We must call SetCooperativeLevel to be allowed to call SetFormat */
+            /* DSOUND: Setting DirectSound cooperative level to DSSCL_PRIORITY */
+            rc=IDirectSound_SetCooperativeLevel(dso,get_hwnd(),DSSCL_PRIORITY);
+            ok(rc==DS_OK,"SetCooperativeLevel failed: 0x%0lx\n",rc);
+            if (rc!=DS_OK)
+                goto EXIT;
+            init_format(&wfx,WAVE_FORMAT_PCM,formats[f][0],formats[f][1],
+                        formats[f][2]);
+            wfx2=wfx;
+            rc=IDirectSoundBuffer_SetFormat(primary,&wfx);
+            ok(rc==DS_OK,"IDirectSoundBuffer_SetFormat failed: %s\n",
+               DXGetErrorString8(rc));
+            /* There is no garantee that SetFormat will actually change the
+             * format to what we asked for. It depends on what the soundcard
+             * supports. So we must re-query the format.
+             */
+            rc=IDirectSoundBuffer_GetFormat(primary,&wfx,sizeof(wfx),NULL);
+            ok(rc==DS_OK,"GetFormat failed: 0x%lx\n",rc);
+            if (rc==DS_OK &&
+                (wfx.wFormatTag!=wfx2.wFormatTag ||
+                 wfx.nSamplesPerSec!=wfx2.nSamplesPerSec ||
+                 wfx.wBitsPerSample!=wfx2.wBitsPerSample ||
+                 wfx.nChannels!=wfx2.nChannels)) {
+                trace("Requested primary format tag=0x%04x %ldx%dx%d avg.B/s=%ld align=%d\n",
+                      wfx2.wFormatTag,wfx2.nSamplesPerSec,wfx2.wBitsPerSample,
+                      wfx2.nChannels,wfx2.nAvgBytesPerSec,wfx2.nBlockAlign);
+                trace("Got tag=0x%04x %ldx%dx%d avg.B/s=%ld align=%d\n",
+                      wfx.wFormatTag,wfx.nSamplesPerSec,wfx.wBitsPerSample,
+                      wfx.nChannels,wfx.nAvgBytesPerSec,wfx.nBlockAlign);
+            }
+            /* Set the CooperativeLevel back to normal */
+            /* DSOUND: Setting DirectSound cooperative level to DSSCL_NORMAL */
+            rc=IDirectSound_SetCooperativeLevel(dso,get_hwnd(),DSSCL_NORMAL);
+            ok(rc==DS_OK,"SetCooperativeLevel failed: 0x%0lx\n",rc);
+            init_format(&wfx2,WAVE_FORMAT_PCM,11025,16,2);
+            secondary=NULL;
+            ZeroMemory(&bufdesc, sizeof(bufdesc));
+            bufdesc.dwSize=sizeof(bufdesc);
+            bufdesc.dwFlags=DSBCAPS_GETCURRENTPOSITION2;
+            bufdesc.dwBufferBytes=wfx.nAvgBytesPerSec*BUFFER_LEN/1000;
+            bufdesc.lpwfxFormat=&wfx2;
+            trace("  Testing a primary buffer at %ldx%dx%d with a secondary buffer at %ldx%dx%d\n",
+                  wfx.nSamplesPerSec,wfx.wBitsPerSample,wfx.nChannels,
+                  wfx2.nSamplesPerSec,wfx2.wBitsPerSample,wfx2.nChannels);
+            rc=IDirectSound_CreateSoundBuffer(dso,&bufdesc,&secondary,NULL);
+            ok(rc==DS_OK && secondary!=NULL,
+               "IDirectSound_CreateSoundBuffer failed to create a secondary "
+               "buffer %s\n",DXGetErrorString8(rc));
+            if (rc==DS_OK && secondary!=NULL) {
+                test_buffer(dso,secondary,0,FALSE,0,FALSE,0,
+                            winetest_interactive,1.0,0,NULL,0,0);
+                ref=IDirectSoundBuffer_Release(secondary);
+                ok(ref==0,"IDirectSoundBuffer_Release has %d references, "
+                   "should have 0\n",ref);
+            }
+        }
+        ref=IDirectSoundBuffer_Release(primary);
+        ok(ref==0,"IDirectSoundBuffer_Release primary has %d references, "
+           "should have 0\n",ref);
+    }
+    /* Set the CooperativeLevel back to normal */
+    /* DSOUND: Setting DirectSound cooperative level to DSSCL_NORMAL */
+    rc=IDirectSound_SetCooperativeLevel(dso,get_hwnd(),DSSCL_NORMAL);
+    ok(rc==DS_OK,"IDirectSound_SetCooperativeLevel failed: %s\n",
+       DXGetErrorString8(rc));
+    ref=IDirectSound_Release(dso);
+    ok(ref==0,"IDirectSound_Release has %d references, should have 0\n",ref);
+    if (ref!=0)
+        return DSERR_GENERIC;
+    return rc;
 static HRESULT test_secondary(LPGUID lpGuid)
     HRESULT rc;
@@ -546,6 +676,7 @@
     trace("*** Testing %s - %s\n",lpcstrDescription,lpcstrModule);
+    test_primary_secondary(lpGuid);
     return 1;
Index: dlls/dsound/tests/dsound8.c
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/dsound/tests/dsound8.c,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 dsound8.c
--- dlls/dsound/tests/dsound8.c	30 Jul 2004 18:42:51 -0000	1.1
+++ dlls/dsound/tests/dsound8.c	7 Aug 2004 13:49:44 -0000
@@ -471,6 +471,141 @@
     return rc;
+ * Test the primary buffer at different formats while keeping the
+ * secondary buffer at a constant format.
+ */
+static HRESULT test_primary_secondary8(LPGUID lpGuid)
+    HRESULT rc;
+    DSBUFFERDESC bufdesc;
+    DSCAPS dscaps;
+    WAVEFORMATEX wfx, wfx2;
+    int f,ref;
+    /* Create the DirectSound object */
+    rc=DirectSoundCreate8(lpGuid,&dso,NULL);
+    ok(rc==DS_OK,"DirectSoundCreate8 failed: %s\n",DXGetErrorString8(rc));
+    if (rc!=DS_OK)
+        return rc;
+    /* Get the device capabilities */
+    ZeroMemory(&dscaps, sizeof(dscaps));
+    dscaps.dwSize=sizeof(dscaps);
+    rc=IDirectSound8_GetCaps(dso,&dscaps);
+    ok(rc==DS_OK,"IDirectSound8_GetCaps failed: %s\n",DXGetErrorString8(rc));
+    if (rc!=DS_OK)
+        goto EXIT;
+    /* We must call SetCooperativeLevel before creating primary buffer */
+    /* DSOUND: Setting DirectSound cooperative level to DSSCL_PRIORITY */
+    rc=IDirectSound8_SetCooperativeLevel(dso,get_hwnd(),DSSCL_PRIORITY);
+    ok(rc==DS_OK,"IDirectSound8_SetCooperativeLevel failed: %s\n",
+       DXGetErrorString8(rc));
+    if (rc!=DS_OK)
+        goto EXIT;
+    ZeroMemory(&bufdesc, sizeof(bufdesc));
+    bufdesc.dwSize=sizeof(bufdesc);
+    bufdesc.dwFlags=DSBCAPS_PRIMARYBUFFER;
+    rc=IDirectSound8_CreateSoundBuffer(dso,&bufdesc,&primary,NULL);
+    ok(rc==DS_OK && primary!=NULL,
+       "IDirectSound8_CreateSoundBuffer failed to create a primary buffer %s\n",
+       DXGetErrorString8(rc));
+    if (rc==DS_OK && primary!=NULL) {
+        for (f=0;f<NB_FORMATS;f++) {
+            /* We must call SetCooperativeLevel to be allowed to call SetFormat */
+            /* DSOUND: Setting DirectSound cooperative level to DSSCL_PRIORITY */
+            rc=IDirectSound8_SetCooperativeLevel(dso,get_hwnd(),DSSCL_PRIORITY);
+            ok(rc==DS_OK,"IDirectSound8_SetCooperativeLevel failed: %s\n",
+               DXGetErrorString8(rc));
+            if (rc!=DS_OK)
+                goto EXIT;
+            init_format(&wfx,WAVE_FORMAT_PCM,formats[f][0],formats[f][1],
+                        formats[f][2]);
+            wfx2=wfx;
+            rc=IDirectSoundBuffer_SetFormat(primary,&wfx);
+            ok(rc==DS_OK,"IDirectSoundBuffer_SetFormat failed: %s\n",
+               DXGetErrorString8(rc));
+            /* There is no garantee that SetFormat will actually change the
+             * format to what we asked for. It depends on what the soundcard
+             * supports. So we must re-query the format.
+             */
+            rc=IDirectSoundBuffer_GetFormat(primary,&wfx,sizeof(wfx),NULL);
+            ok(rc==DS_OK,"IDirectSoundBuffer_GetFormat failed: %s\n",
+               DXGetErrorString8(rc));
+            if (rc==DS_OK &&
+                (wfx.wFormatTag!=wfx2.wFormatTag ||
+                 wfx.nSamplesPerSec!=wfx2.nSamplesPerSec ||
+                 wfx.wBitsPerSample!=wfx2.wBitsPerSample ||
+                 wfx.nChannels!=wfx2.nChannels)) {
+                trace("Requested primary format tag=0x%04x %ldx%dx%d "
+                      "avg.B/s=%ld align=%d\n",
+                      wfx2.wFormatTag,wfx2.nSamplesPerSec,wfx2.wBitsPerSample,
+                      wfx2.nChannels,wfx2.nAvgBytesPerSec,wfx2.nBlockAlign);
+                trace("Got tag=0x%04x %ldx%dx%d avg.B/s=%ld align=%d\n",
+                      wfx.wFormatTag,wfx.nSamplesPerSec,wfx.wBitsPerSample,
+                      wfx.nChannels,wfx.nAvgBytesPerSec,wfx.nBlockAlign);
+            }
+            /* Set the CooperativeLevel back to normal */
+            /* DSOUND: Setting DirectSound cooperative level to DSSCL_NORMAL */
+            rc=IDirectSound8_SetCooperativeLevel(dso,get_hwnd(),DSSCL_NORMAL);
+            ok(rc==DS_OK,"IDirectSound8_SetCooperativeLevel failed: %s\n",
+               DXGetErrorString8(rc));
+            init_format(&wfx2,WAVE_FORMAT_PCM,11025,16,2);
+            secondary=NULL;
+            ZeroMemory(&bufdesc, sizeof(bufdesc));
+            bufdesc.dwSize=sizeof(bufdesc);
+            bufdesc.dwFlags=DSBCAPS_GETCURRENTPOSITION2;
+            bufdesc.dwBufferBytes=wfx.nAvgBytesPerSec*BUFFER_LEN/1000;
+            bufdesc.lpwfxFormat=&wfx2;
+            trace("  Testing a primary buffer at %ldx%dx%d with a "
+                  "secondary buffer at %ldx%dx%d\n",
+                  wfx.nSamplesPerSec,wfx.wBitsPerSample,wfx.nChannels,
+                  wfx2.nSamplesPerSec,wfx2.wBitsPerSample,wfx2.nChannels);
+            rc=IDirectSound_CreateSoundBuffer(dso,&bufdesc,&secondary,NULL);
+            ok(rc==DS_OK && secondary!=NULL,
+               "IDirectSound_CreateSoundBuffer failed to create a secondary "
+               "buffer %s\n",DXGetErrorString8(rc));
+            if (rc==DS_OK && secondary!=NULL) {
+                test_buffer8(dso,secondary,0,FALSE,0,FALSE,0,
+                             winetest_interactive,1.0,0,NULL,0,0);
+                ref=IDirectSoundBuffer_Release(secondary);
+                ok(ref==0,"IDirectSoundBuffer_Release has %d references, "
+                   "should have 0\n",ref);
+            }
+        }
+        ref=IDirectSoundBuffer_Release(primary);
+        ok(ref==0,"IDirectSoundBuffer_Release primary has %d references, "
+           "should have 0\n",ref);
+    }
+    /* Set the CooperativeLevel back to normal */
+    /* DSOUND: Setting DirectSound cooperative level to DSSCL_NORMAL */
+    rc=IDirectSound8_SetCooperativeLevel(dso,get_hwnd(),DSSCL_NORMAL);
+    ok(rc==DS_OK,"IDirectSound8_SetCooperativeLevel failed: %s\n",
+       DXGetErrorString8(rc));
+    ref=IDirectSound8_Release(dso);
+    ok(ref==0,"IDirectSound8_Release has %d references, should have 0\n",ref);
+    if (ref!=0)
+        return DSERR_GENERIC;
+    return rc;
 static HRESULT test_secondary8(LPGUID lpGuid)
     HRESULT rc;
@@ -564,6 +699,7 @@
     trace("*** Testing %s - %s\n",lpcstrDescription,lpcstrModule);
+    test_primary_secondary8(lpGuid);
     return 1;

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