advapi32/service.c; patch 4/7: Basic implementation of service control dispatcher

Alexander Yaworsky yaworsky at
Thu Nov 11 21:34:52 CST 2004


Basic implementation of service control dispatcher.

diff -urN out1/dlls/advapi32/service.c out2/dlls/advapi32/service.c
--- out1/dlls/advapi32/service.c	2004-11-12 01:20:12.000000000 +0600
+++ out2/dlls/advapi32/service.c	2004-11-12 01:22:33.000000000 +0600
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@
  static const WCHAR  szServiceShmemNameFmtW[] = {'A','D','V','A','P','I','_',
+static const WCHAR  szServiceDispEventNameFmtW[] = {'A','D','V','A','P','I','_',
+                                                    'D','I','S','P','_','%','s',0};

  struct SEB              /* service environment block */
  {                       /*   resides in service's shared memory object */
@@ -47,6 +49,11 @@
      /* variable part of SEB contains service arguments */

+static HANDLE dispatcher_event;  /* this is used by service thread to wakeup
+                                  * service control dispatcher when thread terminates */
+static struct service_thread_data *service;  /* FIXME: this should be a list */
@@ -283,7 +290,7 @@
   * build_arg_vectors
- * helper function for service control dispatcher
+ * helper function for start_new_service
   * Allocate and initialize array of LPWSTRs to arguments in variable part
   * of service environment block.
@@ -318,6 +325,10 @@
      LPSERVICE_MAIN_FUNCTIONW service_main;
      DWORD argc;
      LPWSTR *argv;
+    HANDLE hServiceShmem;
+    struct SEB *seb;
+    HANDLE thread_handle;
+    BOOL terminated;

  static DWORD WINAPI service_thread( LPVOID arg )
@@ -325,25 +336,38 @@
      struct service_thread_data *data = arg;

      data->service_main( data->argc, data->argv );
+    data->terminated = TRUE;
+    SetEvent( dispatcher_event );
      return 0;

- * service_ctrl_dispatcher
+ * dispose_service_thread_data
- * helper function for StartServiceCtrlDispatcherA/W
+ * helper function for service control dispatcher
-static BOOL service_ctrl_dispatcher( LPSERVICE_TABLE_ENTRYW servent, BOOL ascii )
+static void dispose_service_thread_data( struct service_thread_data* thread_data )
+    if( thread_data->argv ) HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, thread_data->argv );
+    if( thread_data->seb ) UnmapViewOfFile( thread_data->seb );
+    if( thread_data->hServiceShmem ) CloseHandle( thread_data->hServiceShmem );
+    HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, thread_data );
+ * start_new_service
+ *
+ * helper function for service control dispatcher
+ */
+static struct service_thread_data*
+start_new_service( LPSERVICE_MAIN_FUNCTIONW service_main, BOOL ascii )
-    HANDLE hServiceShmem = NULL;
-    struct SEB *seb = NULL;
      struct service_thread_data *thread_data;
      unsigned int i;
-    HANDLE thread;

      thread_data = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(struct service_thread_data) );
      if( NULL == thread_data )
-        return FALSE;
+        return NULL;

      if( ! read_scm_lock_data( thread_data->service_name ) )
@@ -353,21 +377,21 @@
             submitted against revision 1.45 and so preserved here.
-        servent->lpServiceProc( 0, NULL );
+        service_main( 0, NULL );
          HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, thread_data );
-        return TRUE;
+        return NULL;

-    seb = open_seb_shmem( thread_data->service_name, &hServiceShmem );
-    if( NULL == seb )
+    thread_data->seb = open_seb_shmem( thread_data->service_name, &thread_data->hServiceShmem );
+    if( NULL == thread_data->seb )
          goto error;

-    thread_data->argv = build_arg_vectors( seb );
+    thread_data->argv = build_arg_vectors( thread_data->seb );
      if( NULL == thread_data->argv )
          goto error;

      thread_data->argv[0] = thread_data->service_name;
-    thread_data->argc = seb->argc + 1;
+    thread_data->argc = thread_data->seb->argc + 1;

      if( ascii )
@@ -391,31 +415,80 @@

-    /* start the service thread */
-    thread_data->service_main = servent->lpServiceProc;
-    thread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, service_thread, thread_data, 0, NULL );
-    if( NULL == thread )
-        goto error;
-    /* FIXME: dispatch control requests */
-    WaitForSingleObject( thread, INFINITE );
-    CloseHandle( thread );
-    HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, thread_data->argv );
-    HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, thread_data );
-    UnmapViewOfFile( seb );
-    CloseHandle( hServiceShmem );
-    return TRUE;
+    /* create service thread in suspended state
+     * to avoid race while caller handles return value */
+    thread_data->service_main = service_main;
+    thread_data->thread_handle = CreateThread( NULL, 0, service_thread,
+                                               thread_data, CREATE_SUSPENDED, NULL );
+    if( thread_data->thread_handle )
+        return thread_data;

-    if( thread_data->argv ) HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, thread_data->argv );
-    if( seb ) UnmapViewOfFile( seb );
-    if( hServiceShmem ) CloseHandle( hServiceShmem );
-    HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, thread_data );
+    dispose_service_thread_data( thread_data );
      return FALSE;

+ * service_ctrl_dispatcher
+ */
+static BOOL service_ctrl_dispatcher( LPSERVICE_TABLE_ENTRYW servent, BOOL ascii )
+    WCHAR object_name[ MAX_PATH ];
+    /* FIXME: if shared service, find entry by service name */
+    /* FIXME: move this into dispatcher loop */
+    service = start_new_service( servent->lpServiceProc, ascii );
+    if( NULL == service )
+        return FALSE;
+    ResumeThread( service->thread_handle );
+    /* create dispatcher event object */
+    /* FIXME: object name should be based on executable image path because
+     * this object is a dispatcher's entity; it is common for all services in the process */
+    snprintfW( object_name, MAX_PATH, szServiceDispEventNameFmtW, service->service_name );
+    dispatcher_event = CreateEventW( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, object_name );
+    if( NULL == dispatcher_event )
+    {
+        dispose_service_thread_data( service );
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    if( ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS == GetLastError() )
+    {
+        CloseHandle( dispatcher_event );
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    /* dispatcher loop */
+    for(;;)
+    {
+        WaitForSingleObject( dispatcher_event, INFINITE );
+        /* at first, look for terminated service thread
+         * FIXME: threads */
+        if( service->terminated )
+        {
+            TRACE("waiting for service thread shutdown\n");
+            WaitForSingleObject( service->thread_handle, INFINITE );
+            CloseHandle( service->thread_handle );
+            dispose_service_thread_data( service );
+            break;
+        }
+        /* FIXME: look for control requests */
+        /* FIXME: if shared service, check SCM lock object;
+         * if exists, a new service should be started */
+    }
+    CloseHandle( dispatcher_event );
+    return TRUE;
   * StartServiceCtrlDispatcherA [ADVAPI32.@]

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