[AppDB] link bugs patch 3 of 6

Tony Lambregts tony.lambregts at gmail.com
Sat Jul 9 23:05:57 CDT 2005

This is the third of the patches that gives better integration of
bugzilla with the AppDB. They are submitted in the order that they
should be applied. If you want to test them out you should download the
tarball for bugzilla from ftp://ftp.winehq.org/pub/wine/ (Thanks Jeremy...)

Change Log: create the new buglink object.

New files: include/bugs.php

-------------- next part --------------
--- /dev/null	2005-06-26 13:54:45.811553416 -0600
+++ include/bugs.php	2005-07-09 13:16:38.000000000 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+/* bug class and related functions */
+ * Bug Link class for handling Bug Links and thumbnails
+ */
+class Bug {
+    var $iLinkId;
+    var $iBug_id;
+    var $sShort_desc;
+    var $sBug_status;
+    var $sResolution;
+    var $iVersionId;
+    var $iAppId;
+    var $sSubmitTime;
+    var $iSubmitterId;
+    var $bQueued;
+    /**    
+     * Constructor, fetches the data and bug objects if $ilinkId is given.
+     */
+    function bug($iLinkId = null)
+    {
+        // we are working on an existing Bug
+        if(is_numeric($iLinkId))
+        {
+            $sQuery = "SELECT buglinks.*, appVersion.appId AS appId
+                       FROM buglinks, appVersion 
+                       WHERE buglinks.versionId = appVersion.versionId 
+                       AND linkid = ".$iLinkId;
+            if($hResult = query_appdb($sQuery))
+            {
+                $oRow = mysql_fetch_object($hResult);
+                $this->iLinkId = $iLinkId;
+                $this->iAppId = $oRow->appId;
+                $this->iBug_id = $oRow->bug_id;
+                $this->iVersionId = $oRow->versionId;
+                $this->bQueued = ($oRow->queued=="true")?true:false;
+                $this->sSubmitTime = $oRow->submitTime;
+                $this->iSubmitterId = $oRow->submitterId;
+                /* lets fill in some blanks */ 
+                if ($this->iBug_id)
+                {
+                    $sQuery = "SELECT *
+                              FROM bugs 
+                              WHERE bug_id = ".$this->iBug_id;
+                    if($hResult = query_bugzilladb($sQuery))
+                    {
+                        $oRow = mysql_fetch_object($hResult);
+                        $this->sShort_desc = $oRow->short_desc;
+                        $this->sBug_status = $oRow->bug_status;
+                        $this->sResolution = $oRow->Resolution;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Creates a new Bug.
+     */
+    function create($iVersionId = null, $iBug_id = null)
+    {
+        $oVersion = new Version($iVersionId);
+        // Security, if we are not an administrator or a maintainer, the Bug must be queued.
+        if(!($_SESSION['current']->hasPriv("admin") || $_SESSION['current']->isMaintainer($oVersion->iVersionId) || $_SESSION['current']->isSuperMaintainer($oVersion->iAppId)))
+        {
+            $this->bQueued = true;
+        } else
+        {
+            $this->bQueued = false;
+        }
+        /* lets check for a valid bug id */
+        if(!is_numeric($iBug_id))
+        {
+            addmsg($iBug_id." is not a valid bug number.", "red");
+            return false;
+        }
+        /* check that bug # exists in bugzilla*/
+        $sQuery = "SELECT *
+                   FROM bugs 
+                   WHERE bug_id = ".$iBug_id;
+        if(!($hResult = query_bugzilladb($sQuery)))
+        {
+            addmsg("There is no bug in Bugzilla with that bug number.", "red");
+            return false;
+        }
+        /* Check for Duplicates */
+        $sQuery = "SELECT *
+                   FROM buglinks 
+                   WHERE versionId = ".$iVersionId;
+        if($hResult = query_appdb($sQuery))
+        {
+            while($oRow = mysql_fetch_object($hResult))
+            {
+                if($oRow->bug_id == $iBug_id)
+                {
+                   addmsg("The Bug link has already been submitted.", "red");
+                   return false;
+                }
+            }
+        } 
+        /* passed the checks so lets insert the puppy! */
+        $aInsert = compile_insert_string(array( 'versionId'    => $iVersionId,
+                                                'bug_id'       => $iBug_id,
+                                                'queued'       => $this->bQueued?"true":"false",
+                                                'submitterId'  => $_SESSION['current']->iUserId ));
+        $sFields = "({$aInsert['FIELDS']})";
+        $sValues = "({$aInsert['VALUES']})";
+        if(query_appdb("INSERT INTO buglinks $sFields VALUES $sValues", "Error while creating a new Bug link."))
+        {
+            $this->iLinkId = mysql_insert_id();
+            $this->bug($this->iLinkId);
+            $this->mailMaintainers();
+            return true;
+        }else
+        {
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    /**    
+     * Deletes the Bug from the database. 
+     * and request its deletion from the filesystem (including the thumbnail).
+     */
+    function delete($bSilent=false)
+    {
+        $sQuery = "DELETE FROM buglinks 
+                   WHERE linkId = ".$this->iLinkId;
+        if($hResult = query_appdb($sQuery))
+        {
+            if(!$bSilent)
+                $this->mailMaintainers(true);
+        }
+        if($this->iSubmitterId)
+        {
+            $this->mailSubmitter(true);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Move Bug out of the queue.
+     */
+    function unQueue()
+    {
+        // If we are not in the queue, we can't move the Bug out of the queue.
+        if(!$this->bQueued)
+            return false;
+        $sUpdate = compile_update_string(array('queued' => "false"));
+        if(query_appdb("UPDATE buglinks SET ".$sUpdate." WHERE linkId=".$this->iLinkId))
+        {
+            $this->bQueued = false;
+            // we send an e-mail to intersted people
+            $this->mailSubmitter();
+            $this->mailMaintainers();
+            // the Bug has been unqueued
+            addmsg("The Bug has been unqueued.", "green");
+        }
+    }
+    function mailSubmitter($bRejected=false)
+    {
+        if($this->iSubmitterId)
+        {
+            $oSubmitter = new User($this->iSubmitterId);
+            if(!$bRejected)
+            {
+                $sSubject =  "Submitted Bug Link accepted";
+                $sMsg  = "The Bug Link you submitted for ".lookup_app_name($this->appId)." ".lookup_version_name($this->versionId)." has been accepted.";
+            } else
+            {
+                 $sSubject =  "Submitted Bug Link rejected";
+                 $sMsg  = "The Bug Link you submitted for ".lookup_app_name($this->appId)." ".lookup_version_name($this->versionId)." has been rejected.";
+            }
+            $sMsg .= $_REQUEST['replyText']."\n";
+            $sMsg .= "We appreciate your help in making the Application Database better for all users.";
+            mail_appdb($oSubmitter->sEmail, $sSubject ,$sMsg);
+        }
+    }
+    function mailMaintainers($bDeleted=false)
+    {
+        if(!$bDeleted)
+        {
+            if(!$this->bQueued)
+            {
+                $sSubject = "Bug Link for ".lookup_app_name($this->iAppId)." ".lookup_version_name($this->iVersionId)." added by ".$_SESSION['current']->sRealname;
+                $sMsg  = APPDB_ROOT."appview.php?versionId=".$this->iVersionId."\n";
+                if($this->iSubmitterId)
+                {
+                    $oSubmitter = new User($this->iSubmitterId);
+                    $sMsg .= "This Bug Link has been submitted by ".$oSubmitter->sRealname.".";
+                    $sMsg .= "\n";
+                }
+                addmsg("The Bug Link was successfully added into the database.", "green");
+            } else // Bug Link queued.
+            {
+                $sSubject = "Bug Link for ".lookup_app_name($this->iAppId)." ".lookup_version_name($this->iVersionId)." submitted by ".$_SESSION['current']->sRealname;
+                $sMsg  = APPDB_ROOT."appview.php?versionId=".$this->iVersionId."\n";
+                $sMsg .= "This Bug Link has been queued.";
+                $sMsg .= "\n";
+                addmsg("The Bug Link you submitted will be added to the database database after being reviewed.", "green");
+            }
+        } else // Bug Link deleted.
+        {
+            $sSubject = "Bug Link for ".lookup_app_name($this->iAppId)." ".lookup_version_name($this->iVersionId)." deleted by ".$_SESSION['current']->sRealname;
+            $sMsg  = APPDB_ROOT."appview.php?versionId=".$this->iVersionId."\n";
+            addmsg("Bug Link deleted.", "green");
+        }
+        $sEmail = get_notify_email_address_list(null, $this->iVersionId);
+        if($sEmail)
+        {
+            mail_appdb($sEmail, $sSubject ,$sMsg);
+        }
+    } 
+ * Bug Link functions that are not part of the class
+ */
+function view_version_bugs($iVersionId = null, $aBuglinkIds)
+    $bCanEdit = FALSE;
+    $oVersion = new Version($iVersionId);
+    // Security, if we are an administrator or a maintainer, we can remove or ok links.
+    if(($_SESSION['current']->hasPriv("admin") ||
+                 $_SESSION['current']->isMaintainer($oVersion->iVersionId) ||
+                 $_SESSION['current']->isSuperMaintainer($oVersion->iAppId)))
+    {
+        $bCanEdit = TRUE;
+    } 
+    //start format table
+    if($_SESSION['current']->isLoggedIn())
+    {
+        echo "<form method=post action='appview.php?versionId=".$iVersionId."'>\n";
+    }
+    echo html_frame_start("Known bugs","98%",'',0);
+    echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"1\">\n\n";
+    echo "<tr class=color4>\n";
+    echo "    <td align=center width=\"80\">Bug #</td>\n";
+    echo "    <td>Description</td>\n";
+    echo "    <td align=center width=\"80\">Status</td>\n";
+    echo "    <td align=center width=\"80\">Resolution</td>\n";
+    echo "    <td align=center width=\"80\">Other Apps affected</td>\n";
+    if($bCanEdit == true)
+    {
+        echo "    <td align=center width=\"80\">delete</td>\n";
+        echo "    <td align=center width=\"80\">checked</td>\n";
+    }
+    echo "</tr>\n\n";
+    $c = 0;
+    foreach($aBuglinkIds as $iBuglinkId)
+    {
+        $oBuglink = new bug($iBuglinkId);
+        // set row color
+        $bgcolor = ($c % 2 == 0) ? "color0" : "color1";
+        //display row
+        echo "<tr class=$bgcolor>\n";
+        echo "<td align=center><a href='".BUGZILLA_ROOT."show_bug.cgi?id=".$oBuglink->iBug_id."'>".$oBuglink->iBug_id."</a></td>\n";
+        echo "<td>".$oBuglink->sShort_desc."</td>\n";
+        echo "<td align=center>".$oBuglink->sBug_status."</td>","\n";
+        echo "<td align=center>".$oBuglink->sResolution."</td>","\n";
+//        echo "<td align=center>".$oBuglink->sResolution."</td>","\n";
+        echo "<td align=center><a href='viewbugs.php?bug_id=".$oBuglink->iBug_id."'>View</a></td>\n";
+        if($bCanEdit == true)
+        {
+            echo "<td align=center>[<a href='appview.php?sub=delete&buglinkId=".$oBuglink->iLinkId."&versionId=".$oBuglink->iVersionId."'>delete</a>]</td>\n";
+            if ($oBuglink->bQueued)
+            {
+                echo "<td align=center>[<a href='appview.php?sub=unqueue&buglinkId=".$oBuglink->iLinkId."&versionId=".$oBuglink->iVersionId."'>OK</a>]</td>\n";
+            } else
+            {
+                echo "<td align=center>Yes</td>\n";
+            }
+        }
+        echo "</tr>\n\n";
+        $c++;   
+    }
+    if($_SESSION['current']->isLoggedIn())
+    {
+        echo '<input type="hidden" name="versionId" value="'.$oBuglink->iVersionId.'">',"\n";
+        echo '<tr class=color3><td align=center>',"\n";
+        echo '<input type="text" name="buglinkId" value="'.$_REQUEST['buglinkId'].'" size="8"></td>',"\n";
+        echo '<td><input type="submit" name="sub" value="Submit a new bug link."></td>',"\n";
+        echo '<td colspan=6></td></tr>',"\n";
+    }
+    echo '</table>',"\n";
+    echo html_frame_end();

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