[AppDB] Let Administrators maintain buglinks. (Patch 2 of 3)

Tony Lambregts tony.lambregts at gmail.com
Tue Jul 19 21:07:05 CDT 2005

Let's let Administrators have a screen to maintain buglinks.

Change Log: Add admin/adminBugs.php to the AppDB
Files Added: admin/adminBugs.php

-------------- next part --------------
--- /dev/null	2005-07-16 05:32:20.814944808 -0600
+++ admin/adminBugs.php	2005-07-19 19:05:30.000000000 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+/* code to view and maintain the list of bug links */
+ * application environment
+ */ 
+// deny access if not logged in
+    errorpage("Insufficient privileges.");
+    exit;
+if ($_REQUEST['sub'])
+    if(($_REQUEST['sub'] == 'delete' ) && ($_REQUEST['buglinkId']))
+    {
+        $oBuglink = new bug($_REQUEST['buglinkId']);
+        $oBuglink->delete();
+    }
+    if(($_REQUEST['sub'] == 'unqueue' ) && ($_REQUEST['buglinkId']))
+    {
+        $oBuglink = new bug($_REQUEST['buglinkId']);
+        $oBuglink->unqueue();
+    }
+    redirect($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?ItemsPerPage=".$_REQUEST['ItemsPerPage']."&QueuedOnly=".$_REQUEST['QueuedOnly']."&page=".$_REQUEST['page']);
+    exit;
+    apidb_header("Administer Bugs");
+    $pageRange = 10;
+    $ItemsPerPage = 10;
+    $currentPage = 1;
+    $QueuedOnly = !isset($_REQUEST['QueuedOnly'])? NULL: $_REQUEST['QueuedOnly'];
+    $BugLinks = ($QueuedOnly == 'on')?getNumberOfQueuedBugLinks():getNumberOfBugLinks();
+    if($_REQUEST['ItemsPerPage'])
+        $ItemsPerPage = $_REQUEST['ItemsPerPage'];
+    if($_REQUEST['page'])
+        $currentPage = $_REQUEST['page'];
+    $ItemsPerPage = min($ItemsPerPage,100);
+    $totalPages = max(ceil($BugLinks/$ItemsPerPage),1);
+    $currentPage = min($currentPage,$totalPages);
+    $offset = (($currentPage-1) * $ItemsPerPage);
+    /* display page selection links */
+    echo '<form method="get" name="message" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">',"\n";
+    echo '<center>',"\n";
+    echo '<b>Page '.$currentPage.' of '.$totalPages.'</b><br />',"\n";
+    display_page_range($currentPage, $pageRange, $totalPages, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?ItemsPerPage=".$ItemsPerPage."&QueuedOnly=".$QueuedOnly);
+    echo '<br />',"\n";
+    echo '<br />',"\n";
+    /* display the option to choose how many comments per-page to display */
+    echo '<input type=hidden name=page value='.$currentPage.'>';
+    echo '<b>Number of Bug Links per page: </b>';
+    echo '<select name="ItemsPerPage">';
+    $ItemsPerPageArray = array(2 ,10, 20, 50, 100);
+    foreach($ItemsPerPageArray as $i => $value)
+    {
+        if($ItemsPerPageArray[$i] == $ItemsPerPage)
+            echo '<option value='.$ItemsPerPageArray[$i].' SELECTED>'.$ItemsPerPageArray[$i],"\n";
+        else
+            echo '<option value='.$ItemsPerPageArray[$i].'>'.$ItemsPerPageArray[$i],"\n";
+    }
+    echo '</select>',"\n";
+    echo '<br />',"\n";
+    echo '<b>View queued links only: </b><input type=checkbox name="QueuedOnly" '.($QueuedOnly == "on"?" CHECKED":"").'>',"\n";
+    echo '<br />',"\n";
+    echo '<input type=submit value="Refresh">',"\n";
+    echo '</center>',"\n";
+    echo '</form>',"\n";
+    echo '<table width=100% border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=1>',"\n";
+    echo '<tr class=color4>',"\n";
+    echo '    <td align=center width="40">Bug #</td>',"\n";
+    echo '    <td align=center width="60">Status</td>',"\n";
+    echo '    <td>Bug Description</td>',"\n";
+    echo '    <td width=80>Application Name</td>',"\n";
+    echo '    <td>Aplication Description</td>',"\n";
+    echo '    <td width=40>version</td>',"\n";
+    echo '    <td align=center width="40">delete</td>',"\n";
+    echo '    <td align=center width="40">checked</td>',"\n";
+    echo '</tr>',"\n";
+    if ($QueuedOnly == 'on')
+    {
+        $sWhere =  "WHERE appFamily.appId = appVersion.appId
+                    AND buglinks.versionId = appVersion.versionId
+                    AND buglinks.bug_id = ".BUGZILLA_DB.".bugs.bug_id
+                    AND buglinks.queued = 'true'";
+    } else
+    {
+        $sWhere =  "WHERE appFamily.appId = appVersion.appId
+                    AND buglinks.versionId = appVersion.versionId
+                    AND buglinks.bug_id = ".BUGZILLA_DB.".bugs.bug_id";
+    }
+    $sQuery = "SELECT appFamily.description as appDescription, 
+               appFamily.appName as appName, appVersion.*, 
+               buglinks.versionId as versionId, 
+               buglinks.bug_id as bug_id, 
+               buglinks.linkId as linkId, 
+               buglinks.queued as queued, 
+               bugs.* 
+               FROM appFamily, appVersion, buglinks, bugs.bugs
+               ".$sWhere."
+               ORDER BY buglinks.bug_id, appName, versionName";
+    $sQuery = "SELECT appFamily.description as appDescription, 
+               appFamily.appName as appName, appVersion.*, 
+               buglinks.versionId as versionId, 
+               buglinks.bug_id as bug_id, 
+               buglinks.linkId as linkId, 
+               buglinks.queued as queued, 
+               bugs.* 
+               FROM appFamily, appVersion, buglinks, bugs.bugs
+               ".$sWhere."
+               ORDER BY buglinks.bug_id, appName, versionName
+               LIMIT ".$offset.", ".$ItemsPerPage.";";
+    $c = 0;
+    if($hResult = query_appdb($sQuery))
+    {
+        while($oRow = mysql_fetch_object($hResult))
+        {
+            // set row color
+            $bgcolor = ($c % 2 == 0) ? "color0" : "color1";
+            echo '<tr class='.$bgcolor.'>',"\n";
+            echo '    <td align=center>',"\n";
+            echo '    <a href="'.BUGZILLA_ROOT.'show_bug.cgi?id='.$oRow->bug_id.'">'.$oRow->bug_id.'</a>',"\n";
+            echo '    </td>',"\n";
+            echo '    <td align=center>'.$oRow->bug_status.'</td>',"\n";
+            echo '    <td>'.$oRow->short_desc.'</td>',"\n";
+            echo '    <td>',"\n";
+            echo '    <a href="appview.php?appId='.$oRow->appId.'">'.$oRow->appName.'</a>',"\n";
+            echo '    </td>',"\n";
+            echo '    <td>'.$oRow->appDescription.'</td>',"\n";
+            echo '    <td>',"\n";
+            echo '    <a href="appview.php?versionId='.$oRow->versionId.'">'.$oRow->versionName.'</a>',"\n";
+            echo '    </td>',"\n";
+            echo '    <td align=center>[<a href="adminBugs.php?sub=delete',"\n";
+            echo          '&buglinkId='.$oRow->linkId,"\n";
+            echo          '&Queuedonly='.$QueuedOnly,"\n";
+            echo          '&ItemsPerPage='.$ItemsPerPage,"\n";
+            echo          '&page='.$currentPage,"\n";
+            echo          '">delete</a>]</td>',"\n";
+            $bQueued = ($oRow->queued=="true")?true:false;
+            if ($bQueued)
+            {
+                echo '<td align=center>[<a href="adminBugs.php?sub=unqueue',"\n";
+                echo      '&buglinkId='.$oRow->linkId,"\n";
+                echo      '&Queuedonly='.$QueuedOnly,"\n";
+                echo      '&ItemsPerPage='.$ItemsPerPage,"\n";
+                echo      '&page='.$currentPage,"\n";
+                echo '">OK</a>]</td>',"\n";
+            } else
+            {
+                echo '<td align=center>Yes</td>',"\n";
+            }
+            echo '</tr>',"\n";
+            $c++;
+        }
+    }
+    echo "</table>","\n";
+    echo "<center>","\n";
+    display_page_range($currentPage, $pageRange, $totalPages, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?ItemsPerPage=".$ItemsPerPage."&QueuedOnly=".$QueuedOnly);
+    echo "</center>","\n";
+    apidb_footer();

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