Fix Building of Bitmap Fonts

Robert Shearman rob at
Wed Jul 20 04:35:54 CDT 2005


Currently, generating the ttf files for the three bitmap fonts doesn't work correctly.
Here is the problem and solution as described by George Williams:

The problem is that when you give the extension ".ttf" to the first
argument you are telling ff to generate an outline based truetype font.
There are no outline glyphs, so no glyphs get output.

What you should do instead is to call Generate thusly:
	Generate("wine_courier.","ttf", 0);
This is actually documented but it is rather obscure. You will then get
a font called "wine_courier." containing your strike.

ttf files for bitmap fonts should be generated with an extension of just "." to work around a quirk in fontforge (with thanks to George Williams for helping me fix this).

Rob Shearman

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