Delete version sniffing logic

Mike Hearn mike at
Sun Jun 5 10:07:02 CDT 2005

The rationale for this change is simple: the version sniffing
code is unreliable and gets it wrong frequently. Out of the box,
you can't run "WINEDLLOVERRIDES=msi,msiexec.exe=n wine InstMsiA.exe"
because of this code. You just get silence. It turns out that even
though this is the Win98 version of the installer, it's detected
as a Windows XP binary.

It's a lot simpler to have a single, sane default. This makes it
easier for users to understand, easier for us to control, and avoids
the case where different processes in the same program get different
version information.

This patch defaults us to Win98 mode.

Mike Hearn <mh at>
Delete version sniffing logic

Index: dlls/ntdll/version.c
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/ntdll/version.c,v
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -u -p -d -u -r1.15 version.c
--- dlls/ntdll/version.c	5 May 2005 09:49:24 -0000	1.15
+++ dlls/ntdll/version.c	5 Jun 2005 15:03:44 -0000
@@ -303,191 +303,6 @@ void VERSION_Init( const WCHAR *appname 
     NtClose( config_key );
- *      VERSION_GetSystemDLLVersion
- *
- * This function tries to figure out if a given (native) dll comes from
- * win95/98 or winnt. Since all values in the OptionalHeader are not a
- * usable hint, we test if a dll imports the ntdll.
- * This is at least working for all system dlls like comctl32, comdlg32 and
- * shell32.
- * If you have a better idea to figure this out...
- */
-static DWORD VERSION_GetSystemDLLVersion( HMODULE hmod )
-    DWORD size;
-    if ((pe_imp = RtlImageDirectoryEntryToData( hmod, TRUE, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT, &size )))
-    {
-        for ( ; pe_imp->Name; pe_imp++)
-        {
-            char * name = (char *)hmod + (unsigned int)pe_imp->Name;
-            TRACE("%s\n", name);
-            if (!strncasecmp(name, "ntdll", 5))
-            {
-              switch(RtlImageNtHeader(hmod)->OptionalHeader.MajorOperatingSystemVersion) {
-                  case 3:
-                          MESSAGE("WARNING: very old native DLL (NT 3.x) used, might cause instability.\n");
-                          return NT351;
-                  case 4: return NT40;
-                  case 5: switch (RtlImageNtHeader(hmod)->OptionalHeader.MinorOperatingSystemVersion){
-                          case 0: return NT2K;
-                          case 1: return WINXP;
-                          case 2: return WIN2K3;
-                          }
-                  default:
-                          FIXME("Unknown DLL OS version, please report !!\n");
-                          return WIN2K3;
-              }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return WIN95;
- *      VERSION_GetLinkedDllVersion
- *
- * Some version data (not reliable!):
- * linker/OS/image/subsys
- *
- * x.xx/1.00/0.00/3.10  Win32s          (any version ?)
- * 2.39/1.00/0.00/3.10  Win32s          freecell.exe (any version)
- * 2.50/1.00/4.00/4.00  Win32s 1.30     winhlp32.exe
- * 2.60/3.51/3.51/3.51  NT351SP5        system dlls
- * 2.60/3.51/3.51/4.00  NT351SP5        comctl32 dll
- * 2.xx/1.00/0.00/4.00  Win95           system files
- * x.xx/4.00/0.00/4.00  Win95           most applications
- * 3.10/4.00/0.00/4.00  Win98           notepad
- * x.xx/5.00/5.00/4.00  Win98           system dlls (e.g. comctl32.dll)
- * x.xx/4.00/4.00/4.00  NT 4            most apps
- * 5.12/5.00/5.00/4.00  NT4+IE5         comctl32.dll
- * 5.12/5.00/5.00/4.00  Win98           calc
- * x.xx/5.00/5.00/4.00  win95/win98/NT4 IE5 files
- * 2.38/4.00/1.00/4.00  Mingw32         applications compiled with mingw32
- */
-static DWORD VERSION_GetLinkedDllVersion(void)
-    const WCHAR *name;
-    PLIST_ENTRY mark, entry;
-    PLDR_MODULE mod;
-    unsigned int i;
-    /* First check the native dlls provided. These have to be
-       from one windows version */
-    mark = &NtCurrentTeb()->Peb->LdrData->InLoadOrderModuleList;
-    for (entry = mark->Flink; entry != mark; entry = entry->Flink)
-    {
-        mod = CONTAINING_RECORD(entry, LDR_MODULE, InLoadOrderModuleList);
-        if (mod->Flags & LDR_WINE_INTERNAL) continue;
-        nt = RtlImageNtHeader(mod->BaseAddress);
-        ophd = &nt->OptionalHeader;
-        name = strrchrW( mod->FullDllName.Buffer, '\\' );
-        if (name) name++;
-        else name = mod->FullDllName.Buffer;
-        TRACE("%s: %02x.%02x/%02x.%02x/%02x.%02x/%02x.%02x\n",
-              debugstr_w(name), ophd->MajorLinkerVersion, ophd->MinorLinkerVersion,
-              ophd->MajorOperatingSystemVersion, ophd->MinorOperatingSystemVersion,
-              ophd->MajorImageVersion, ophd->MinorImageVersion,
-              ophd->MajorSubsystemVersion, ophd->MinorSubsystemVersion);
-        for (i = 0; i < sizeof(special_dlls)/sizeof(special_dlls[0]); i++)
-        {
-            /* test if it is a special dll */
-            if (!strcmpiW(name, special_dlls[i]))
-            {
-                DWORD DllVersion = VERSION_GetSystemDLLVersion(mod->BaseAddress);
-                if (WinVersion == NB_WINDOWS_VERSIONS) WinVersion = DllVersion;
-                else if (WinVersion != DllVersion)
-                {
-                    ERR("You mixed system DLLs from different windows versions! Expect a crash! (%s: expected version %s, but is %s)\n",
-                        debugstr_w(name),
-                        debugstr_w(VersionData[WinVersion].szCSDVersion),
-                        debugstr_w(VersionData[DllVersion].szCSDVersion));
-                    return WIN20; /* this may let the exe exit */
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if(WinVersion != NB_WINDOWS_VERSIONS) return WinVersion;
-    /* we are using no external system dlls, look at the exe */
-    nt = RtlImageNtHeader(NtCurrentTeb()->Peb->ImageBaseAddress);
-    ophd = &nt->OptionalHeader;
-    TRACE("%02x.%02x/%02x.%02x/%02x.%02x/%02x.%02x\n",
-          ophd->MajorLinkerVersion, ophd->MinorLinkerVersion,
-          ophd->MajorOperatingSystemVersion, ophd->MinorOperatingSystemVersion,
-          ophd->MajorImageVersion, ophd->MinorImageVersion,
-          ophd->MajorSubsystemVersion, ophd->MinorSubsystemVersion);
-    /* special nt 3.51 */
-    if (3 == ophd->MajorOperatingSystemVersion && 51 == ophd->MinorOperatingSystemVersion)
-    {
-        return NT351;
-    }
-    /* the MajorSubsystemVersion is the only usable sign */
-    if (ophd->MajorSubsystemVersion < 4)
-    {
-        if ( ophd->MajorOperatingSystemVersion == 1
-             && ophd->MinorOperatingSystemVersion == 0)
-        {
-            return WIN31; /* win32s */
-        }
-        if (ophd->Subsystem == IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_CUI)
-            return NT351; /* FIXME: NT 3.1, not tested */
-        else
-            return WIN98;
-    }
-    switch (ophd->MajorOperatingSystemVersion)
-    {
-    case 5:
-        switch (ophd->MinorOperatingSystemVersion)
-        {
-        case 0 : return NT2K;
-        case 1 : return WINXP;
-        case 2 : return WIN2K3;
-        }
-        break;
-    case 4:
-        switch(ophd->MinorOperatingSystemVersion)
-        {
-        case 90 : return WINME;
-        case 10 : return WIN98;
-        case 0  :
-            switch(ophd->MajorImageVersion)
-            {
-            case 4 : return WIN98;  /* most apps will use this */
-            case 1 : return WIN98; /* this seems to be generated by Mingw32 */
-            case 0 : return WIN95;
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-        break;
-    case 1:
-        if(ophd->MinorOperatingSystemVersion == 0)
-           return WIN95;
-        break;
-    }
-    FIXME("Unknown EXE OS version %d.%d, please report !!\n",
-          ophd->MajorOperatingSystemVersion, ophd->MinorOperatingSystemVersion );
-    return WIN98;
  *         VERSION_GetVersion
@@ -503,19 +318,11 @@ static DWORD VERSION_GetLinkedDllVersion
 static const RTL_OSVERSIONINFOEXW *VERSION_GetVersion(void)
-    static WORD winver = 0xffff;
+    static WORD winver = WIN98;
     if (versionForced)
         return &VersionData[forcedWinVersion];  /* user has overridden any sensible checks */
-    if (winver == 0xffff) /* to be determined */
-    {
-        WINDOWS_VERSION retver = VERSION_GetLinkedDllVersion();
-        /* cache determined value, but do not store in case of WIN31 */
-        if (retver != WIN31) winver = retver;
-        return &VersionData[retver];
-    }
     return &VersionData[winver];

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