proposition of wineshelllink patch

Brouard Nicolas nicolas.brouard at
Thu Mar 10 05:41:53 CST 2005

I am very new to wine, but I can appreciated now after having used
win4lin for about 2 years now.

I went through winetools (and made .spec for Mandrake rpm) in order to
install some Windows programs. Latest one is Noteworthy Composer which I
installed simply with
  wine nwcsetup175b.exe
(I mean, not using winetools)

Installation worked fine. I just needed to start timidity as an Alsa
server. And thus I reported the installation in apps: (just to say that I
applied what I read from WineHQ).

But, I had problems in the menus created by wine.
 - At first, because of a non "rooted" section in ~/.menu/wine, the menu
(on Mandrake Gnome) is echoed as a dot instead of "Wine". With Crossover
(which I tested in vain for a statistical software) the section is
correctly rooted (with a slash) as "/Windows Applications".

Therefore, I changed wineshelllink in order to root the section variable
and, for example, it looks like (by adding a slash before
Wine/Programmes") for NoteWorthy:

?package(local.Wine):needs=x11 section="/Wine/Programmes"
title="NoteWorthy Composer" longtitle="" command="wine 'C:\\\\Program
Files\\\\NoteWorthy Composer\\\\NWC32.EXE' "
icon="/home/brouard/.menu/icons/NoteWorthy Composer.xpm"

 - At second, the above wine menu for NoteWorthy is correct, but it is
not what is created by wineshelllink and instead of having 4 backslashes
there are only 2 (then applying update-menus will create wrong .desktop)

I look at wineshellink source and created a new variable pathmenu in
addition to the path variable (we need both) which uses sedit to change
\\ into \\\\\. pathmenu is used only in mdk_entry().

I agree that you could find a better patch...

Now considering the procedure to change wineshelllink, I first verified
on CVS that it had not changed for months, despite bugs 1523 and 1600 I
would add. Bug 1523  also
pointed out that if you run wineshelllink as a normal user, you got an
error on writing to /usr/lib/menu.
It also proposed a patch on winebuildermenu.c which I did not
test. Mike Hearn asked for a patch to be sent to wine-patches. Thus I
presume that the wine-patches mailing list is more efficient for you. 

To resume, the enclosed proposed patch to wineshelllink will probably
close bug 1600 using a proposition of bug 1523.

Tell me if I should submit differently.

Nicolas Brouard

Brouard Nicolas <nicolas.brouard at>
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