ScrollDC fixes - take 3

Rein Klazes wijn at
Tue Mar 15 03:54:04 CST 2005


The last patch wasn't very clean, I guess that is the reason for no


dlls/x11drv	: scroll.c
windows		: scroll.c
dlls/user/tests	: win.c, msg.c

ScrollDC and X11DRV_SCROLLDC should scroll only pixels coming from
within the visible region, clipped to the clipping region if that
exists. Add the destination of pixels coming from the outside of this
region to the update region. With tests that depend on this.

-------------- next part --------------
--- wine/dlls/x11drv/scroll.c	2005-03-11 08:25:39.000000000 +0100
+++ mywine/dlls/x11drv/scroll.c	2005-03-15 10:38:34.000000000 +0100
@@ -35,96 +35,147 @@
+static void dump_region( char *p, HRGN hrgn)
+    DWORD i, size;
+    RGNDATA *data = NULL;
+    RECT *rect;
+    if (!hrgn) {
+        TRACE( "%s null region\n", p );
+        return;
+    }
+    if (!(size = GetRegionData( hrgn, 0, NULL ))) {
+        return;
+    }
+    if (!(data = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, size ))) return;
+    GetRegionData( hrgn, size, data );
+    TRACE("%s %ld rects:", p, data->rdh.nCount );
+    for (i = 0, rect = (RECT *)data->Buffer; i<20 && i < data->rdh.nCount; i++, rect++)
+        TRACE( " %s", wine_dbgstr_rect( rect));
+    TRACE("\n");
+    HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, data );
  *		ScrollDC   (X11DRV.@)
 BOOL X11DRV_ScrollDC( HDC hdc, INT dx, INT dy, const RECT *lprcScroll,
-                      const RECT *lprcClip, HRGN hrgnUpdate, LPRECT lprcUpdate )
+        const RECT *lprcClip, HRGN hrgnUpdate, LPRECT lprcUpdate )
-    RECT rSrc, rClipped_src, rClip, rDst, offset;
+    RECT rcSrc, rcClip, offset;
+    INT dxdev, dydev, res;
+    HRGN DstRgn, clipRgn, visrgn;
+    TRACE("dx,dy %d,%d lprcScroll %p lprcClip %p hrgnUpdate %p lprcUpdate %p\n",
+            dx, dy, lprcScroll, lprcClip, hrgnUpdate, lprcUpdate);
+    /* enable X-exposure events */
     if (hrgnUpdate || lprcUpdate)
         ExtEscape( hdc, X11DRV_ESCAPE, sizeof(code), (LPSTR)&code, 0, NULL );
-    /* compute device clipping region (in device coordinates) */
-    if (lprcScroll) rSrc = *lprcScroll;
-    else GetClipBox( hdc, &rSrc );
-    LPtoDP(hdc, (LPPOINT)&rSrc, 2);
-    if (lprcClip) rClip = *lprcClip;
-    else GetClipBox( hdc, &rClip );
-    LPtoDP(hdc, (LPPOINT)&rClip, 2);
-    IntersectRect( &rClipped_src, &rSrc, &rClip );
-    TRACE("rSrc %s rClip %s clipped rSrc %s\n", wine_dbgstr_rect(&rSrc),
-          wine_dbgstr_rect(&rClip), wine_dbgstr_rect(&rClipped_src));
-    rDst = rClipped_src;
+    /* get the visible region */
+    visrgn=CreateRectRgn( 0, 0, 0, 0);
+    GetRandomRgn( hdc, visrgn, SYSRGN);
+    if( !(GetVersion() & 0x80000000)) {
+        /* Window NT/2k/XP */
+        POINT org;
+        GetDCOrgEx(hdc, &org);
+        OffsetRgn( visrgn, -org.x, -org.y);
+    }
+    /* intersect with the clipping Region if the DC has one */
+    clipRgn = CreateRectRgn( 0, 0, 0, 0);
+    if (GetClipRgn( hdc, clipRgn) != 1) {
+        DeleteObject(clipRgn);
+        clipRgn=NULL;
+    } else
+        CombineRgn( visrgn, visrgn, clipRgn, RGN_AND);
+    /* only those pixels in the scroll rectangle that remain in the clipping
+     * rect are scrolled. So first combine Scroll and Clipping rectangles,
+     * if available */
+    if( lprcScroll)
+        if( lprcClip)
+            IntersectRect( &rcClip, lprcClip, lprcScroll);
+        else
+            rcClip = *lprcScroll;
+    else
+        if( lprcClip)
+            rcClip = *lprcClip;
+        else
+            GetClipBox( hdc, &rcClip);
+    /* Then clip again to get the source rectangle that will remain in the
+     * clipping rect */
+    rcSrc = rcClip;
+    OffsetRect( &rcSrc, -dx, -dy);
+    IntersectRect( &rcSrc, &rcSrc, &rcClip);
+    /* now convert to device coordinates */
+    LPtoDP(hdc, (LPPOINT)&rcSrc, 2);
+    /* also dx and dy */
     SetRect(&offset, 0, 0, dx, dy);
     LPtoDP(hdc, (LPPOINT)&offset, 2);
-    OffsetRect( &rDst, offset.right - offset.left,  offset.bottom - );
-    TRACE("rDst before clipping %s\n", wine_dbgstr_rect(&rDst));
-    IntersectRect( &rDst, &rDst, &rClip );
-    TRACE("rDst after clipping %s\n", wine_dbgstr_rect(&rDst));
-    if (!IsRectEmpty(&rDst))
-    {
-        /* copy bits */
-        RECT rDst_lp = rDst, rSrc_lp = rDst;
-        OffsetRect( &rSrc_lp, offset.left - offset.right, - offset.bottom );
-        DPtoLP(hdc, (LPPOINT)&rDst_lp, 2);
-        DPtoLP(hdc, (LPPOINT)&rSrc_lp, 2);
-        if (!BitBlt( hdc, rDst_lp.left,,
-                     rDst_lp.right - rDst_lp.left, rDst_lp.bottom -,
-                     hdc, rSrc_lp.left,, SRCCOPY))
-            return FALSE;
+    dxdev = offset.right - offset.left;
+    dydev= offset.bottom -;
+    /* now intersect with the visible region to get the pixels that will
+     * actually scroll */
+    DstRgn = CreateRectRgnIndirect( &rcSrc);
+    res = CombineRgn( DstRgn, DstRgn, visrgn, RGN_AND);
+    /* and translate, giving the destination region */
+    OffsetRgn( DstRgn, dxdev, dydev);
+    if( TRACE_ON( scroll)) dump_region( "Destination scroll region: ", DstRgn);
+    /* if there are any, do it */
+    if( res > NULLREGION) {
+        RECT rect ;
+        /* clip to the destination region, so we can BitBlt with a simple
+         * bounding rectangle */
+        if( clipRgn)
+            ExtSelectClipRgn( hdc, DstRgn, RGN_AND);
+        else
+            SelectClipRgn( hdc, DstRgn);
+        GetRgnBox( DstRgn, &rect);
+        DPtoLP(hdc, (LPPOINT)&rect, 2);
+        BitBlt( hdc, rect.left,,
+                    rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom,
+                    hdc, rect.left - dx, - dy, SRCCOPY);
-    /* compute update areas.  This is the clipped source or'ed with the unclipped source translated minus the
-     clipped src translated (rDst) all clipped to rClip */
+    /* compute the update areas.  This is the combined clip rectangle
+     * minus the scrolled region, and intersected with the visible
+     * region. */
     if (hrgnUpdate || lprcUpdate)
-        HRGN hrgn = hrgnUpdate, hrgn2, hrgn3 = 0;
+        HRGN hrgn = hrgnUpdate;
+        HRGN ExpRgn = 0;
+        /* collect all the exposures */
         code = X11DRV_END_EXPOSURES;
-        ExtEscape( hdc, X11DRV_ESCAPE, sizeof(code), (LPSTR)&code, sizeof(hrgn3), (LPSTR)&hrgn3 );
-        if (hrgn) SetRectRgn( hrgn, rClipped_src.left,, rClipped_src.right, rClipped_src.bottom );
-        else hrgn = CreateRectRgn( rClipped_src.left,, rClipped_src.right, rClipped_src.bottom );
-        hrgn2 = CreateRectRgnIndirect( &rSrc );
-        OffsetRgn(hrgn2, offset.right - offset.left,  offset.bottom - );
-        CombineRgn(hrgn, hrgn, hrgn2, RGN_OR);
-        SetRectRgn( hrgn2, rDst.left,, rDst.right, rDst.bottom );
-        CombineRgn( hrgn, hrgn, hrgn2, RGN_DIFF );
-        SetRectRgn( hrgn2, rClip.left,, rClip.right, rClip.bottom );
-        CombineRgn( hrgn, hrgn, hrgn2, RGN_AND );
-        if (hrgn3)
-        {
-            CombineRgn( hrgn, hrgn, hrgn3, RGN_OR );
-            DeleteObject( hrgn3 );
+        ExtEscape( hdc, X11DRV_ESCAPE, sizeof(code), (LPSTR)&code,
+                sizeof(ExpRgn), (LPSTR)&ExpRgn );
+        /* Covert the combined clip rectangle to device coordinates */
+        LPtoDP(hdc, (LPPOINT)&rcClip, 2);
+        if( hrgn )
+            SetRectRgn( hrgn, rcClip.left,, rcClip.right,
+                    rcClip.bottom);
+        else
+            hrgn = CreateRectRgnIndirect( &rcClip);
+        CombineRgn( hrgn, hrgn, visrgn, RGN_AND);
+        CombineRgn( hrgn, hrgn, DstRgn, RGN_DIFF);
+        /* add the exposures to this */
+        if( ExpRgn) {
+            if( TRACE_ON( scroll)) dump_region( "Expose region: ", ExpRgn);
+            CombineRgn( hrgn, hrgn, ExpRgn, RGN_OR);
+            DeleteObject( ExpRgn);
-        if( lprcUpdate )
-        {
+        if( TRACE_ON( scroll)) dump_region( "Update region: ", hrgn);
+        if( lprcUpdate) {
             GetRgnBox( hrgn, lprcUpdate );
-            /* Put the lprcUpdate in logical coordinate */
+            /* Put the lprcUpdate in logical coordinates */
             DPtoLP( hdc, (LPPOINT)lprcUpdate, 2 );
             TRACE("returning lprcUpdate %s\n", wine_dbgstr_rect(lprcUpdate));
-        if (!hrgnUpdate) DeleteObject( hrgn );
-        DeleteObject( hrgn2 );
+        if( !hrgnUpdate)
+            DeleteObject( hrgn);
+    SelectClipRgn( hdc, clipRgn);
+    DeleteObject( visrgn);
+    DeleteObject( DstRgn);
+    if( clipRgn) DeleteObject( clipRgn);
     return TRUE;
--- wine/windows/scroll.c	2005-03-11 08:26:22.000000000 +0100
+++ mywine/windows/scroll.c	2005-03-15 10:38:34.000000000 +0100
@@ -60,6 +60,28 @@ static HWND fix_caret(HWND hWnd, LPRECT 
     return 0;
+static void dump_region( char *p, HRGN hrgn)
+    DWORD i, size;
+    RGNDATA *data = NULL;
+    RECT *rect;
+    if (!hrgn) {
+        TRACE( "%s null region\n", p );
+        return;
+    }
+    if (!(size = GetRegionData( hrgn, 0, NULL ))) {
+        return;
+    }
+    if (!(data = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, size ))) return;
+    GetRegionData( hrgn, size, data );
+    TRACE("%s %ld rects:", p, data->rdh.nCount );
+    for (i = 0, rect = (RECT *)data->Buffer; i<20 && i < data->rdh.nCount; i++, rect++)
+        TRACE( " %s", wine_dbgstr_rect( rect));
+    TRACE("\n");
+    HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, data );
  *		ScrollWindowEx (USER32.@)
@@ -188,14 +210,17 @@ BOOL WINAPI ScrollWindow( HWND hwnd, INT
  *		ScrollDC (USER32.@)
- * dx, dy, lprcScroll and lprcClip are all in logical coordinates (msdn is wrong)
- * hrgnUpdate is returned in device coordinates with rcUpdate in logical coordinates.
+ * dx, dy, lprcScroll and lprcClip are all in logical coordinates (msdn is
+ * wrong) hrgnUpdate is returned in device coordinates with rcUpdate in
+ * logical coordinates.
 BOOL WINAPI ScrollDC( HDC hdc, INT dx, INT dy, const RECT *lprcScroll,
-                      const RECT *lprcClip, HRGN hrgnUpdate, LPRECT lprcUpdate )
+        const RECT *lprcClip, HRGN hrgnUpdate, LPRECT lprcUpdate )
-    RECT rSrc, rClipped_src, rClip, rDst, offset;
+    RECT rcSrc, rcClip, offset;
+    INT dxdev, dydev, res;
+    HRGN DstRgn, clipRgn, visrgn;
     TRACE( "%p %d,%d hrgnUpdate=%p lprcUpdate = %p\n", hdc, dx, dy, hrgnUpdate, lprcUpdate );
     if (lprcClip) TRACE( "lprcClip = %s\n", wine_dbgstr_rect(lprcClip));
@@ -203,73 +228,98 @@ BOOL WINAPI ScrollDC( HDC hdc, INT dx, I
     if (USER_Driver.pScrollDC)
         return USER_Driver.pScrollDC( hdc, dx, dy, lprcScroll, lprcClip, hrgnUpdate, lprcUpdate );
-    /* compute device clipping region (in device coordinates) */
-    if (lprcScroll) rSrc = *lprcScroll;
-    else GetClipBox( hdc, &rSrc );
-    LPtoDP(hdc, (LPPOINT)&rSrc, 2);
-    if (lprcClip) rClip = *lprcClip;
-    else GetClipBox( hdc, &rClip );
-    LPtoDP(hdc, (LPPOINT)&rClip, 2);
-    IntersectRect( &rClipped_src, &rSrc, &rClip );
-    TRACE("rSrc %s rClip %s clipped rSrc %s\n", wine_dbgstr_rect(&rSrc),
-          wine_dbgstr_rect(&rClip), wine_dbgstr_rect(&rClipped_src));
-    rDst = rClipped_src;
+    /* get the visible region */
+    visrgn=CreateRectRgn( 0, 0, 0, 0);
+    GetRandomRgn( hdc, visrgn, SYSRGN);
+    if( !(GetVersion() & 0x80000000)) {
+        /* Window NT/2k/XP */
+        POINT org;
+        GetDCOrgEx(hdc, &org);
+        OffsetRgn( visrgn, -org.x, -org.y);
+    }
+    /* intersect with the clipping Region if the DC has one */
+    clipRgn = CreateRectRgn( 0, 0, 0, 0);
+    if (GetClipRgn( hdc, clipRgn) != 1) {
+        DeleteObject(clipRgn);
+        clipRgn=NULL;
+    } else
+        CombineRgn( visrgn, visrgn, clipRgn, RGN_AND);
+    /* only those pixels in the scroll rectangle that remain in the clipping
+     * rect are scrolled. So first combine Scroll and Clipping rectangles,
+     * if available */
+    if( lprcScroll)
+        if( lprcClip)
+            IntersectRect( &rcClip, lprcClip, lprcScroll);
+        else
+            rcClip = *lprcScroll;
+    else
+        if( lprcClip)
+            rcClip = *lprcClip;
+        else
+            GetClipBox( hdc, &rcClip);
+    /* Then clip again to get the source rectangle that will remain in the
+     * clipping rect */
+    rcSrc = rcClip;
+    OffsetRect( &rcSrc, -dx, -dy);
+    IntersectRect( &rcSrc, &rcSrc, &rcClip);
+    /* now convert to device coordinates */
+    LPtoDP(hdc, (LPPOINT)&rcSrc, 2);
+    /* also dx and dy */
     SetRect(&offset, 0, 0, dx, dy);
     LPtoDP(hdc, (LPPOINT)&offset, 2);
-    OffsetRect( &rDst, offset.right - offset.left,  offset.bottom - );
-    TRACE("rDst before clipping %s\n", wine_dbgstr_rect(&rDst));
-    IntersectRect( &rDst, &rDst, &rClip );
-    TRACE("rDst after clipping %s\n", wine_dbgstr_rect(&rDst));
-    if (!IsRectEmpty(&rDst))
-    {
-        /* copy bits */
-        RECT rDst_lp = rDst, rSrc_lp = rDst;
-        OffsetRect( &rSrc_lp, offset.left - offset.right, - offset.bottom );
-        DPtoLP(hdc, (LPPOINT)&rDst_lp, 2);
-        DPtoLP(hdc, (LPPOINT)&rSrc_lp, 2);
-        if (!BitBlt( hdc, rDst_lp.left,,
-                     rDst_lp.right - rDst_lp.left, rDst_lp.bottom -,
-                     hdc, rSrc_lp.left,, SRCCOPY))
-            return FALSE;
+    dxdev = offset.right - offset.left;
+    dydev= offset.bottom -;
+    /* now intersect with the visible region to get the pixels that will
+     * actually scroll */
+    DstRgn = CreateRectRgnIndirect( &rcSrc);
+    res = CombineRgn( DstRgn, DstRgn, visrgn, RGN_AND);
+    /* and translate, giving the destination region */
+    OffsetRgn( DstRgn, dxdev, dydev);
+    if( TRACE_ON( scroll)) dump_region( "Destination scroll region: ", DstRgn);
+    /* if there are any, do it */
+    if( res > NULLREGION) {
+        RECT rect ;
+        /* clip to the destination region, so we can BitBlt with a simple
+         * bounding rectangle */
+        if( clipRgn)
+            ExtSelectClipRgn( hdc, DstRgn, RGN_AND);
+        else
+            SelectClipRgn( hdc, DstRgn);
+        GetRgnBox( DstRgn, &rect);
+        DPtoLP(hdc, (LPPOINT)&rect, 2);
+        BitBlt( hdc, rect.left,,
+                    rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom,
+                    hdc, rect.left - dx, - dy, SRCCOPY);
-    /* compute update areas.  This is the clipped source or'ed with the unclipped source translated minus the
-     clipped src translated (rDst) all clipped to rClip */
+    /* compute the update areas.  This is the combined clip rectangle
+     * minus the scrolled region, and intersected with the visible
+     * region. */
     if (hrgnUpdate || lprcUpdate)
-        HRGN hrgn = hrgnUpdate, hrgn2;
-        if (hrgn) SetRectRgn( hrgn, rClipped_src.left,, rClipped_src.right, rClipped_src.bottom );
-        else hrgn = CreateRectRgn( rClipped_src.left,, rClipped_src.right, rClipped_src.bottom );
-        hrgn2 = CreateRectRgnIndirect( &rSrc );
-        OffsetRgn(hrgn2, offset.right - offset.left,  offset.bottom - );
-        CombineRgn(hrgn, hrgn, hrgn2, RGN_OR);
-        SetRectRgn( hrgn2, rDst.left,, rDst.right, rDst.bottom );
-        CombineRgn( hrgn, hrgn, hrgn2, RGN_DIFF );
-        SetRectRgn( hrgn2, rClip.left,, rClip.right, rClip.bottom );
-        CombineRgn( hrgn, hrgn, hrgn2, RGN_AND );
+        HRGN hrgn = hrgnUpdate;
-        if( lprcUpdate )
-        {
+        /* Covert the combined clip rectangle to device coordinates */
+        LPtoDP(hdc, (LPPOINT)&rcClip, 2);
+        if( hrgn )
+            SetRectRgn( hrgn, rcClip.left,, rcClip.right,
+                    rcClip.bottom);
+        else
+            hrgn = CreateRectRgnIndirect( &rcClip);
+        CombineRgn( hrgn, hrgn, visrgn, RGN_AND);
+        CombineRgn( hrgn, hrgn, DstRgn, RGN_DIFF);
+        if( TRACE_ON( scroll)) dump_region( "Update region: ", hrgn);
+        if( lprcUpdate) {
             GetRgnBox( hrgn, lprcUpdate );
-            /* Put the lprcUpdate in logical coordinate */
+            /* Put the lprcUpdate in logical coordinates */
             DPtoLP( hdc, (LPPOINT)lprcUpdate, 2 );
             TRACE("returning lprcUpdate %s\n", wine_dbgstr_rect(lprcUpdate));
-        if (!hrgnUpdate) DeleteObject( hrgn );
-        DeleteObject( hrgn2 );
+        if( !hrgnUpdate)
+            DeleteObject( hrgn);
+    SelectClipRgn( hdc, clipRgn);
+    DeleteObject( visrgn);
+    DeleteObject( DstRgn);
+    if( clipRgn) DeleteObject( clipRgn);
     return TRUE;
--- wine/dlls/user/tests/win.c	2005-03-15 08:56:55.000000000 +0100
+++ mywine/dlls/user/tests/win.c	2005-03-15 10:40:17.000000000 +0100
@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@
+void dump_region(HRGN hrgn);
 static HWND (WINAPI *pGetAncestor)(HWND,UINT);
 static BOOL (WINAPI *pGetWindowInfo)(HWND,WINDOWINFO*);
@@ -2471,6 +2473,62 @@ todo_wine {
     ok(!IsWindow(child4), "child4 still exists\n");
+void test_scrollvalidate( HWND parent)
+    HDC hdc;
+    HRGN hrgn=CreateRectRgn(0,0,0,0);
+    HRGN exprgn, tmprgn, clipping;
+    RECT rc, rcu, cliprc;
+    /* create two overlapping child windows. The visual region
+     * of hwnd1 is clipped by the overlapping part of
+     * hwnd2 because of the WS_CLIPSIBLING style */
+    HWND hwnd2 = CreateWindowExA(0, "static", NULL, 
+            75, 30, 100, 100, parent, 0, 0, NULL); 
+    HWND hwnd1 = CreateWindowExA(0, "static", NULL, 
+            25, 50, 100, 100, parent, 0, 0, NULL); 
+    ShowWindow( parent, SW_SHOW);
+    UpdateWindow( parent);
+    GetClientRect( hwnd1, &rc);
+    cliprc=rc; 
+    clipping = CreateRectRgn( 10, 10, 90, 90);
+    hdc = GetDC( hwnd1);
+    /* for a visual touch */
+    TextOut( hdc, 0,10, "0123456789", 10);
+    ScrollDC( hdc, -10, -5, &rc, &cliprc, hrgn, &rcu);
+    dump_region(hrgn);
+    /* create a region with what is expected */
+    exprgn = CreateRectRgn( 39,0,49,74);
+    tmprgn = CreateRectRgn( 88,79,98,93);
+    CombineRgn( exprgn, exprgn, tmprgn, RGN_OR);
+    tmprgn = CreateRectRgn( 0,93,98,98);
+    CombineRgn( exprgn, exprgn, tmprgn, RGN_OR);
+    ok( EqualRgn( exprgn, hrgn), "wrong update region\n");
+    trace("update rect is %ld,%ld - %ld,%ld\n",
+            rcu.left,,rcu.right,rcu.bottom);
+    /* now with clipping region */
+    SelectClipRgn( hdc, clipping);
+    ScrollDC( hdc, -10, -5, &rc, &cliprc, hrgn, &rcu);
+    dump_region(hrgn);
+    /* create a region with what is expected */
+    exprgn = CreateRectRgn( 39,10,49,74);
+    tmprgn = CreateRectRgn( 80,79,90,85);
+    CombineRgn( exprgn, exprgn, tmprgn, RGN_OR);
+    tmprgn = CreateRectRgn( 10,85,90,90);
+    CombineRgn( exprgn, exprgn, tmprgn, RGN_OR);
+    ok( EqualRgn( exprgn, hrgn), "wrong update region\n");
+    trace("update rect is %ld,%ld - %ld,%ld\n",
+            rcu.left,,rcu.right,rcu.bottom);
+    ReleaseDC( hwnd1, hdc);
+    /* clean up */
+    DeleteObject( hrgn);
+    DeleteObject( exprgn);
+    DeleteObject( tmprgn);
+    DestroyWindow( hwnd1);
+    DestroyWindow( hwnd2);
     pGetAncestor = (void *)GetProcAddress( GetModuleHandleA("user32.dll"), "GetAncestor" );
@@ -2529,6 +2587,7 @@ START_TEST(win)
     test_nccalcscroll( hwndMain);
+    test_scrollvalidate( hwndMain);
--- wine/dlls/user/tests/msg.c	2005-03-15 08:56:55.000000000 +0100
+++ mywine/dlls/user/tests/msg.c	2005-03-15 10:38:34.000000000 +0100
@@ -3348,7 +3348,7 @@ static void test_button_messages(void)
 /************* painting message test ********************/
-static void dump_region(HRGN hrgn)
+void dump_region(HRGN hrgn)
     DWORD i, size;
     RGNDATA *data = NULL;

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