Solaris native thread patch

Robert Lunnon bobl at
Sat Oct 22 16:11:47 CDT 2005


Robert Lunnon <bobl at>
Implement Solaris Native threads threading method

Notes about patch:

This patch is essential for Wine on Solaris 10

The patch is not however likely to be acceptable since it implements runtime 
selectable threading models through the WINETHREADMODE environment variable
This is useful under Solaris, because in Solaris 9,  Wine and native threads 
did not get along, whereas Wine and lwps did (sort of). lwps are deprecated 
in Solaris 10 however. I hypothesised that other OSES particularly the *bsds 
may benefit from the ability to maintain multiple threading models for 
maintenance purposes.  Model should be extended to pthreads where existing.

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