[WINED3D 4] Simplify primitiveDeclartationConvertToStrided

Ivan Gyurdiev ivg231 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 7 01:24:24 CDT 2006

Assign fixed indices to declaration inputs.
Then use a common path to load the strided data.

This also allows texcoords to come in any order, and puts them in the 
proper location.
Also warns about all semantics that aren't supported by the fixed function.


The real purpose of this patch is to integrate better with the next one,
when I stop assigning fixed positions to the dynamic (shader) pipeline.

-------------- next part --------------
 dlls/wined3d/drawprim.c      |  254 +++++++++++-------------------------------
 include/wine/wined3d_types.h |    8 +
 2 files changed, 75 insertions(+), 187 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/wined3d/drawprim.c b/dlls/wined3d/drawprim.c
index 780dee6..99bf366 100644
--- a/dlls/wined3d/drawprim.c
+++ b/dlls/wined3d/drawprim.c
@@ -346,6 +346,56 @@ static void primitiveInitState(
+static BOOL fixed_get_input(
+    BYTE usage, BYTE usage_idx,
+    unsigned int* regnum) {
+    *regnum = -1;
+    /* Those positions must have the order in the
+     * named part of the strided data */
+    if ((usage == D3DDECLUSAGE_POSITION || usage == D3DDECLUSAGE_POSITIONT) && usage_idx == 0)
+        *regnum = 0;
+    else if (usage == D3DDECLUSAGE_BLENDWEIGHT && usage_idx == 0)
+        *regnum = 1;
+    else if (usage == D3DDECLUSAGE_BLENDINDICES && usage_idx == 0)
+        *regnum = 2;
+    else if (usage == D3DDECLUSAGE_NORMAL && usage_idx == 0)
+        *regnum = 3;
+    else if (usage == D3DDECLUSAGE_PSIZE && usage_idx == 0)
+        *regnum = 4;
+    else if (usage == D3DDECLUSAGE_COLOR && usage_idx == 0)
+        *regnum = 5;
+    else if (usage == D3DDECLUSAGE_COLOR && usage_idx == 1)
+        *regnum = 6;
+    else if (usage == D3DDECLUSAGE_TEXCOORD && usage_idx < D3DDP_MAXTEXCOORD)
+        *regnum = 7 + usage_idx;
+    else if ((usage == D3DDECLUSAGE_POSITION || usage == D3DDECLUSAGE_POSITIONT) && usage_idx == 1)
+        *regnum = 7 + D3DDP_MAXTEXCOORD;
+    else if (usage == D3DDECLUSAGE_NORMAL && usage_idx == 1)
+        *regnum = 8 + D3DDP_MAXTEXCOORD;
+    else if (usage == D3DDECLUSAGE_TANGENT && usage_idx == 0)
+        *regnum = 9 + D3DDP_MAXTEXCOORD;
+    else if (usage == D3DDECLUSAGE_BINORMAL && usage_idx == 0)
+        *regnum = 10 + D3DDP_MAXTEXCOORD;
+    else if (usage == D3DDECLUSAGE_TESSFACTOR && usage_idx == 0)
+        *regnum = 11 + D3DDP_MAXTEXCOORD;
+    else if (usage == D3DDECLUSAGE_FOG && usage_idx == 0)
+        *regnum = 12 + D3DDP_MAXTEXCOORD;
+    else if (usage == D3DDECLUSAGE_DEPTH && usage_idx == 0)
+        *regnum = 13 + D3DDP_MAXTEXCOORD;
+    else if (usage == D3DDECLUSAGE_SAMPLE && usage_idx == 0)
+        *regnum = 14 + D3DDP_MAXTEXCOORD;
+    if (*regnum < 0) {
+        FIXME("Unsupported input stream [usage=%s, usage_idx=%u]\n",
+            debug_d3ddeclusage(usage), usage_idx);
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    return TRUE;
 void primitiveDeclarationConvertToStridedData(
      IWineD3DDevice *iface,
      BOOL useVertexShaderFunction,
@@ -355,7 +405,6 @@ void primitiveDeclarationConvertToStride
      /* We need to deal with frequency data!*/
-    int           textureNo =0;
     BYTE  *data    = NULL;
     IWineD3DDeviceImpl *This = (IWineD3DDeviceImpl *)iface;
     IWineD3DVertexDeclarationImpl* vertexDeclaration = NULL;
@@ -376,6 +425,8 @@ void primitiveDeclarationConvertToStride
     /* Translate the declaration into strided data */
     for (i = 0 ; i < vertexDeclaration->declarationWNumElements - 1; ++i) {
         GLint streamVBO = 0;
+        BOOL stride_used;
+        unsigned int idx;
         element = vertexDeclaration->pDeclarationWine + i;
         TRACE("%p Elements %p %d or %d\n", vertexDeclaration->pDeclarationWine, element,  i, vertexDeclaration->declarationWNumElements);
@@ -413,193 +464,24 @@ void primitiveDeclarationConvertToStride
-        switch (element->Usage) {
-                switch (element->UsageIndex) {
-                case 0: /* N-patch */
-                    strided->u.s.position.lpData    = data;
-                    strided->u.s.position.dwType    = element->Type;
-                    strided->u.s.position.dwStride  = stride;
-                    strided->u.s.position.VBO       = streamVBO;
-                    TRACE("Set strided %s. data %p, type %d. stride %ld\n", "position", data, element->Type, stride);
-                break;
-                case 1: /* tweened see http://www.gamedev.net/reference/articles/article2017.asp */
-                    TRACE("Tweened positions\n");
-                    strided->u.s.position2.lpData    = data;
-                    strided->u.s.position2.dwType    = element->Type;
-                    strided->u.s.position2.dwStride  = stride;
-                    strided->u.s.position2.VBO      = streamVBO;
-                    TRACE("Set strided %s. data %p, type %d. stride %ld\n", "position2", data, element->Type, stride);
-                break;
-                }
-                strided->u.s.position_transformed = FALSE;
-        break;
-        case D3DDECLUSAGE_NORMAL:
-                switch (element->UsageIndex) {
-                case 0: /* N-patch */
-                    strided->u.s.normal.lpData    = data;
-                    strided->u.s.normal.dwType    = element->Type;
-                    strided->u.s.normal.dwStride  = stride;
-                    strided->u.s.normal.VBO       = streamVBO;
-                    TRACE("Set strided %s. data %p, type %d. stride %ld\n", "normal", data, element->Type, stride);
-                break;
-                case 1: /* skinning */
-                    TRACE("Skinning / tween normals\n");
-                    strided->u.s.normal2.lpData    = data;
-                    strided->u.s.normal2.dwType    = element->Type;
-                    strided->u.s.normal2.dwStride  = stride;
-                    strided->u.s.normal2.VBO       = streamVBO;
-                    TRACE("Set strided %s. data %p, type %d. stride %ld\n", "normal2", data, element->Type, stride);
-                break;
-                }
-        break;
-        /* demo @http://www.ati.com/developer/vertexblend.html
-            and http://www.flipcode.com/articles/article_dx8shaders.shtml
-        */
-            strided->u.s.blendMatrixIndices.lpData  = data;
-            strided->u.s.blendMatrixIndices.dwType  = element->Type;
-            strided->u.s.blendMatrixIndices.dwStride= stride;
-            strided->u.s.blendMatrixIndices.VBO     = streamVBO;
-            TRACE("Set strided %s. data %p, type %d. stride %ld\n", "blendMatrixIndices", data, element->Type, stride);
-        break;
-            strided->u.s.blendWeights.lpData        = data;
-            strided->u.s.blendWeights.dwType        = element->Type;
-            strided->u.s.blendWeights.dwStride      = stride;
-            strided->u.s.blendWeights.VBO           = streamVBO;
-            TRACE("Set strided %s. data %p, type %d. stride %ld\n", "blendWeights", data, element->Type, stride);
-        break;
-        case D3DDECLUSAGE_PSIZE:
-            strided->u.s.pSize.lpData               = data;
-            strided->u.s.pSize.dwType               = element->Type;
-            strided->u.s.pSize.dwStride             = stride;
-            strided->u.s.pSize.VBO                  = streamVBO;
-            TRACE("Set strided %s. data %p, type %d. stride %ld\n", "pSize", data, element->Type, stride);
-        break;
-        case D3DDECLUSAGE_COLOR:
-        switch (element->UsageIndex) {
-        case 0:/* diffuse */
-            strided->u.s.diffuse.lpData             = data;
-            strided->u.s.diffuse.dwType             = element->Type;
-            strided->u.s.diffuse.dwStride           = stride;
-            strided->u.s.diffuse.VBO                = streamVBO;
-            TRACE("Set strided %s. data %p, type %d. stride %ld\n", "diffuse", data, element->Type, stride);
-        break;
-        case 1: /* specular */
-            strided->u.s.specular.lpData            = data;
-            strided->u.s.specular.dwType            = element->Type;
-            strided->u.s.specular.dwStride          = stride;
-            strided->u.s.specular.VBO               = streamVBO;
-            TRACE("Set strided %s. data %p, type %d. stride %ld\n", "specular", data, element->Type, stride);
+        stride_used = fixed_get_input(element->Usage, element->UsageIndex, &idx);
+        if (stride_used) {
+           TRACE("Loaded %s array %u [usage=%s, usage_idx=%u, "
+                 "stream=%u, offset=%u, stride=%lu, VBO=%u]\n",
+                 useVertexShaderFunction? "shader": "fixed function", idx,
+                 debug_d3ddeclusage(element->Usage), element->UsageIndex,
+                 element->Stream, element->Offset, stride, streamVBO);
+           strided->u.input[idx].lpData = data;
+           strided->u.input[idx].dwType = element->Type;
+           strided->u.input[idx].dwStride = stride;
+           strided->u.input[idx].VBO = streamVBO;
+           if (element->Usage == D3DDECLUSAGE_POSITION)
+               strided->u.s.position_transformed = FALSE;
+           else if (element->Usage == D3DDECLUSAGE_POSITIONT)
+               strided->u.s.position_transformed = TRUE;
-        break;
-        /* For some odd reason Microsoft decided to sum usage accross all the streams,
-        which means we need to do a count and not just use the usage number */
-            strided->u.s.texCoords[textureNo].lpData    = data;
-            strided->u.s.texCoords[textureNo].dwType    = element->Type;
-            strided->u.s.texCoords[textureNo].dwStride  = stride;
-            strided->u.s.texCoords[textureNo].VBO       = streamVBO;
-            TRACE("Set strided %s.%d data %p, type %d. stride %ld\n", "texCoords", textureNo, data, element->Type, stride);
-            ++textureNo;
-        break;
-        /* Implement tangents and binormals using http://oss.sgi.com/projects/ogl-sample/registry/EXT/coordinate_frame.txt
-        this is easy so long as the OpenGL implementation supports it, otherwise drop back to calculating the
-        normal using tangents where no normal data has been provided */
-            TRACE("Tangents\n");
-            strided->u.s.tangent.lpData   = data;
-            strided->u.s.tangent.dwType   = element->Type;
-            strided->u.s.tangent.dwStride = stride;
-            strided->u.s.tangent.VBO      = streamVBO;
-            TRACE("Set strided %s. data %p, type %d. stride %ld\n", "tangent", data, element->Type, stride);
-        break;
-        /* Binormals are really bitangents perpendicular to the normal but s-aligned to the tangent, basically they are the vectors of any two lines on the plain at right angles to the normal and at right angles to each other, like the x,y,z axis.
-        tangent data makes it easier to perform some calculations (a bit like using 2d graph paper instead of the normal of the piece of paper)
-        The only thing they are useful for in fixed function would be working out normals when none are given.
-        */
-            TRACE("BI-Normal\n");
-            strided->u.s.binormal.lpData   = data;
-            strided->u.s.binormal.dwType   = element->Type;
-            strided->u.s.binormal.dwStride = stride;
-            strided->u.s.binormal.VBO      = streamVBO;
-            TRACE("Set strided %s. data %p, type %d. stride %ld\n", "binormal", data, element->Type, stride);
-        break;
-        /* a google for D3DDECLUSAGE_TESSFACTOR turns up a whopping 36 entries, 7 of which are from MSDN.
-        */
-            TRACE("Tess Factor\n");
-            strided->u.s.tessFactor.lpData   = data;
-            strided->u.s.tessFactor.dwType   = element->Type;
-            strided->u.s.tessFactor.dwStride = stride;
-            strided->u.s.tessFactor.VBO      = streamVBO;
-            TRACE("Set strided %s. data %p, type %d. stride %ld\n", "tessFactor", data, element->Type, stride);
-        break;
-               switch (element->UsageIndex) {
-                case 0: /* N-patch */
-                    strided->u.s.position.lpData    = data;
-                    strided->u.s.position.dwType    = element->Type;
-                    strided->u.s.position.dwStride  = stride;
-                    strided->u.s.position.VBO       = streamVBO;
-                    TRACE("Set strided %s. data %p, type %d. stride %ld\n", "positionT", data, element->Type, stride);
-                break;
-                case 1: /* skinning */
-                        /* see http://rsn.gamedev.net/tutorials/ms3danim.asp
-                        http://xface.blogspot.com/2004_08_01_xface_archive.html
-                        */
-                    TRACE("Skinning positionsT\n");
-                    strided->u.s.position2.lpData    = data;
-                    strided->u.s.position2.dwType    = element->Type;
-                    strided->u.s.position2.dwStride  = stride;
-                    strided->u.s.position2.VBO       = streamVBO;
-                    TRACE("Set strided %s. data %p, type %d. stride %ld\n", "position2T", data, element->Type, stride);
-                break;
-                }
-                strided->u.s.position_transformed = TRUE;
-        break;
-        case D3DDECLUSAGE_FOG:
-        /* maybe GL_EXT_fog_coord ?
-        * http://oss.sgi.com/projects/ogl-sample/registry/EXT/fog_coord.txt
-        * This extension allows specifying an explicit per-vertex fog
-        * coordinate to be used in fog computations, rather than using a
-        * fragment depth-based fog equation.
-        *
-        * */
-            TRACE("Fog\n");
-            strided->u.s.fog.lpData   = data;
-            strided->u.s.fog.dwType   = element->Type;
-            strided->u.s.fog.dwStride = stride;
-            strided->u.s.fog.VBO      = streamVBO;
-            TRACE("Set strided %s. data %p, type %d. stride %ld\n", "fog", data, element->Type, stride);
-        break;
-        case D3DDECLUSAGE_DEPTH:
-            TRACE("depth\n");
-            strided->u.s.depth.lpData   = data;
-            strided->u.s.depth.dwType   = element->Type;
-            strided->u.s.depth.dwStride = stride;
-            strided->u.s.depth.VBO      = streamVBO;
-            TRACE("Set strided %s. data %p, type %d. stride %ld\n", "depth", data, element->Type, stride);
-            break;
-        case D3DDECLUSAGE_SAMPLE: /* VertexShader textures */
-            TRACE("depth\n");
-            strided->u.s.sample.lpData   = data;
-            strided->u.s.sample.dwType   = element->Type;
-            strided->u.s.sample.dwStride = stride;
-            strided->u.s.sample.VBO      = streamVBO;
-            TRACE("Set strided %s. data %p, type %d. stride %ld\n", "sample", data, element->Type, stride);
-        break;
-        };
 void primitiveConvertFVFtoOffset(DWORD thisFVF, DWORD stride, BYTE *data, WineDirect3DVertexStridedData *strided, GLint streamVBO) {
diff --git a/include/wine/wined3d_types.h b/include/wine/wined3d_types.h
index 26d2902..d586545 100644
--- a/include/wine/wined3d_types.h
+++ b/include/wine/wined3d_types.h
@@ -904,8 +904,10 @@ typedef struct WineDirect3DStridedData {
 typedef struct WineDirect3DVertexStridedData {
     union {
         struct {
+             /* Do not add or reorder fields here,
+              * so this can be indexed as an array */
              WineDirect3DStridedData  position;
-             BOOL position_transformed;
              WineDirect3DStridedData  blendWeights;
              WineDirect3DStridedData  blendMatrixIndices;
              WineDirect3DStridedData  normal;
@@ -921,6 +923,10 @@ typedef struct WineDirect3DVertexStrided
              WineDirect3DStridedData  fog;
              WineDirect3DStridedData  depth;
              WineDirect3DStridedData  sample;
+             /* Add fields here */
+             BOOL position_transformed;
         } s;
         WineDirect3DStridedData input[16];  /* Indexed by constants in D3DVSDE_REGISTER */
     } u;

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