comctl32: toolbar: fix the tests and handling of TB_SETHOTITEM on a disabled button

Mikołaj Zalewski mikolaj at
Wed Oct 18 09:06:42 CDT 2006

The tests for the diabled buttons failed under Windows - I've had a bug 
in toolbar creation that I've fixed under Linux but forgot to retest 
under Windows. Now the tests passes under Windows and the 
TOOLBAR_SetHotItemEx is fixed for the new behaviour. This patch also 
tests and sets correctly the idOld/idNew for wParam<0 and initializes 
dwFlags in the correct place.
-------------- next part --------------
diff --git a/dlls/comctl32/tests/toolbar.c b/dlls/comctl32/tests/toolbar.c
index 110e8cb..217874d 100644
--- a/dlls/comctl32/tests/toolbar.c
+++ b/dlls/comctl32/tests/toolbar.c
@@ -35,7 +35,11 @@ #include "wine/test.h"
 HWND hMainWnd;
 BOOL g_fBlockHotItemChange;
 BOOL g_fReceivedHotItemChange;
+BOOL g_fExpectedHotItemOld;
+BOOL g_fExpectedHotItemNew;
+#define compare(val, exp, format) ok((val) == (exp), #val " value " format " expected " format "\n", (val), (exp));
 static void MakeButton(TBBUTTON *p, int idCommand, int fsStyle, int nString) {
   p->iBitmap = -2;
   p->idCommand = idCommand;
@@ -47,10 +51,17 @@ static void MakeButton(TBBUTTON *p, int 
 LRESULT MyWnd_Notify(hWnd, wParam, lParam)
     NMHDR *hdr = (NMHDR *)lParam;
+    NMTBHOTITEM *nmhi;
     switch (hdr->code)
         case TBN_HOTITEMCHANGE:
+            nmhi = (NMTBHOTITEM *)lParam;
             g_fReceivedHotItemChange = TRUE;
+            if (g_fExpectedHotItemOld != g_fExpectedHotItemNew)
+            {
+                compare(nmhi->idOld, g_fExpectedHotItemOld, "%d");
+                compare(nmhi->idNew, g_fExpectedHotItemNew, "%d");
+            }
             if (g_fBlockHotItemChange)
                 return 1;
@@ -422,6 +433,17 @@ void test_add_string()
     CHECK_STRING_TABLE(14, ret7);
+static void expect_hot_notify(int idold, int idnew)
+    g_fExpectedHotItemOld = idold;
+    g_fExpectedHotItemNew = idnew;
+    g_fReceivedHotItemChange = FALSE;
+#define check_hot_notify() \
+    ok(g_fReceivedHotItemChange, "TBN_HOTITEMCHANGE not received\n"); \
+    g_fExpectedHotItemOld = g_fExpectedHotItemNew = 0;
 void test_hotitem()
     HWND hToolbar = NULL;
@@ -452,10 +474,10 @@ void test_hotitem()
     ret = SendMessage(hToolbar, TB_GETHOTITEM, 0, 0);
     ok(ret == -1, "Hot item: %lx, expected -1\n", ret);
-    g_fReceivedHotItemChange = FALSE;
+    expect_hot_notify(0, 7);
     ret = SendMessage(hToolbar, TB_SETHOTITEM, 3, 0);
     ok(ret == -1, "TB_SETHOTITEM returned %ld, expected -1\n", ret);
-    ok(g_fReceivedHotItemChange, "TBN_HOTITEMCHANGE not received\n");
+    check_hot_notify();
     ret = SendMessage(hToolbar, TB_GETHOTITEM, 0, 0);
     ok(ret == 3, "Hot item: %lx, expected 3\n", ret);
     g_fBlockHotItemChange = TRUE;
@@ -475,22 +497,27 @@ void test_hotitem()
     ok(ret == 3, "TB_SETHOTITEM returned %ld, expected 3\n", ret);
     ok(g_fReceivedHotItemChange == FALSE, "TBN_HOTITEMCHANGE received after a duplication\n");
+    expect_hot_notify(7, 0);
     ret = SendMessage(hToolbar, TB_SETHOTITEM, -0xbeaf, 0);
     ok(ret == 3, "TB_SETHOTITEM returned %ld, expected 3\n", ret);
-    ok(g_fReceivedHotItemChange, "TBN_HOTITEMCHANGE not received\n");
+    check_hot_notify();
     SendMessage(hToolbar, TB_SETHOTITEM, 3, 0);
-    /* setting disabled buttons as hot failed and generates no notify */
-    g_fReceivedHotItemChange = FALSE;
+    /* setting disabled buttons will generate a notify with the button id but no button will be hot */
+    expect_hot_notify(7, 9);
     ret = SendMessage(hToolbar, TB_SETHOTITEM, 4, 0);
     ok(ret == 3, "TB_SETHOTITEM returned %ld, expected 3\n", ret);
-    ok(!g_fReceivedHotItemChange, "TBN_HOTITEMCHANGE received\n");
+    check_hot_notify();
     ret = SendMessage(hToolbar, TB_GETHOTITEM, 0, 0);
-    ok(ret == 3, "Hot item: %lx, expected 3\n", ret);
+    ok(ret == -1, "Hot item: %lx, expected -1\n", ret);
+    /* enabling the button won't change that */
+    SendMessage(hToolbar, TB_ENABLEBUTTON, 9, TRUE);
+    ret = SendMessage(hToolbar, TB_GETHOTITEM, 0, 0);
+    ok(ret == -1, "TB_SETHOTITEM returned %ld, expected -1\n", ret);
-    /* but disabling a hot button works */
+    /* disabling a hot button works */
     ret = SendMessage(hToolbar, TB_SETHOTITEM, 3, 0);
-    ok(ret == 3, "TB_SETHOTITEM returned %ld, expected 3\n", ret);
+    ok(ret == -1, "TB_SETHOTITEM returned %ld, expected -1\n", ret);
     g_fReceivedHotItemChange = FALSE;
     SendMessage(hToolbar, TB_ENABLEBUTTON, 7, FALSE);
     ret = SendMessage(hToolbar, TB_GETHOTITEM, 0, 0);
diff --git a/dlls/comctl32/toolbar.c b/dlls/comctl32/toolbar.c
index 92ded23..b5e59c2 100644
--- a/dlls/comctl32/toolbar.c
+++ b/dlls/comctl32/toolbar.c
@@ -4781,40 +4781,45 @@ TOOLBAR_SetHotItemEx (TOOLBAR_INFO *info
         NMTBHOTITEM nmhotitem;
         TBUTTON_INFO *btnPtr = NULL, *oldBtnPtr = NULL;
+        nmhotitem.dwFlags = dwReason;
         if(infoPtr->nHotItem >= 0)
             oldBtnPtr = &infoPtr->buttons[infoPtr->nHotItem];
             nmhotitem.idOld = oldBtnPtr->idCommand;
+        {
             nmhotitem.dwFlags |= HICF_ENTERING;
+            nmhotitem.idOld = 0;
+        }
         if (nHit >= 0)
             btnPtr = &infoPtr->buttons[nHit];
             nmhotitem.idNew = btnPtr->idCommand;
-            /* setting disabled buttons as hot fails */
-            if (!(btnPtr->fsState & TBSTATE_ENABLED))
-                return;
+	{
 	    nmhotitem.dwFlags |= HICF_LEAVING;
-        nmhotitem.dwFlags = dwReason;
+	    nmhotitem.idNew = 0;
+	}
 	/* now change the hot and invalidate the old and new buttons - if the
 	 * parent agrees */
 	if (!TOOLBAR_SendNotify(&nmhotitem.hdr, infoPtr, TBN_HOTITEMCHANGE))
-            infoPtr->nHotItem = nHit;
-            if (btnPtr) {
-                btnPtr->bHot = TRUE;
-                InvalidateRect(infoPtr->hwndSelf, &btnPtr->rect, TRUE);
-            }
             if (oldBtnPtr) {
                 oldBtnPtr->bHot = FALSE;
                 InvalidateRect(infoPtr->hwndSelf, &oldBtnPtr->rect, TRUE);
+            /* setting disabled buttons as hot fails even if the notify contains the button id */
+            if (btnPtr && (btnPtr->fsState & TBSTATE_ENABLED)) {
+                btnPtr->bHot = TRUE;
+                InvalidateRect(infoPtr->hwndSelf, &btnPtr->rect, TRUE);
+                infoPtr->nHotItem = nHit;
+            }
+            else
+                infoPtr->nHotItem = -1;            

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