[7/7] Add ID3D10Device interface and implement it's IUnknown methods

H. Verbeet hverbeet at gmail.com
Tue Jun 12 17:53:50 CDT 2007

On 13/06/07, Kovács András <andras at csevego.net> wrote:
> +    TRACE("Adapter %p, Driver Type %d, Software Module handle %p, Flags %08x, SDKVersion %d, Device %p\n",
> +          Adapter, DriverType, Software, Flags, SDKVersion, Device);
I think the DriverType should be traces as string there (ie, using
something like the debug_d3d*() functions in dlls/wined3d/utils.c).
Also, please prefix hexadecimal numbers with 0x. d3d8 and d3d9 are
pretty bad wrt producing readable traces, but we might as well do it
right when writing a new dll.

> +    FIXME("ID3D10Device interface is not binary compatible to windows yet\n");
Actually, a void * is binary compatible with IDGXIAdapter *

I suppose it's a matter of taste, but personally I think more C like
naming (ie, lower case, _ separated) for the parameter names would be
easier on the eyes :-) (and you do use those for the ID3D10DeviceImpl

Chris already mentioned the initial refcount on IRC.

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