cmd: Reorder some functions to avoid forward declarations.

Francois Gouget fgouget at
Tue Dec 30 17:56:53 CST 2008


This patch is independent from the previous one.

The next step is to make a bunch of these functions static...

 programs/cmd/wcmdmain.c | 2676 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 files changed, 1334 insertions(+), 1342 deletions(-)

diff --git a/programs/cmd/wcmdmain.c b/programs/cmd/wcmdmain.c
index 8d587e6..954f5a3 100644
--- a/programs/cmd/wcmdmain.c
+++ b/programs/cmd/wcmdmain.c
@@ -97,1126 +97,210 @@ static char  *output_bufA = NULL;
 BOOL unicodePipes = FALSE;
-static WCHAR *WCMD_expand_envvar(WCHAR *start, WCHAR *forvar, WCHAR *forVal);
-static void WCMD_output_asis_len(const WCHAR *message, int len, HANDLE device);
- * Main entry point. This is a console application so we have a main() not a
- * winmain().
+ * WCMD_output_asis_len - send output to current standard output
+ *
+ * Output a formatted unicode string. Ideally this will go to the console
+ *  and hence required WriteConsoleW to output it, however if file i/o is
+ *  redirected, it needs to be WriteFile'd using OEM (not ANSI) format
+static void WCMD_output_asis_len(const WCHAR *message, int len, HANDLE device) {
-int wmain (int argc, WCHAR *argvW[])
-  int     args;
-  WCHAR  *cmd   = NULL;
-  WCHAR string[1024];
-  WCHAR envvar[4];
-  HANDLE h;
-  int opt_q;
-  int opt_t = 0;
-  static const WCHAR autoexec[] = {'\\','a','u','t','o','e','x','e','c','.',
-                                   'b','a','t','\0'};
-  char ansiVersion[100];
-  CMD_LIST *toExecute = NULL;         /* Commands left to be executed */
-  srand(time(NULL));
-  /* Pre initialize some messages */
-  strcpy(ansiVersion, PACKAGE_VERSION);
-  MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, ansiVersion, -1, string, 1024);
-  wsprintf(version_string, WCMD_LoadMessage(WCMD_VERSION), string);
-  strcpyW(anykey, WCMD_LoadMessage(WCMD_ANYKEY));
-  args  = argc;
-  opt_c=opt_k=opt_q=opt_s=0;
-  while (args > 0)
-  {
-      WCHAR c;
-      WINE_TRACE("Command line parm: '%s'\n", wine_dbgstr_w(*argvW));
-      if ((*argvW)[0]!='/' || (*argvW)[1]=='\0') {
-          argvW++;
-          args--;
-          continue;
-      }
-      c=(*argvW)[1];
-      if (tolowerW(c)=='c') {
-          opt_c=1;
-      } else if (tolowerW(c)=='q') {
-          opt_q=1;
-      } else if (tolowerW(c)=='k') {
-          opt_k=1;
-      } else if (tolowerW(c)=='s') {
-          opt_s=1;
-      } else if (tolowerW(c)=='a') {
-          unicodePipes=FALSE;
-      } else if (tolowerW(c)=='u') {
-          unicodePipes=TRUE;
-      } else if (tolowerW(c)=='t' && (*argvW)[2]==':') {
-          opt_t=strtoulW(&(*argvW)[3], NULL, 16);
-      } else if (tolowerW(c)=='x' || tolowerW(c)=='y') {
-          /* Ignored for compatibility with Windows */
-      }
-      if ((*argvW)[2]==0) {
-          argvW++;
-          args--;
-      }
-      else /* handle `cmd /cnotepad.exe` and `cmd /x/c ...` */
-      {
-          *argvW+=2;
-      }
-      if (opt_c || opt_k) /* break out of parsing immediately after c or k */
-          break;
-  }
-  if (opt_q) {
-    const WCHAR eoff[] = {'O','F','F','\0'};
-    WCMD_echo(eoff);
-  }
-  if (opt_c || opt_k) {
-      int     len,qcount;
-      WCHAR** arg;
-      int     argsLeft;
-      WCHAR*  p;
-      /* opt_s left unflagged if the command starts with and contains exactly
-       * one quoted string (exactly two quote characters). The quoted string
-       * must be an executable name that has whitespace and must not have the
-       * following characters: &<>()@^| */
-      /* Build the command to execute */
-      len = 0;
-      qcount = 0;
-      argsLeft = args;
-      for (arg = argvW; argsLeft>0; arg++,argsLeft--)
-      {
-          int has_space,bcount;
-          WCHAR* a;
-          has_space=0;
-          bcount=0;
-          a=*arg;
-          if( !*a ) has_space=1;
-          while (*a!='\0') {
-              if (*a=='\\') {
-                  bcount++;
-              } else {
-                  if (*a==' ' || *a=='\t') {
-                      has_space=1;
-                  } else if (*a=='"') {
-                      /* doubling of '\' preceding a '"',
-                       * plus escaping of said '"'
-                       */
-                      len+=2*bcount+1;
-                      qcount++;
-                  }
-                  bcount=0;
-              }
-              a++;
-          }
-          len+=(a-*arg) + 1; /* for the separating space */
-          if (has_space)
-          {
-              len+=2; /* for the quotes */
-              qcount+=2;
-          }
-      }
-      if (qcount!=2)
-          opt_s=1;
-      /* check argvW[0] for a space and invalid characters */
-      if (!opt_s) {
-          opt_s=1;
-          p=*argvW;
-          while (*p!='\0') {
-              if (*p=='&' || *p=='<' || *p=='>' || *p=='(' || *p==')'
-                  || *p=='@' || *p=='^' || *p=='|') {
-                  opt_s=1;
-                  break;
-              }
-              if (*p==' ')
-                  opt_s=0;
-              p++;
-          }
-      }
-      cmd = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, len * sizeof(WCHAR));
-      if (!cmd)
-          exit(1);
-      p = cmd;
-      argsLeft = args;
-      for (arg = argvW; argsLeft>0; arg++,argsLeft--)
-      {
-          int has_space,has_quote;
-          WCHAR* a;
-          /* Check for quotes and spaces in this argument */
-          has_space=has_quote=0;
-          a=*arg;
-          if( !*a ) has_space=1;
-          while (*a!='\0') {
-              if (*a==' ' || *a=='\t') {
-                  has_space=1;
-                  if (has_quote)
-                      break;
-              } else if (*a=='"') {
-                  has_quote=1;
-                  if (has_space)
-                      break;
-              }
-              a++;
-          }
-          /* Now transfer it to the command line */
-          if (has_space)
-              *p++='"';
-          if (has_quote) {
-              int bcount;
-              WCHAR* a;
-              bcount=0;
-              a=*arg;
-              while (*a!='\0') {
-                  if (*a=='\\') {
-                      *p++=*a;
-                      bcount++;
-                  } else {
-                      if (*a=='"') {
-                          int i;
-                          /* Double all the '\\' preceding this '"', plus one */
-                          for (i=0;i<=bcount;i++)
-                              *p++='\\';
-                          *p++='"';
-                      } else {
-                          *p++=*a;
-                      }
-                      bcount=0;
-                  }
-                  a++;
-              }
-          } else {
-              strcpyW(p,*arg);
-              p+=strlenW(*arg);
-          }
-          if (has_space)
-              *p++='"';
-          *p++=' ';
-      }
-      if (p > cmd)
-          p--;  /* remove last space */
-      *p = '\0';
-      WINE_TRACE("/c command line: '%s'\n", wine_dbgstr_w(cmd));
-      /* strip first and last quote characters if opt_s; check for invalid
-       * executable is done later */
-      if (opt_s && *cmd=='\"')
-          WCMD_opt_s_strip_quotes(cmd);
-  }
-  if (opt_c) {
-      /* If we do a "wcmd /c command", we don't want to allocate a new
-       * console since the command returns immediately. Rather, we use
-       * the currently allocated input and output handles. This allows
-       * us to pipe to and read from the command interpreter.
-       */
-      /* Parse the command string, without reading any more input */
-      WCMD_ReadAndParseLine(cmd, &toExecute, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
-      WCMD_process_commands(toExecute, FALSE, NULL, NULL);
-      WCMD_free_commands(toExecute);
-      toExecute = NULL;
-      HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, cmd);
-      return errorlevel;
-  }
-  SetConsoleTitle(WCMD_LoadMessage(WCMD_CONSTITLE));
-  /* Note: cmd.exe /c dir does not get a new color, /k dir does */
-  if (opt_t) {
-      if (!(((opt_t & 0xF0) >> 4) == (opt_t & 0x0F))) {
-          defaultColor = opt_t & 0xFF;
-          param1[0] = 0x00;
-          WCMD_color();
-      }
-  } else {
-      /* Check HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor
-         Then  HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor
-           for defaultcolour value
-           Note  Can be supplied as DWORD or REG_SZ
-           Note2 When supplied as REG_SZ it's in decimal!!! */
-      HKEY key;
-      DWORD type;
-      DWORD value=0, size=4;
-      static const WCHAR regKeyW[] = {'S','o','f','t','w','a','r','e','\\',
-                                      'M','i','c','r','o','s','o','f','t','\\',
-                                      'C','o','m','m','a','n','d',' ','P','r','o','c','e','s','s','o','r','\0'};
-      static const WCHAR dfltColorW[] = {'D','e','f','a','u','l','t','C','o','l','o','r','\0'};
+    DWORD   nOut= 0;
+    DWORD   res = 0;
-      if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, regKeyW,
-                       0, KEY_READ, &key) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
-          WCHAR  strvalue[4];
+    /* If nothing to write, return (MORE does this sometimes) */
+    if (!len) return;
-          /* See if DWORD or REG_SZ */
-          if (RegQueryValueEx(key, dfltColorW, NULL, &type,
-                     NULL, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
-              if (type == REG_DWORD) {
-                  size = sizeof(DWORD);
-                  RegQueryValueEx(key, dfltColorW, NULL, NULL,
-                                  (LPBYTE)&value, &size);
-              } else if (type == REG_SZ) {
-                  size = sizeof(strvalue)/sizeof(WCHAR);
-                  RegQueryValueEx(key, dfltColorW, NULL, NULL,
-                                  (LPBYTE)strvalue, &size);
-                  value = strtoulW(strvalue, NULL, 10);
-              }
-          }
-          RegCloseKey(key);
-      }
+    /* Try to write as unicode assuming it is to a console */
+    res = WriteConsoleW(device, message, len, &nOut, NULL);
-      if (value == 0 && RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, regKeyW,
-                       0, KEY_READ, &key) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
-          WCHAR  strvalue[4];
+    /* If writing to console fails, assume its file
+       i/o so convert to OEM codepage and output                  */
+    if (!res) {
+      BOOL usedDefaultChar = FALSE;
+      DWORD convertedChars;
-          /* See if DWORD or REG_SZ */
-          if (RegQueryValueEx(key, dfltColorW, NULL, &type,
-                     NULL, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
-              if (type == REG_DWORD) {
-                  size = sizeof(DWORD);
-                  RegQueryValueEx(key, dfltColorW, NULL, NULL,
-                                  (LPBYTE)&value, &size);
-              } else if (type == REG_SZ) {
-                  size = sizeof(strvalue)/sizeof(WCHAR);
-                  RegQueryValueEx(key, dfltColorW, NULL, NULL,
-                                  (LPBYTE)strvalue, &size);
-                  value = strtoulW(strvalue, NULL, 10);
-              }
-          }
-          RegCloseKey(key);
-      }
+      if (!unicodePipes) {
+        /*
+         * Allocate buffer to use when writing to file. (Not freed, as one off)
+         */
+        if (!output_bufA) output_bufA = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0,
+                                                  MAX_WRITECONSOLE_SIZE);
+        if (!output_bufA) {
+          WINE_FIXME("Out of memory - could not allocate ansi 64K buffer\n");
+          return;
+        }
-      /* If one found, set the screen to that colour */
-      if (!(((value & 0xF0) >> 4) == (value & 0x0F))) {
-          defaultColor = value & 0xFF;
-          param1[0] = 0x00;
-          WCMD_color();
+        /* Convert to OEM, then output */
+        convertedChars = WideCharToMultiByte(GetConsoleOutputCP(), 0, message,
+                            len, output_bufA, MAX_WRITECONSOLE_SIZE,
+                            "?", &usedDefaultChar);
+        WriteFile(device, output_bufA, convertedChars,
+                  &nOut, FALSE);
+      } else {
+        WriteFile(device, message, len*sizeof(WCHAR),
+                  &nOut, FALSE);
+    }
+    return;
-  }
-  /* Save cwd into appropriate env var */
-  GetCurrentDirectory(1024, string);
-  if (IsCharAlpha(string[0]) && string[1] == ':') {
-    static const WCHAR fmt[] = {'=','%','c',':','\0'};
-    wsprintf(envvar, fmt, string[0]);
-    SetEnvironmentVariable(envvar, string);
-    WINE_TRACE("Set %s to %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(envvar), wine_dbgstr_w(string));
-  }
-  if (opt_k) {
-      /* Parse the command string, without reading any more input */
-      WCMD_ReadAndParseLine(cmd, &toExecute, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
-      WCMD_process_commands(toExecute, FALSE, NULL, NULL);
-      WCMD_free_commands(toExecute);
-      toExecute = NULL;
-      HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, cmd);
-  }
- *	If there is an AUTOEXEC.BAT file, try to execute it.
+ * WCMD_output - send output to current standard output device.
+ *
-  GetFullPathName (autoexec, sizeof(string)/sizeof(WCHAR), string, NULL);
-    CloseHandle (h);
-#if 0
-    WCMD_batch (autoexec, autoexec, 0, NULL, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
-  }
- *	Loop forever getting commands and executing them.
- */
+void WCMD_output (const WCHAR *format, ...) {
-  WCMD_version ();
-  while (TRUE) {
+  va_list ap;
+  WCHAR string[1024];
+  int ret;
-    /* Read until EOF (which for std input is never, but if redirect
-       in place, may occur                                          */
-    WCMD_show_prompt ();
-    if (WCMD_ReadAndParseLine(NULL, &toExecute,
-                              GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE)) == NULL)
-      break;
-    WCMD_process_commands(toExecute, FALSE, NULL, NULL);
-    WCMD_free_commands(toExecute);
-    toExecute = NULL;
+  va_start(ap,format);
+  ret = wvsprintf (string, format, ap);
+  if( ret >= (sizeof(string)/sizeof(WCHAR))) {
+       WINE_ERR("Output truncated in WCMD_output\n" );
+       ret = (sizeof(string)/sizeof(WCHAR)) - 1;
+       string[ret] = '\0';
-  return 0;
+  va_end(ap);
+  WCMD_output_asis_len(string, ret, GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE));
- * Expand the command. Native expands lines from batch programs as they are
- * read in and not again, except for 'for' variable substitution.
- * eg. As evidence, "echo %1 && shift && echo %1" or "echo %%path%%"
- */
-void handleExpansion(WCHAR *cmd, BOOL justFors, WCHAR *forVariable, WCHAR *forValue) {
-  /* For commands in a context (batch program):                  */
-  /*   Expand environment variables in a batch file %{0-9} first */
-  /*     including support for any ~ modifiers                   */
-  /* Additionally:                                               */
-  /*   Expand the DATE, TIME, CD, RANDOM and ERRORLEVEL special  */
-  /*     names allowing environment variable overrides           */
-  /* NOTE: To support the %PATH:xxx% syntax, also perform        */
-  /*   manual expansion of environment variables here            */
-  WCHAR *p = cmd;
-  WCHAR *s, *t;
-  int   i;
-  while ((p = strchrW(p, '%'))) {
-    WINE_TRACE("Translate command:%s %d (at: %s)\n",
-                   wine_dbgstr_w(cmd), justFors, wine_dbgstr_w(p));
-    i = *(p+1) - '0';
-    /* Don't touch %% unless its in Batch */
-    if (!justFors && *(p+1) == '%') {
-      if (context) {
-        s = WCMD_strdupW(p+1);
-        strcpyW (p, s);
-        free (s);
-      }
-      p+=1;
-    /* Replace %~ modifications if in batch program */
-    } else if (*(p+1) == '~') {
-      WCMD_HandleTildaModifiers(&p, forVariable, forValue, justFors);
-      p++;
-    /* Replace use of %0...%9 if in batch program*/
-    } else if (!justFors && context && (i >= 0) && (i <= 9)) {
-      s = WCMD_strdupW(p+2);
-      t = WCMD_parameter (context -> command, i + context -> shift_count[i], NULL);
-      strcpyW (p, t);
-      strcatW (p, s);
-      free (s);
-    /* Replace use of %* if in batch program*/
-    } else if (!justFors && context && *(p+1)=='*') {
-      WCHAR *startOfParms = NULL;
-      s = WCMD_strdupW(p+2);
-      t = WCMD_parameter (context -> command, 1, &startOfParms);
-      if (startOfParms != NULL) strcpyW (p, startOfParms);
-      else *p = 0x00;
-      strcatW (p, s);
-      free (s);
-    } else if (forVariable &&
-               (CompareString (LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,
-                               SORT_STRINGSORT,
-                               p,
-                               strlenW(forVariable),
-                               forVariable, -1) == 2)) {
-      s = WCMD_strdupW(p + strlenW(forVariable));
-      strcpyW(p, forValue);
-      strcatW(p, s);
-      free(s);
+static int line_count;
+static int max_height;
+static int max_width;
+static BOOL paged_mode;
+static int numChars;
-    } else if (!justFors) {
-      p = WCMD_expand_envvar(p, forVariable, forValue);
+void WCMD_enter_paged_mode(const WCHAR *msg)
-    /* In a FOR loop, see if this is the variable to replace */
-    } else { /* Ignore %'s on second pass of batch program */
-      p++;
-    }
+  if (GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &consoleInfo)) {
+    max_height = consoleInfo.dwSize.Y;
+    max_width  = consoleInfo.dwSize.X;
+  } else {
+    max_height = 25;
+    max_width  = 80;
-  return;
+  paged_mode = TRUE;
+  line_count = 0;
+  numChars   = 0;
+  pagedMessage = (msg==NULL)? anykey : msg;
- * Process one command. If the command is EXIT this routine does not return.
- * We will recurse through here executing batch files.
- */
-void WCMD_execute (WCHAR *command, WCHAR *redirects,
-                   WCHAR *forVariable, WCHAR *forValue,
-                   CMD_LIST **cmdList)
+void WCMD_leave_paged_mode(void)
-    WCHAR *cmd, *p, *redir;
-    int status, i;
-    DWORD count, creationDisposition;
-    HANDLE h;
-    WCHAR *whichcmd;
-    WCHAR *new_cmd = NULL;
-    WCHAR *new_redir = NULL;
-    HANDLE old_stdhandles[3] = {INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE,
-                                INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE,
-                                INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE};
-    DWORD  idx_stdhandles[3] = {STD_INPUT_HANDLE,
-                                STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE,
-                                STD_ERROR_HANDLE};
-    BOOL piped = FALSE;
-    WINE_TRACE("command on entry:%s (%p), with '%s'='%s'\n",
-               wine_dbgstr_w(command), cmdList,
-               wine_dbgstr_w(forVariable), wine_dbgstr_w(forValue));
-    /* If the next command is a pipe then we implement pipes by redirecting
-       the output from this command to a temp file and input into the
-       next command from that temp file.
-       FIXME: Use of named pipes would make more sense here as currently this
-       process has to finish before the next one can start but this requires
-       a change to not wait for the first app to finish but rather the pipe  */
-    if (cmdList && (*cmdList)->nextcommand &&
-        (*cmdList)->nextcommand->prevDelim == CMD_PIPE) {
-        WCHAR temp_path[MAX_PATH];
-        static const WCHAR cmdW[]     = {'C','M','D','\0'};
-        /* Remember piping is in action */
-        WINE_TRACE("Output needs to be piped\n");
-        piped = TRUE;
-        /* Generate a unique temporary filename */
-        GetTempPath (sizeof(temp_path)/sizeof(WCHAR), temp_path);
-        GetTempFileName (temp_path, cmdW, 0, (*cmdList)->nextcommand->pipeFile);
-        WINE_TRACE("Using temporary file of %s\n",
-                   wine_dbgstr_w((*cmdList)->nextcommand->pipeFile));
-    }
-    /* Move copy of the command onto the heap so it can be expanded */
-    new_cmd = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, MAXSTRING * sizeof(WCHAR));
-    if (!new_cmd)
-    {
-        WINE_ERR("Could not allocate memory for new_cmd\n");
-        return;
-    }
-    strcpyW(new_cmd, command);
-    /* Move copy of the redirects onto the heap so it can be expanded */
-    new_redir = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, MAXSTRING * sizeof(WCHAR));
-    if (!new_redir)
-    {
-        WINE_ERR("Could not allocate memory for new_redir\n");
-        HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, new_cmd );
-        return;
-    }
-    /* If piped output, send stdout to the pipe by appending >filename to redirects */
-    if (piped) {
-        static const WCHAR redirOut[] = {'%','s',' ','>',' ','%','s','\0'};
-        wsprintf (new_redir, redirOut, redirects, (*cmdList)->nextcommand->pipeFile);
-        WINE_TRACE("Redirects now %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(new_redir));
-    } else {
-        strcpyW(new_redir, redirects);
-    }
-    /* Expand variables in command line mode only (batch mode will
-       be expanded as the line is read in, except for 'for' loops) */
-    handleExpansion(new_cmd, (context != NULL), forVariable, forValue);
-    handleExpansion(new_redir, (context != NULL), forVariable, forValue);
-    cmd = new_cmd;
-    /* Show prompt before batch line IF echo is on and in batch program */
-    if (context && echo_mode && (cmd[0] != '@')) {
-      WCMD_show_prompt();
-      WCMD_output_asis ( cmd);
-      WCMD_output_asis ( newline);
-    }
- *	Changing default drive has to be handled as a special case.
- */
-    if ((cmd[1] == ':') && IsCharAlpha (cmd[0]) && (strlenW(cmd) == 2)) {
-      WCHAR envvar[5];
-      WCHAR dir[MAX_PATH];
-      /* According to MSDN CreateProcess docs, special env vars record
-         the current directory on each drive, in the form =C:
-         so see if one specified, and if so go back to it             */
-      strcpyW(envvar, equalsW);
-      strcatW(envvar, cmd);
-      if (GetEnvironmentVariable(envvar, dir, MAX_PATH) == 0) {
-        static const WCHAR fmt[] = {'%','s','\\','\0'};
-        wsprintf(cmd, fmt, cmd);
-        WINE_TRACE("No special directory settings, using dir of %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(cmd));
-      }
-      WINE_TRACE("Got directory %s as %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(envvar), wine_dbgstr_w(cmd));
-      status = SetCurrentDirectory (cmd);
-      if (!status) WCMD_print_error ();
-      HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, cmd );
-      HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, new_redir );
-      return;
-    }
-    sa.nLength = sizeof(sa);
-    sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
-    sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
+  paged_mode = FALSE;
+  pagedMessage = NULL;
- *	Redirect stdin, stdout and/or stderr if required.
+ * WCMD_Readfile
+ *
+ *	Read characters in from a console/file, returning result in Unicode
+ *      with signature identical to ReadFile
+BOOL WCMD_ReadFile(const HANDLE hIn, WCHAR *intoBuf, const DWORD maxChars,
+                          LPDWORD charsRead, const LPOVERLAPPED unused) {
-    /* STDIN could come from a preceding pipe, so delete on close if it does */
-    if (cmdList && (*cmdList)->pipeFile[0] != 0x00) {
-        WINE_TRACE("Input coming from %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w((*cmdList)->pipeFile));
-        h = CreateFile ((*cmdList)->pipeFile, GENERIC_READ,
-                  FILE_SHARE_READ, &sa, OPEN_EXISTING,
-        if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
-          WCMD_print_error ();
-          HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, cmd );
-          HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, new_redir );
-          return;
-        }
-        old_stdhandles[0] = GetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
-        SetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE, h);
-        /* No need to remember the temporary name any longer once opened */
-        (*cmdList)->pipeFile[0] = 0x00;
-    /* Otherwise STDIN could come from a '<' redirect */
-    } else if ((p = strchrW(new_redir,'<')) != NULL) {
-      h = CreateFile (WCMD_parameter (++p, 0, NULL), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, &sa, OPEN_EXISTING,
-      if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
-	WCMD_print_error ();
-        HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, cmd );
-        HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, new_redir );
-	return;
-      }
-      old_stdhandles[0] = GetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
-      SetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE, h);
-    }
-    /* Scan the whole command looking for > and 2> */
-    redir = new_redir;
-    while (redir != NULL && ((p = strchrW(redir,'>')) != NULL)) {
-      int handle = 0;
-      if (*(p-1)!='2') {
-        handle = 1;
-      } else {
-        handle = 2;
-      }
-      p++;
-      if ('>' == *p) {
-        creationDisposition = OPEN_ALWAYS;
-        p++;
-      }
-      else {
-        creationDisposition = CREATE_ALWAYS;
-      }
+    BOOL   res;
-      /* Add support for 2>&1 */
-      redir = p;
-      if (*p == '&') {
-        int idx = *(p+1) - '0';
+    /* Try to read from console as Unicode */
+    res = ReadConsoleW(hIn, intoBuf, maxChars, charsRead, NULL);
-        if (DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(),
-                        GetStdHandle(idx_stdhandles[idx]),
-                        GetCurrentProcess(),
-                        &h,
-                        0, TRUE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS) == 0) {
-          WINE_FIXME("Duplicating handle failed with gle %d\n", GetLastError());
-        }
-        WINE_TRACE("Redirect %d (%p) to %d (%p)\n", handle, GetStdHandle(idx_stdhandles[idx]), idx, h);
+    /* If reading from console has failed we assume its file
+       i/o so read in and convert from OEM codepage               */
+    if (!res) {
-      } else {
-        WCHAR *param = WCMD_parameter (p, 0, NULL);
-        h = CreateFile (param, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, &sa, creationDisposition,
-                        FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL);
-        if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
-          WCMD_print_error ();
-          HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, cmd );
-          HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, new_redir );
-          return;
-        }
-        if (SetFilePointer (h, 0, NULL, FILE_END) ==
-              INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER) {
-          WCMD_print_error ();
+        DWORD numRead;
+        /*
+         * Allocate buffer to use when reading from file. Not freed
+         */
+        if (!output_bufA) output_bufA = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0,
+                                                  MAX_WRITECONSOLE_SIZE);
+        if (!output_bufA) {
+          WINE_FIXME("Out of memory - could not allocate ansi 64K buffer\n");
+          return 0;
-        WINE_TRACE("Redirect %d to '%s' (%p)\n", handle, wine_dbgstr_w(param), h);
-      }
-      old_stdhandles[handle] = GetStdHandle (idx_stdhandles[handle]);
-      SetStdHandle (idx_stdhandles[handle], h);
-    }
- * Strip leading whitespaces, and a '@' if supplied
- */
-    whichcmd = WCMD_strtrim_leading_spaces(cmd);
-    WINE_TRACE("Command: '%s'\n", wine_dbgstr_w(cmd));
-    if (whichcmd[0] == '@') whichcmd++;
- *	Check if the command entered is internal. If it is, pass the rest of the
- *	line down to the command. If not try to run a program.
- */
-    count = 0;
-    while (IsCharAlphaNumeric(whichcmd[count])) {
-      count++;
-    }
-    for (i=0; i<=WCMD_EXIT; i++) {
-      	  whichcmd, count, inbuilt[i], -1) == 2) break;
-    }
-    p = WCMD_strtrim_leading_spaces (&whichcmd[count]);
-    WCMD_parse (p, quals, param1, param2);
-    WINE_TRACE("param1: %s, param2: %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(param1), wine_dbgstr_w(param2));
-    switch (i) {
+        /* Read from file (assume OEM codepage) */
+        res = ReadFile(hIn, output_bufA, maxChars, &numRead, unused);
-      case WCMD_ATTRIB:
-        WCMD_setshow_attrib ();
-        break;
-      case WCMD_CALL:
-        WCMD_call (p);
-        break;
-      case WCMD_CD:
-      case WCMD_CHDIR:
-        WCMD_setshow_default (p);
-        break;
-      case WCMD_CLS:
-        WCMD_clear_screen ();
-        break;
-      case WCMD_COPY:
-        WCMD_copy ();
-        break;
-      case WCMD_CTTY:
-        WCMD_change_tty ();
-        break;
-      case WCMD_DATE:
-        WCMD_setshow_date ();
-	break;
-      case WCMD_DEL:
-      case WCMD_ERASE:
-        WCMD_delete (p, TRUE);
-        break;
-      case WCMD_DIR:
-        WCMD_directory (p);
-        break;
-      case WCMD_ECHO:
-        WCMD_echo(&whichcmd[count]);
-        break;
-      case WCMD_FOR:
-        WCMD_for (p, cmdList);
-        break;
-      case WCMD_GOTO:
-        WCMD_goto (cmdList);
-        break;
-      case WCMD_HELP:
-        WCMD_give_help (p);
-	break;
-      case WCMD_IF:
-	WCMD_if (p, cmdList);
-        break;
-      case WCMD_LABEL:
-        WCMD_volume (1, p);
-        break;
-      case WCMD_MD:
-      case WCMD_MKDIR:
-        WCMD_create_dir ();
-	break;
-      case WCMD_MOVE:
-        WCMD_move ();
-        break;
-      case WCMD_PATH:
-        WCMD_setshow_path (p);
-        break;
-      case WCMD_PAUSE:
-        WCMD_pause ();
-        break;
-      case WCMD_PROMPT:
-        WCMD_setshow_prompt ();
-        break;
-      case WCMD_REM:
-        break;
-      case WCMD_REN:
-      case WCMD_RENAME:
-        WCMD_rename ();
-	break;
-      case WCMD_RD:
-      case WCMD_RMDIR:
-        WCMD_remove_dir (p);
-        break;
-      case WCMD_SETLOCAL:
-        WCMD_setlocal(p);
-        break;
-      case WCMD_ENDLOCAL:
-        WCMD_endlocal();
-        break;
-      case WCMD_SET:
-        WCMD_setshow_env (p);
-	break;
-      case WCMD_SHIFT:
-        WCMD_shift (p);
-        break;
-      case WCMD_TIME:
-        WCMD_setshow_time ();
-        break;
-      case WCMD_TITLE:
-        if (strlenW(&whichcmd[count]) > 0)
-          WCMD_title(&whichcmd[count+1]);
-        break;
-      case WCMD_TYPE:
-        WCMD_type (p);
-	break;
-      case WCMD_VER:
-        WCMD_version ();
-        break;
-      case WCMD_VERIFY:
-        WCMD_verify (p);
-        break;
-      case WCMD_VOL:
-        WCMD_volume (0, p);
-        break;
-      case WCMD_PUSHD:
-        WCMD_pushd(p);
-        break;
-      case WCMD_POPD:
-        WCMD_popd();
-        break;
-      case WCMD_ASSOC:
-        WCMD_assoc(p, TRUE);
-        break;
-      case WCMD_COLOR:
-        WCMD_color();
-        break;
-      case WCMD_FTYPE:
-        WCMD_assoc(p, FALSE);
-        break;
-      case WCMD_MORE:
-        WCMD_more(p);
-        break;
-      case WCMD_EXIT:
-        WCMD_exit (cmdList);
-        break;
-      default:
-        WCMD_run_program (whichcmd, 0);
-    }
-    HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, cmd );
-    HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, new_redir );
+        /* Convert from OEM */
+        *charsRead = MultiByteToWideChar(GetConsoleCP(), 0, output_bufA, numRead,
+                         intoBuf, maxChars);
-    /* Restore old handles */
-    for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
-      if (old_stdhandles[i] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
-        CloseHandle (GetStdHandle (idx_stdhandles[i]));
-        SetStdHandle (idx_stdhandles[i], old_stdhandles[i]);
-      }
+    return res;
-static void init_msvcrt_io_block(STARTUPINFO* st)
-    STARTUPINFO st_p;
-    /* fetch the parent MSVCRT info block if any, so that the child can use the
-     * same handles as its grand-father
-     */
-    st_p.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
-    GetStartupInfo(&st_p);
-    st->cbReserved2 = st_p.cbReserved2;
-    st->lpReserved2 = st_p.lpReserved2;
-    if (st_p.cbReserved2 && st_p.lpReserved2)
-    {
-        /* Override the entries for fd 0,1,2 if we happened
-         * to change those std handles (this depends on the way wcmd sets
-         * it's new input & output handles)
-         */
-        size_t sz = max(sizeof(unsigned) + (sizeof(char) + sizeof(HANDLE)) * 3, st_p.cbReserved2);
-        BYTE* ptr = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sz);
-        if (ptr)
-        {
-            unsigned num = *(unsigned*)st_p.lpReserved2;
-            char* flags = (char*)(ptr + sizeof(unsigned));
-            HANDLE* handles = (HANDLE*)(flags + num * sizeof(char));
-            memcpy(ptr, st_p.lpReserved2, st_p.cbReserved2);
-            st->cbReserved2 = sz;
-            st->lpReserved2 = ptr;
+ * WCMD_output_asis - send output to current standard output device.
+ *        without formatting eg. when message contains '%'
+ */
+void WCMD_output_asis (const WCHAR *message) {
+  DWORD count;
+  const WCHAR* ptr;
+  WCHAR string[1024];
-#define WX_OPEN 0x01    /* see dlls/msvcrt/file.c */
-            if (num <= 0 || (flags[0] & WX_OPEN))
-            {
-                handles[0] = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
-                flags[0] |= WX_OPEN;
-            }
-            if (num <= 1 || (flags[1] & WX_OPEN))
-            {
-                handles[1] = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
-                flags[1] |= WX_OPEN;
-            }
-            if (num <= 2 || (flags[2] & WX_OPEN))
-            {
-                handles[2] = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE);
-                flags[2] |= WX_OPEN;
-            }
-#undef WX_OPEN
+  if (paged_mode) {
+    do {
+      ptr = message;
+      while (*ptr && *ptr!='\n' && (numChars < max_width)) {
+        numChars++;
+        ptr++;
+      };
+      if (*ptr == '\n') ptr++;
+      WCMD_output_asis_len(message, (ptr) ? ptr - message : strlenW(message),
+                           GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE));
+      if (ptr) {
+        numChars = 0;
+        if (++line_count >= max_height - 1) {
+          line_count = 0;
+          WCMD_output_asis_len(pagedMessage, strlenW(pagedMessage),
+                               GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE));
+          WCMD_ReadFile (GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), string,
+                         sizeof(string)/sizeof(WCHAR), &count, NULL);
-    }
+      }
+    } while (((message = ptr) != NULL) && (*ptr));
+  } else {
+    WCMD_output_asis_len(message, lstrlen(message),
+                         GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE));
+  }
- * WCMD_run_program
- *
- *	Execute a command line as an external program. Must allow recursion.
- *
- *      Precedence:
- *        Manual testing under windows shows PATHEXT plays a key part in this,
- *      and the search algorithm and precedence appears to be as follows.
+ * WCMD_print_error
- *      Search locations:
- *        If directory supplied on command, just use that directory
- *        If extension supplied on command, look for that explicit name first
- *        Otherwise, search in each directory on the path
- *      Precedence:
- *        If extension supplied on command, look for that explicit name first
- *        Then look for supplied name .* (even if extension supplied, so
- *          'garbage.exe' will match 'garbage.exe.cmd')
- *        If any found, cycle through PATHEXT looking for name.exe one by one
- *      Launching
- *        Once a match has been found, it is launched - Code currently uses
- *          findexecutable to achieve this which is left untouched.
+ * Print the message for GetLastError
-void WCMD_run_program (WCHAR *command, int called) {
-  WCHAR  temp[MAX_PATH];
-  WCHAR  pathtosearch[MAXSTRING];
-  WCHAR *pathposn;
-  WCHAR  stemofsearch[MAX_PATH];
-  WCHAR *lastSlash;
-  WCHAR  pathext[MAXSTRING];
-  BOOL  extensionsupplied = FALSE;
-  BOOL  launched = FALSE;
-  BOOL  status;
-  BOOL  assumeInternal = FALSE;
-  DWORD len;
-  static const WCHAR envPath[] = {'P','A','T','H','\0'};
-  static const WCHAR envPathExt[] = {'P','A','T','H','E','X','T','\0'};
-  static const WCHAR delims[] = {'/','\\',':','\0'};
+void WCMD_print_error (void) {
+  LPVOID lpMsgBuf;
+  DWORD error_code;
+  int status;
-  WCMD_parse (command, quals, param1, param2);	/* Quick way to get the filename */
-  if (!(*param1) && !(*param2))
+  error_code = GetLastError ();
+			  NULL, error_code, 0, (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL);
+  if (!status) {
+    WINE_FIXME ("Cannot display message for error %d, status %d\n",
+			error_code, GetLastError());
-  /* Calculate the search path and stem to search for */
-  if (strpbrkW (param1, delims) == NULL) {  /* No explicit path given, search path */
-    static const WCHAR curDir[] = {'.',';','\0'};
-    strcpyW(pathtosearch, curDir);
-    len = GetEnvironmentVariable (envPath, &pathtosearch[2], (sizeof(pathtosearch)/sizeof(WCHAR))-2);
-    if ((len == 0) || (len >= (sizeof(pathtosearch)/sizeof(WCHAR)) - 2)) {
-      static const WCHAR curDir[] = {'.','\0'};
-      strcpyW (pathtosearch, curDir);
-    }
-    if (strchrW(param1, '.') != NULL) extensionsupplied = TRUE;
-    strcpyW(stemofsearch, param1);
-  } else {
-    /* Convert eg. ..\fred to include a directory by removing file part */
-    GetFullPathName(param1, sizeof(pathtosearch)/sizeof(WCHAR), pathtosearch, NULL);
-    lastSlash = strrchrW(pathtosearch, '\\');
-    if (lastSlash && strchrW(lastSlash, '.') != NULL) extensionsupplied = TRUE;
-    strcpyW(stemofsearch, lastSlash+1);
-    /* Reduce pathtosearch to a path with trailing '\' to support c:\a.bat and
-       c:\windows\a.bat syntax                                                 */
-    if (lastSlash) *(lastSlash + 1) = 0x00;
-  /* Now extract PATHEXT */
-  len = GetEnvironmentVariable (envPathExt, pathext, sizeof(pathext)/sizeof(WCHAR));
-  if ((len == 0) || (len >= (sizeof(pathext)/sizeof(WCHAR)))) {
-    static const WCHAR dfltPathExt[] = {'.','b','a','t',';',
-                                        '.','c','o','m',';',
-                                        '.','c','m','d',';',
-                                        '.','e','x','e','\0'};
-    strcpyW (pathext, dfltPathExt);
-  }
-  /* Loop through the search path, dir by dir */
-  pathposn = pathtosearch;
-  WINE_TRACE("Searching in '%s' for '%s'\n", wine_dbgstr_w(pathtosearch),
-             wine_dbgstr_w(stemofsearch));
-  while (!launched && pathposn) {
-    WCHAR  thisDir[MAX_PATH] = {'\0'};
-    WCHAR *pos               = NULL;
-    BOOL  found             = FALSE;
-    const WCHAR slashW[] = {'\\','\0'};
-    /* Work on the first directory on the search path */
-    pos = strchrW(pathposn, ';');
-    if (pos) {
-      memcpy(thisDir, pathposn, (pos-pathposn) * sizeof(WCHAR));
-      thisDir[(pos-pathposn)] = 0x00;
-      pathposn = pos+1;
-    } else {
-      strcpyW(thisDir, pathposn);
-      pathposn = NULL;
-    }
-    /* Since you can have eg. ..\.. on the path, need to expand
-       to full information                                      */
-    strcpyW(temp, thisDir);
-    GetFullPathName(temp, MAX_PATH, thisDir, NULL);
-    /* 1. If extension supplied, see if that file exists */
-    strcatW(thisDir, slashW);
-    strcatW(thisDir, stemofsearch);
-    pos = &thisDir[strlenW(thisDir)]; /* Pos = end of name */
-    /* 1. If extension supplied, see if that file exists */
-    if (extensionsupplied) {
-      if (GetFileAttributes(thisDir) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) {
-        found = TRUE;
-      }
-    }
-    /* 2. Any .* matches? */
-    if (!found) {
-      HANDLE          h;
-      WIN32_FIND_DATA finddata;
-      static const WCHAR allFiles[] = {'.','*','\0'};
-      strcatW(thisDir,allFiles);
-      h = FindFirstFile(thisDir, &finddata);
-      FindClose(h);
-      if (h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
-        WCHAR *thisExt = pathext;
-        /* 3. Yes - Try each path ext */
-        while (thisExt) {
-          WCHAR *nextExt = strchrW(thisExt, ';');
-          if (nextExt) {
-            memcpy(pos, thisExt, (nextExt-thisExt) * sizeof(WCHAR));
-            pos[(nextExt-thisExt)] = 0x00;
-            thisExt = nextExt+1;
-          } else {
-            strcpyW(pos, thisExt);
-            thisExt = NULL;
-          }
-          if (GetFileAttributes(thisDir) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) {
-            found = TRUE;
-            thisExt = NULL;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-   /* Internal programs won't be picked up by this search, so even
-      though not found, try one last createprocess and wait for it
-      to complete.
-      Note: Ideally we could tell between a console app (wait) and a
-      windows app, but the API's for it fail in this case           */
-    if (!found && pathposn == NULL) {
-        assumeInternal = TRUE;
-    } else {
-        WINE_TRACE("Found as %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(thisDir));
-    }
-    /* Once found, launch it */
-    if (found || assumeInternal) {
-      STARTUPINFO st;
-      SHFILEINFO psfi;
-      DWORD console;
-      HINSTANCE hinst;
-      WCHAR *ext = strrchrW( thisDir, '.' );
-      static const WCHAR batExt[] = {'.','b','a','t','\0'};
-      static const WCHAR cmdExt[] = {'.','c','m','d','\0'};
-      launched = TRUE;
-      /* Special case BAT and CMD */
-      if (ext && !strcmpiW(ext, batExt)) {
-        WCMD_batch (thisDir, command, called, NULL, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
-        return;
-      } else if (ext && !strcmpiW(ext, cmdExt)) {
-        WCMD_batch (thisDir, command, called, NULL, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
-        return;
-      } else {
-        /* thisDir contains the file to be launched, but with what?
-           eg. a.exe will require a.exe to be launched, a.html may be iexplore */
-        hinst = FindExecutable (thisDir, NULL, temp);
-        if ((INT_PTR)hinst < 32)
-          console = 0;
-        else
-          console = SHGetFileInfo (temp, 0, &psfi, sizeof(psfi), SHGFI_EXETYPE);
-        ZeroMemory (&st, sizeof(STARTUPINFO));
-        st.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
-        init_msvcrt_io_block(&st);
-        /* Launch the process and if a CUI wait on it to complete
-           Note: Launching internal wine processes cannot specify a full path to exe */
-        status = CreateProcess (assumeInternal?NULL : thisDir,
-                                command, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0, NULL, NULL, &st, &pe);
-        if ((opt_c || opt_k) && !opt_s && !status
-            && GetLastError()==ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND && command[0]=='\"') {
-          /* strip first and last quote WCHARacters and try again */
-          WCMD_opt_s_strip_quotes(command);
-          opt_s=1;
-          WCMD_run_program(command, called);
-          return;
-        }
-        if (!status) {
-          WCMD_print_error ();
-          /* If a command fails to launch, it sets errorlevel 9009 - which
-             does not seem to have any associated constant definition     */
-          errorlevel = 9009;
-          return;
-        }
-        if (!assumeInternal && !console) errorlevel = 0;
-        else
-        {
-            /* Always wait when called in a batch program context */
-            if (assumeInternal || context || !HIWORD(console)) WaitForSingleObject (pe.hProcess, INFINITE);
-            GetExitCodeProcess (pe.hProcess, &errorlevel);
-            if (errorlevel == STILL_ACTIVE) errorlevel = 0;
-        }
-        CloseHandle(pe.hProcess);
-        CloseHandle(pe.hThread);
-        return;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /* Not found anywhere - give up */
-  WCMD_print_error ();
-  /* If a command fails to launch, it sets errorlevel 9009 - which
-     does not seem to have any associated constant definition     */
-  errorlevel = 9009;
+  WCMD_output_asis_len(lpMsgBuf, lstrlen(lpMsgBuf),
+                       GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE));
+  LocalFree (lpMsgBuf);
+  WCMD_output_asis_len (newline, lstrlen(newline),
+                        GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE));
@@ -1326,238 +410,25 @@ void WCMD_show_prompt (void) {
   WCMD_output_asis (out_string);
- * WCMD_print_error
- *
- * Print the message for GetLastError
- */
-void WCMD_print_error (void) {
-  LPVOID lpMsgBuf;
-  DWORD error_code;
-  int status;
-  error_code = GetLastError ();
-    			NULL, error_code, 0, (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL);
-  if (!status) {
-    WINE_FIXME ("Cannot display message for error %d, status %d\n",
-			error_code, GetLastError());
-    return;
-  }
-  WCMD_output_asis_len(lpMsgBuf, lstrlen(lpMsgBuf),
-                       GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE));
-  LocalFree (lpMsgBuf);
-  WCMD_output_asis_len (newline, lstrlen(newline),
-                        GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE));
-  return;
- * WCMD_parse - parse a command into parameters and qualifiers.
- *
- *	On exit, all qualifiers are concatenated into q, the first string
- *	not beginning with "/" is in p1 and the
- *	second in p2. Any subsequent non-qualifier strings are lost.
- *	Parameters in quotes are handled.
- */
-void WCMD_parse (WCHAR *s, WCHAR *q, WCHAR *p1, WCHAR *p2) {
-int p = 0;
-  *q = *p1 = *p2 = '\0';
-  while (TRUE) {
-    switch (*s) {
-      case '/':
-        *q++ = *s++;
-	while ((*s != '\0') && (*s != ' ') && *s != '/') {
-	  *q++ = toupperW (*s++);
-	}
-        *q = '\0';
-	break;
-      case ' ':
-      case '\t':
-	s++;
-	break;
-      case '"':
-	s++;
-	while ((*s != '\0') && (*s != '"')) {
-	  if (p == 0) *p1++ = *s++;
-	  else if (p == 1) *p2++ = *s++;
-	  else s++;
-	}
-        if (p == 0) *p1 = '\0';
-        if (p == 1) *p2 = '\0';
-        p++;
-	if (*s == '"') s++;
-	break;
-      case '\0':
-        return;
-      default:
-	while ((*s != '\0') && (*s != ' ') && (*s != '\t')
-               && (*s != '=')  && (*s != ',') ) {
-	  if (p == 0) *p1++ = *s++;
-	  else if (p == 1) *p2++ = *s++;
-	  else s++;
-	}
-        /* Skip concurrent parms */
-	while ((*s == ' ') || (*s == '\t') || (*s == '=')  || (*s == ',') ) s++;
-        if (p == 0) *p1 = '\0';
-        if (p == 1) *p2 = '\0';
-	p++;
-    }
-  }
- * WCMD_output_asis_len - send output to current standard output
- *
- * Output a formatted unicode string. Ideally this will go to the console
- *  and hence required WriteConsoleW to output it, however if file i/o is
- *  redirected, it needs to be WriteFile'd using OEM (not ANSI) format
- */
-static void WCMD_output_asis_len(const WCHAR *message, int len, HANDLE device) {
-    DWORD   nOut= 0;
-    DWORD   res = 0;
-    /* If nothing to write, return (MORE does this sometimes) */
-    if (!len) return;
-    /* Try to write as unicode assuming it is to a console */
-    res = WriteConsoleW(device, message, len, &nOut, NULL);
-    /* If writing to console fails, assume its file
-       i/o so convert to OEM codepage and output                  */
-    if (!res) {
-      BOOL usedDefaultChar = FALSE;
-      DWORD convertedChars;
-      if (!unicodePipes) {
-        /*
-         * Allocate buffer to use when writing to file. (Not freed, as one off)
-         */
-        if (!output_bufA) output_bufA = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0,
-                                                  MAX_WRITECONSOLE_SIZE);
-        if (!output_bufA) {
-          WINE_FIXME("Out of memory - could not allocate ansi 64K buffer\n");
-          return;
-        }
-        /* Convert to OEM, then output */
-        convertedChars = WideCharToMultiByte(GetConsoleOutputCP(), 0, message,
-                            len, output_bufA, MAX_WRITECONSOLE_SIZE,
-                            "?", &usedDefaultChar);
-        WriteFile(device, output_bufA, convertedChars,
-                  &nOut, FALSE);
-      } else {
-        WriteFile(device, message, len*sizeof(WCHAR),
-                  &nOut, FALSE);
-      }
-    }
-    return;
- * WCMD_output - send output to current standard output device.
- *
- */
-void WCMD_output (const WCHAR *format, ...) {
-  va_list ap;
-  WCHAR string[1024];
-  int ret;
-  va_start(ap,format);
-  ret = wvsprintf (string, format, ap);
-  if( ret >= (sizeof(string)/sizeof(WCHAR))) {
-       WINE_ERR("Output truncated in WCMD_output\n" );
-       ret = (sizeof(string)/sizeof(WCHAR)) - 1;
-       string[ret] = '\0';
-  }
-  va_end(ap);
-  WCMD_output_asis_len(string, ret, GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE));
-static int line_count;
-static int max_height;
-static int max_width;
-static BOOL paged_mode;
-static int numChars;
-void WCMD_enter_paged_mode(const WCHAR *msg)
-  if (GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &consoleInfo)) {
-    max_height = consoleInfo.dwSize.Y;
-    max_width  = consoleInfo.dwSize.X;
-  } else {
-    max_height = 25;
-    max_width  = 80;
-  }
-  paged_mode = TRUE;
-  line_count = 0;
-  numChars   = 0;
-  pagedMessage = (msg==NULL)? anykey : msg;
-void WCMD_leave_paged_mode(void)
-  paged_mode = FALSE;
-  pagedMessage = NULL;
- * WCMD_output_asis - send output to current standard output device.
- *        without formatting eg. when message contains '%'
+ * WCMD_strdupW
+ *    A wide version of strdup as its missing from unicode.h
-void WCMD_output_asis (const WCHAR *message) {
-  DWORD count;
-  const WCHAR* ptr;
-  WCHAR string[1024];
-  if (paged_mode) {
-    do {
-      ptr = message;
-      while (*ptr && *ptr!='\n' && (numChars < max_width)) {
-        numChars++;
-        ptr++;
-      };
-      if (*ptr == '\n') ptr++;
-      WCMD_output_asis_len(message, (ptr) ? ptr - message : strlenW(message),
-                           GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE));
-      if (ptr) {
-        numChars = 0;
-        if (++line_count >= max_height - 1) {
-          line_count = 0;
-          WCMD_output_asis_len(pagedMessage, strlenW(pagedMessage),
-                               GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE));
-          WCMD_ReadFile (GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), string,
-                         sizeof(string)/sizeof(WCHAR), &count, NULL);
-        }
-      }
-    } while (((message = ptr) != NULL) && (*ptr));
-  } else {
-    WCMD_output_asis_len(message, lstrlen(message),
-                         GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE));
-  }
+WCHAR *WCMD_strdupW(WCHAR *input) {
+   int len=strlenW(input)+1;
+   /* Note: Use malloc not HeapAlloc to emulate strdup */
+   WCHAR *result = malloc(len * sizeof(WCHAR));
+   memcpy(result, input, len * sizeof(WCHAR));
+   return result;
  * WCMD_strtrim_leading_spaces
  *	Remove leading spaces from a string. Return a pointer to the first
  *	non-space character. Does not modify the input string
 WCHAR *WCMD_strtrim_leading_spaces (WCHAR *string) {
   WCHAR *ptr;
@@ -1573,7 +444,6 @@ WCHAR *WCMD_strtrim_leading_spaces (WCHAR *string) {
  *	Remove trailing spaces from a string. This routine modifies the input
  *	string by placing a null after the last non-space WCHARacter
 void WCMD_strtrim_trailing_spaces (WCHAR *string) {
   WCHAR *ptr;
@@ -1590,7 +460,6 @@ void WCMD_strtrim_trailing_spaces (WCHAR *string) {
  *	Remove first and last quote WCHARacters, preserving all other text
 void WCMD_opt_s_strip_quotes(WCHAR *cmd) {
   WCHAR *src = cmd + 1, *dest = cmd, *lastq = NULL;
   while((*dest=*src) != '\0') {
@@ -1605,6 +474,7 @@ void WCMD_opt_s_strip_quotes(WCHAR *cmd) {
  * WCMD_expand_envvar
@@ -1904,72 +774,829 @@ static WCHAR *WCMD_expand_envvar(WCHAR *start, WCHAR *forVar, WCHAR *forVal) {
     return start+1;
- * WCMD_LoadMessage
- *    Load a string from the resource file, handling any error
- *    Returns string retrieved from resource file
+ * Expand the command. Native expands lines from batch programs as they are
+ * read in and not again, except for 'for' variable substitution.
+ * eg. As evidence, "echo %1 && shift && echo %1" or "echo %%path%%"
-WCHAR *WCMD_LoadMessage(UINT id) {
-    static WCHAR msg[2048];
-    static const WCHAR failedMsg[]  = {'F','a','i','l','e','d','!','\0'};
+void handleExpansion(WCHAR *cmd, BOOL justFors, WCHAR *forVariable, WCHAR *forValue) {
-    if (!LoadString(GetModuleHandle(NULL), id, msg, sizeof(msg)/sizeof(WCHAR))) {
-       WINE_FIXME("LoadString failed with %d\n", GetLastError());
-       strcpyW(msg, failedMsg);
+  /* For commands in a context (batch program):                  */
+  /*   Expand environment variables in a batch file %{0-9} first */
+  /*     including support for any ~ modifiers                   */
+  /* Additionally:                                               */
+  /*   Expand the DATE, TIME, CD, RANDOM and ERRORLEVEL special  */
+  /*     names allowing environment variable overrides           */
+  /* NOTE: To support the %PATH:xxx% syntax, also perform        */
+  /*   manual expansion of environment variables here            */
+  WCHAR *p = cmd;
+  WCHAR *s, *t;
+  int   i;
+  while ((p = strchrW(p, '%'))) {
+    WINE_TRACE("Translate command:%s %d (at: %s)\n",
+                   wine_dbgstr_w(cmd), justFors, wine_dbgstr_w(p));
+    i = *(p+1) - '0';
+    /* Don't touch %% unless its in Batch */
+    if (!justFors && *(p+1) == '%') {
+      if (context) {
+        s = WCMD_strdupW(p+1);
+        strcpyW (p, s);
+        free (s);
+      }
+      p+=1;
+    /* Replace %~ modifications if in batch program */
+    } else if (*(p+1) == '~') {
+      WCMD_HandleTildaModifiers(&p, forVariable, forValue, justFors);
+      p++;
+    /* Replace use of %0...%9 if in batch program*/
+    } else if (!justFors && context && (i >= 0) && (i <= 9)) {
+      s = WCMD_strdupW(p+2);
+      t = WCMD_parameter (context -> command, i + context -> shift_count[i], NULL);
+      strcpyW (p, t);
+      strcatW (p, s);
+      free (s);
+    /* Replace use of %* if in batch program*/
+    } else if (!justFors && context && *(p+1)=='*') {
+      WCHAR *startOfParms = NULL;
+      s = WCMD_strdupW(p+2);
+      t = WCMD_parameter (context -> command, 1, &startOfParms);
+      if (startOfParms != NULL) strcpyW (p, startOfParms);
+      else *p = 0x00;
+      strcatW (p, s);
+      free (s);
+    } else if (forVariable &&
+               (CompareString (LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,
+                               SORT_STRINGSORT,
+                               p,
+                               strlenW(forVariable),
+                               forVariable, -1) == 2)) {
+      s = WCMD_strdupW(p + strlenW(forVariable));
+      strcpyW(p, forValue);
+      strcatW(p, s);
+      free(s);
+    } else if (!justFors) {
+      p = WCMD_expand_envvar(p, forVariable, forValue);
+    /* In a FOR loop, see if this is the variable to replace */
+    } else { /* Ignore %'s on second pass of batch program */
+      p++;
-    return msg;
+  }
+  return;
- * WCMD_strdupW
- *    A wide version of strdup as its missing from unicode.h
+ * WCMD_parse - parse a command into parameters and qualifiers.
+ *
+ *	On exit, all qualifiers are concatenated into q, the first string
+ *	not beginning with "/" is in p1 and the
+ *	second in p2. Any subsequent non-qualifier strings are lost.
+ *	Parameters in quotes are handled.
-WCHAR *WCMD_strdupW(WCHAR *input) {
-   int len=strlenW(input)+1;
-   /* Note: Use malloc not HeapAlloc to emulate strdup */
-   WCHAR *result = malloc(len * sizeof(WCHAR));
-   memcpy(result, input, len * sizeof(WCHAR));
-   return result;
+void WCMD_parse (WCHAR *s, WCHAR *q, WCHAR *p1, WCHAR *p2)
+  int p = 0;
+  *q = *p1 = *p2 = '\0';
+  while (TRUE) {
+    switch (*s) {
+      case '/':
+        *q++ = *s++;
+	while ((*s != '\0') && (*s != ' ') && *s != '/') {
+	  *q++ = toupperW (*s++);
+	}
+        *q = '\0';
+	break;
+      case ' ':
+      case '\t':
+	s++;
+	break;
+      case '"':
+	s++;
+	while ((*s != '\0') && (*s != '"')) {
+	  if (p == 0) *p1++ = *s++;
+	  else if (p == 1) *p2++ = *s++;
+	  else s++;
+	}
+        if (p == 0) *p1 = '\0';
+        if (p == 1) *p2 = '\0';
+        p++;
+	if (*s == '"') s++;
+	break;
+      case '\0':
+        return;
+      default:
+	while ((*s != '\0') && (*s != ' ') && (*s != '\t')
+               && (*s != '=')  && (*s != ',') ) {
+	  if (p == 0) *p1++ = *s++;
+	  else if (p == 1) *p2++ = *s++;
+	  else s++;
+	}
+        /* Skip concurrent parms */
+	while ((*s == ' ') || (*s == '\t') || (*s == '=')  || (*s == ',') ) s++;
+        if (p == 0) *p1 = '\0';
+        if (p == 1) *p2 = '\0';
+	p++;
+    }
+  }
- * WCMD_Readfile
+static void init_msvcrt_io_block(STARTUPINFO* st)
+    STARTUPINFO st_p;
+    /* fetch the parent MSVCRT info block if any, so that the child can use the
+     * same handles as its grand-father
+     */
+    st_p.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
+    GetStartupInfo(&st_p);
+    st->cbReserved2 = st_p.cbReserved2;
+    st->lpReserved2 = st_p.lpReserved2;
+    if (st_p.cbReserved2 && st_p.lpReserved2)
+    {
+        /* Override the entries for fd 0,1,2 if we happened
+         * to change those std handles (this depends on the way wcmd sets
+         * it's new input & output handles)
+         */
+        size_t sz = max(sizeof(unsigned) + (sizeof(char) + sizeof(HANDLE)) * 3, st_p.cbReserved2);
+        BYTE* ptr = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sz);
+        if (ptr)
+        {
+            unsigned num = *(unsigned*)st_p.lpReserved2;
+            char* flags = (char*)(ptr + sizeof(unsigned));
+            HANDLE* handles = (HANDLE*)(flags + num * sizeof(char));
+            memcpy(ptr, st_p.lpReserved2, st_p.cbReserved2);
+            st->cbReserved2 = sz;
+            st->lpReserved2 = ptr;
+#define WX_OPEN 0x01    /* see dlls/msvcrt/file.c */
+            if (num <= 0 || (flags[0] & WX_OPEN))
+            {
+                handles[0] = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
+                flags[0] |= WX_OPEN;
+            }
+            if (num <= 1 || (flags[1] & WX_OPEN))
+            {
+                handles[1] = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
+                flags[1] |= WX_OPEN;
+            }
+            if (num <= 2 || (flags[2] & WX_OPEN))
+            {
+                handles[2] = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE);
+                flags[2] |= WX_OPEN;
+            }
+#undef WX_OPEN
+        }
+    }
+ * WCMD_run_program
- *	Read characters in from a console/file, returning result in Unicode
- *      with signature identical to ReadFile
+ *	Execute a command line as an external program. Must allow recursion.
+ *
+ *      Precedence:
+ *        Manual testing under windows shows PATHEXT plays a key part in this,
+ *      and the search algorithm and precedence appears to be as follows.
+ *
+ *      Search locations:
+ *        If directory supplied on command, just use that directory
+ *        If extension supplied on command, look for that explicit name first
+ *        Otherwise, search in each directory on the path
+ *      Precedence:
+ *        If extension supplied on command, look for that explicit name first
+ *        Then look for supplied name .* (even if extension supplied, so
+ *          'garbage.exe' will match 'garbage.exe.cmd')
+ *        If any found, cycle through PATHEXT looking for name.exe one by one
+ *      Launching
+ *        Once a match has been found, it is launched - Code currently uses
+ *          findexecutable to achieve this which is left untouched.
-BOOL WCMD_ReadFile(const HANDLE hIn, WCHAR *intoBuf, const DWORD maxChars,
-                          LPDWORD charsRead, const LPOVERLAPPED unused) {
-    BOOL   res;
+void WCMD_run_program (WCHAR *command, int called) {
-    /* Try to read from console as Unicode */
-    res = ReadConsoleW(hIn, intoBuf, maxChars, charsRead, NULL);
+  WCHAR  temp[MAX_PATH];
+  WCHAR  pathtosearch[MAXSTRING];
+  WCHAR *pathposn;
+  WCHAR  stemofsearch[MAX_PATH];
+  WCHAR *lastSlash;
+  WCHAR  pathext[MAXSTRING];
+  BOOL  extensionsupplied = FALSE;
+  BOOL  launched = FALSE;
+  BOOL  status;
+  BOOL  assumeInternal = FALSE;
+  DWORD len;
+  static const WCHAR envPath[] = {'P','A','T','H','\0'};
+  static const WCHAR envPathExt[] = {'P','A','T','H','E','X','T','\0'};
+  static const WCHAR delims[] = {'/','\\',':','\0'};
-    /* If reading from console has failed we assume its file
-       i/o so read in and convert from OEM codepage               */
-    if (!res) {
+  WCMD_parse (command, quals, param1, param2);	/* Quick way to get the filename */
+  if (!(*param1) && !(*param2))
+    return;
-        DWORD numRead;
-        /*
-         * Allocate buffer to use when reading from file. Not freed
-         */
-        if (!output_bufA) output_bufA = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0,
-                                                  MAX_WRITECONSOLE_SIZE);
-        if (!output_bufA) {
-          WINE_FIXME("Out of memory - could not allocate ansi 64K buffer\n");
-          return 0;
+  /* Calculate the search path and stem to search for */
+  if (strpbrkW (param1, delims) == NULL) {  /* No explicit path given, search path */
+    static const WCHAR curDir[] = {'.',';','\0'};
+    strcpyW(pathtosearch, curDir);
+    len = GetEnvironmentVariable (envPath, &pathtosearch[2], (sizeof(pathtosearch)/sizeof(WCHAR))-2);
+    if ((len == 0) || (len >= (sizeof(pathtosearch)/sizeof(WCHAR)) - 2)) {
+      static const WCHAR curDir[] = {'.','\0'};
+      strcpyW (pathtosearch, curDir);
+    }
+    if (strchrW(param1, '.') != NULL) extensionsupplied = TRUE;
+    strcpyW(stemofsearch, param1);
+  } else {
+    /* Convert eg. ..\fred to include a directory by removing file part */
+    GetFullPathName(param1, sizeof(pathtosearch)/sizeof(WCHAR), pathtosearch, NULL);
+    lastSlash = strrchrW(pathtosearch, '\\');
+    if (lastSlash && strchrW(lastSlash, '.') != NULL) extensionsupplied = TRUE;
+    strcpyW(stemofsearch, lastSlash+1);
+    /* Reduce pathtosearch to a path with trailing '\' to support c:\a.bat and
+       c:\windows\a.bat syntax                                                 */
+    if (lastSlash) *(lastSlash + 1) = 0x00;
+  }
+  /* Now extract PATHEXT */
+  len = GetEnvironmentVariable (envPathExt, pathext, sizeof(pathext)/sizeof(WCHAR));
+  if ((len == 0) || (len >= (sizeof(pathext)/sizeof(WCHAR)))) {
+    static const WCHAR dfltPathExt[] = {'.','b','a','t',';',
+                                        '.','c','o','m',';',
+                                        '.','c','m','d',';',
+                                        '.','e','x','e','\0'};
+    strcpyW (pathext, dfltPathExt);
+  }
+  /* Loop through the search path, dir by dir */
+  pathposn = pathtosearch;
+  WINE_TRACE("Searching in '%s' for '%s'\n", wine_dbgstr_w(pathtosearch),
+             wine_dbgstr_w(stemofsearch));
+  while (!launched && pathposn) {
+    WCHAR  thisDir[MAX_PATH] = {'\0'};
+    WCHAR *pos               = NULL;
+    BOOL  found             = FALSE;
+    const WCHAR slashW[] = {'\\','\0'};
+    /* Work on the first directory on the search path */
+    pos = strchrW(pathposn, ';');
+    if (pos) {
+      memcpy(thisDir, pathposn, (pos-pathposn) * sizeof(WCHAR));
+      thisDir[(pos-pathposn)] = 0x00;
+      pathposn = pos+1;
+    } else {
+      strcpyW(thisDir, pathposn);
+      pathposn = NULL;
+    }
+    /* Since you can have eg. ..\.. on the path, need to expand
+       to full information                                      */
+    strcpyW(temp, thisDir);
+    GetFullPathName(temp, MAX_PATH, thisDir, NULL);
+    /* 1. If extension supplied, see if that file exists */
+    strcatW(thisDir, slashW);
+    strcatW(thisDir, stemofsearch);
+    pos = &thisDir[strlenW(thisDir)]; /* Pos = end of name */
+    /* 1. If extension supplied, see if that file exists */
+    if (extensionsupplied) {
+      if (GetFileAttributes(thisDir) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) {
+        found = TRUE;
+      }
+    }
+    /* 2. Any .* matches? */
+    if (!found) {
+      HANDLE          h;
+      WIN32_FIND_DATA finddata;
+      static const WCHAR allFiles[] = {'.','*','\0'};
+      strcatW(thisDir,allFiles);
+      h = FindFirstFile(thisDir, &finddata);
+      FindClose(h);
+      if (h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+        WCHAR *thisExt = pathext;
+        /* 3. Yes - Try each path ext */
+        while (thisExt) {
+          WCHAR *nextExt = strchrW(thisExt, ';');
+          if (nextExt) {
+            memcpy(pos, thisExt, (nextExt-thisExt) * sizeof(WCHAR));
+            pos[(nextExt-thisExt)] = 0x00;
+            thisExt = nextExt+1;
+          } else {
+            strcpyW(pos, thisExt);
+            thisExt = NULL;
+          }
+          if (GetFileAttributes(thisDir) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) {
+            found = TRUE;
+            thisExt = NULL;
+          }
+      }
+    }
-        /* Read from file (assume OEM codepage) */
-        res = ReadFile(hIn, output_bufA, maxChars, &numRead, unused);
+   /* Internal programs won't be picked up by this search, so even
+      though not found, try one last createprocess and wait for it
+      to complete.
+      Note: Ideally we could tell between a console app (wait) and a
+      windows app, but the API's for it fail in this case           */
+    if (!found && pathposn == NULL) {
+        assumeInternal = TRUE;
+    } else {
+        WINE_TRACE("Found as %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(thisDir));
+    }
-        /* Convert from OEM */
-        *charsRead = MultiByteToWideChar(GetConsoleCP(), 0, output_bufA, numRead,
-                         intoBuf, maxChars);
+    /* Once found, launch it */
+    if (found || assumeInternal) {
+      STARTUPINFO st;
+      SHFILEINFO psfi;
+      DWORD console;
+      HINSTANCE hinst;
+      WCHAR *ext = strrchrW( thisDir, '.' );
+      static const WCHAR batExt[] = {'.','b','a','t','\0'};
+      static const WCHAR cmdExt[] = {'.','c','m','d','\0'};
+      launched = TRUE;
+      /* Special case BAT and CMD */
+      if (ext && !strcmpiW(ext, batExt)) {
+        WCMD_batch (thisDir, command, called, NULL, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
+        return;
+      } else if (ext && !strcmpiW(ext, cmdExt)) {
+        WCMD_batch (thisDir, command, called, NULL, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
+        return;
+      } else {
+        /* thisDir contains the file to be launched, but with what?
+           eg. a.exe will require a.exe to be launched, a.html may be iexplore */
+        hinst = FindExecutable (thisDir, NULL, temp);
+        if ((INT_PTR)hinst < 32)
+          console = 0;
+        else
+          console = SHGetFileInfo (temp, 0, &psfi, sizeof(psfi), SHGFI_EXETYPE);
+        ZeroMemory (&st, sizeof(STARTUPINFO));
+        st.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
+        init_msvcrt_io_block(&st);
+        /* Launch the process and if a CUI wait on it to complete
+           Note: Launching internal wine processes cannot specify a full path to exe */
+        status = CreateProcess (assumeInternal?NULL : thisDir,
+                                command, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0, NULL, NULL, &st, &pe);
+        if ((opt_c || opt_k) && !opt_s && !status
+            && GetLastError()==ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND && command[0]=='\"') {
+          /* strip first and last quote WCHARacters and try again */
+          WCMD_opt_s_strip_quotes(command);
+          opt_s=1;
+          WCMD_run_program(command, called);
+          return;
+        }
+        if (!status) {
+          WCMD_print_error ();
+          /* If a command fails to launch, it sets errorlevel 9009 - which
+             does not seem to have any associated constant definition     */
+          errorlevel = 9009;
+          return;
+        }
+        if (!assumeInternal && !console) errorlevel = 0;
+        else
+        {
+            /* Always wait when called in a batch program context */
+            if (assumeInternal || context || !HIWORD(console)) WaitForSingleObject (pe.hProcess, INFINITE);
+            GetExitCodeProcess (pe.hProcess, &errorlevel);
+            if (errorlevel == STILL_ACTIVE) errorlevel = 0;
+        }
+        CloseHandle(pe.hProcess);
+        CloseHandle(pe.hThread);
+        return;
+      }
-    return res;
+  }
+  /* Not found anywhere - give up */
+  WCMD_print_error ();
+  /* If a command fails to launch, it sets errorlevel 9009 - which
+     does not seem to have any associated constant definition     */
+  errorlevel = 9009;
+  return;
+ * Process one command. If the command is EXIT this routine does not return.
+ * We will recurse through here executing batch files.
+ */
+void WCMD_execute (WCHAR *command, WCHAR *redirects,
+                   WCHAR *forVariable, WCHAR *forValue,
+                   CMD_LIST **cmdList)
+    WCHAR *cmd, *p, *redir;
+    int status, i;
+    DWORD count, creationDisposition;
+    HANDLE h;
+    WCHAR *whichcmd;
+    WCHAR *new_cmd = NULL;
+    WCHAR *new_redir = NULL;
+    HANDLE old_stdhandles[3] = {INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE,
+                                INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE,
+                                INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE};
+    DWORD  idx_stdhandles[3] = {STD_INPUT_HANDLE,
+                                STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE,
+                                STD_ERROR_HANDLE};
+    BOOL piped = FALSE;
+    WINE_TRACE("command on entry:%s (%p), with '%s'='%s'\n",
+               wine_dbgstr_w(command), cmdList,
+               wine_dbgstr_w(forVariable), wine_dbgstr_w(forValue));
+    /* If the next command is a pipe then we implement pipes by redirecting
+       the output from this command to a temp file and input into the
+       next command from that temp file.
+       FIXME: Use of named pipes would make more sense here as currently this
+       process has to finish before the next one can start but this requires
+       a change to not wait for the first app to finish but rather the pipe  */
+    if (cmdList && (*cmdList)->nextcommand &&
+        (*cmdList)->nextcommand->prevDelim == CMD_PIPE) {
+        WCHAR temp_path[MAX_PATH];
+        static const WCHAR cmdW[]     = {'C','M','D','\0'};
+        /* Remember piping is in action */
+        WINE_TRACE("Output needs to be piped\n");
+        piped = TRUE;
+        /* Generate a unique temporary filename */
+        GetTempPath (sizeof(temp_path)/sizeof(WCHAR), temp_path);
+        GetTempFileName (temp_path, cmdW, 0, (*cmdList)->nextcommand->pipeFile);
+        WINE_TRACE("Using temporary file of %s\n",
+                   wine_dbgstr_w((*cmdList)->nextcommand->pipeFile));
+    }
+    /* Move copy of the command onto the heap so it can be expanded */
+    new_cmd = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, MAXSTRING * sizeof(WCHAR));
+    if (!new_cmd)
+    {
+        WINE_ERR("Could not allocate memory for new_cmd\n");
+        return;
+    }
+    strcpyW(new_cmd, command);
+    /* Move copy of the redirects onto the heap so it can be expanded */
+    new_redir = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, MAXSTRING * sizeof(WCHAR));
+    if (!new_redir)
+    {
+        WINE_ERR("Could not allocate memory for new_redir\n");
+        HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, new_cmd );
+        return;
+    }
+    /* If piped output, send stdout to the pipe by appending >filename to redirects */
+    if (piped) {
+        static const WCHAR redirOut[] = {'%','s',' ','>',' ','%','s','\0'};
+        wsprintf (new_redir, redirOut, redirects, (*cmdList)->nextcommand->pipeFile);
+        WINE_TRACE("Redirects now %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(new_redir));
+    } else {
+        strcpyW(new_redir, redirects);
+    }
+    /* Expand variables in command line mode only (batch mode will
+       be expanded as the line is read in, except for 'for' loops) */
+    handleExpansion(new_cmd, (context != NULL), forVariable, forValue);
+    handleExpansion(new_redir, (context != NULL), forVariable, forValue);
+    cmd = new_cmd;
+    /* Show prompt before batch line IF echo is on and in batch program */
+    if (context && echo_mode && (cmd[0] != '@')) {
+      WCMD_show_prompt();
+      WCMD_output_asis ( cmd);
+      WCMD_output_asis ( newline);
+    }
+ *	Changing default drive has to be handled as a special case.
+ */
+    if ((cmd[1] == ':') && IsCharAlpha (cmd[0]) && (strlenW(cmd) == 2)) {
+      WCHAR envvar[5];
+      WCHAR dir[MAX_PATH];
+      /* According to MSDN CreateProcess docs, special env vars record
+         the current directory on each drive, in the form =C:
+         so see if one specified, and if so go back to it             */
+      strcpyW(envvar, equalsW);
+      strcatW(envvar, cmd);
+      if (GetEnvironmentVariable(envvar, dir, MAX_PATH) == 0) {
+        static const WCHAR fmt[] = {'%','s','\\','\0'};
+        wsprintf(cmd, fmt, cmd);
+        WINE_TRACE("No special directory settings, using dir of %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(cmd));
+      }
+      WINE_TRACE("Got directory %s as %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(envvar), wine_dbgstr_w(cmd));
+      status = SetCurrentDirectory (cmd);
+      if (!status) WCMD_print_error ();
+      HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, cmd );
+      HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, new_redir );
+      return;
+    }
+    sa.nLength = sizeof(sa);
+    sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
+    sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
+ *	Redirect stdin, stdout and/or stderr if required.
+ */
+    /* STDIN could come from a preceding pipe, so delete on close if it does */
+    if (cmdList && (*cmdList)->pipeFile[0] != 0x00) {
+        WINE_TRACE("Input coming from %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w((*cmdList)->pipeFile));
+        h = CreateFile ((*cmdList)->pipeFile, GENERIC_READ,
+                  FILE_SHARE_READ, &sa, OPEN_EXISTING,
+        if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+          WCMD_print_error ();
+          HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, cmd );
+          HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, new_redir );
+          return;
+        }
+        old_stdhandles[0] = GetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
+        SetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE, h);
+        /* No need to remember the temporary name any longer once opened */
+        (*cmdList)->pipeFile[0] = 0x00;
+    /* Otherwise STDIN could come from a '<' redirect */
+    } else if ((p = strchrW(new_redir,'<')) != NULL) {
+      h = CreateFile (WCMD_parameter (++p, 0, NULL), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, &sa, OPEN_EXISTING,
+      if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+	WCMD_print_error ();
+        HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, cmd );
+        HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, new_redir );
+	return;
+      }
+      old_stdhandles[0] = GetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
+      SetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE, h);
+    }
+    /* Scan the whole command looking for > and 2> */
+    redir = new_redir;
+    while (redir != NULL && ((p = strchrW(redir,'>')) != NULL)) {
+      int handle = 0;
+      if (*(p-1)!='2') {
+        handle = 1;
+      } else {
+        handle = 2;
+      }
+      p++;
+      if ('>' == *p) {
+        creationDisposition = OPEN_ALWAYS;
+        p++;
+      }
+      else {
+        creationDisposition = CREATE_ALWAYS;
+      }
+      /* Add support for 2>&1 */
+      redir = p;
+      if (*p == '&') {
+        int idx = *(p+1) - '0';
+        if (DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(),
+                        GetStdHandle(idx_stdhandles[idx]),
+                        GetCurrentProcess(),
+                        &h,
+                        0, TRUE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS) == 0) {
+          WINE_FIXME("Duplicating handle failed with gle %d\n", GetLastError());
+        }
+        WINE_TRACE("Redirect %d (%p) to %d (%p)\n", handle, GetStdHandle(idx_stdhandles[idx]), idx, h);
+      } else {
+        WCHAR *param = WCMD_parameter (p, 0, NULL);
+        h = CreateFile (param, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, &sa, creationDisposition,
+                        FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL);
+        if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+          WCMD_print_error ();
+          HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, cmd );
+          HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, new_redir );
+          return;
+        }
+        if (SetFilePointer (h, 0, NULL, FILE_END) ==
+              INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER) {
+          WCMD_print_error ();
+        }
+        WINE_TRACE("Redirect %d to '%s' (%p)\n", handle, wine_dbgstr_w(param), h);
+      }
+      old_stdhandles[handle] = GetStdHandle (idx_stdhandles[handle]);
+      SetStdHandle (idx_stdhandles[handle], h);
+    }
+ * Strip leading whitespaces, and a '@' if supplied
+ */
+    whichcmd = WCMD_strtrim_leading_spaces(cmd);
+    WINE_TRACE("Command: '%s'\n", wine_dbgstr_w(cmd));
+    if (whichcmd[0] == '@') whichcmd++;
+ *	Check if the command entered is internal. If it is, pass the rest of the
+ *	line down to the command. If not try to run a program.
+ */
+    count = 0;
+    while (IsCharAlphaNumeric(whichcmd[count])) {
+      count++;
+    }
+    for (i=0; i<=WCMD_EXIT; i++) {
+        whichcmd, count, inbuilt[i], -1) == 2) break;
+    }
+    p = WCMD_strtrim_leading_spaces (&whichcmd[count]);
+    WCMD_parse (p, quals, param1, param2);
+    WINE_TRACE("param1: %s, param2: %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(param1), wine_dbgstr_w(param2));
+    switch (i) {
+      case WCMD_ATTRIB:
+        WCMD_setshow_attrib ();
+        break;
+      case WCMD_CALL:
+        WCMD_call (p);
+        break;
+      case WCMD_CD:
+      case WCMD_CHDIR:
+        WCMD_setshow_default (p);
+        break;
+      case WCMD_CLS:
+        WCMD_clear_screen ();
+        break;
+      case WCMD_COPY:
+        WCMD_copy ();
+        break;
+      case WCMD_CTTY:
+        WCMD_change_tty ();
+        break;
+      case WCMD_DATE:
+        WCMD_setshow_date ();
+	break;
+      case WCMD_DEL:
+      case WCMD_ERASE:
+        WCMD_delete (p, TRUE);
+        break;
+      case WCMD_DIR:
+        WCMD_directory (p);
+        break;
+      case WCMD_ECHO:
+        WCMD_echo(&whichcmd[count]);
+        break;
+      case WCMD_FOR:
+        WCMD_for (p, cmdList);
+        break;
+      case WCMD_GOTO:
+        WCMD_goto (cmdList);
+        break;
+      case WCMD_HELP:
+        WCMD_give_help (p);
+	break;
+      case WCMD_IF:
+	WCMD_if (p, cmdList);
+        break;
+      case WCMD_LABEL:
+        WCMD_volume (1, p);
+        break;
+      case WCMD_MD:
+      case WCMD_MKDIR:
+        WCMD_create_dir ();
+	break;
+      case WCMD_MOVE:
+        WCMD_move ();
+        break;
+      case WCMD_PATH:
+        WCMD_setshow_path (p);
+        break;
+      case WCMD_PAUSE:
+        WCMD_pause ();
+        break;
+      case WCMD_PROMPT:
+        WCMD_setshow_prompt ();
+        break;
+      case WCMD_REM:
+        break;
+      case WCMD_REN:
+      case WCMD_RENAME:
+        WCMD_rename ();
+	break;
+      case WCMD_RD:
+      case WCMD_RMDIR:
+        WCMD_remove_dir (p);
+        break;
+      case WCMD_SETLOCAL:
+        WCMD_setlocal(p);
+        break;
+      case WCMD_ENDLOCAL:
+        WCMD_endlocal();
+        break;
+      case WCMD_SET:
+        WCMD_setshow_env (p);
+	break;
+      case WCMD_SHIFT:
+        WCMD_shift (p);
+        break;
+      case WCMD_TIME:
+        WCMD_setshow_time ();
+        break;
+      case WCMD_TITLE:
+        if (strlenW(&whichcmd[count]) > 0)
+          WCMD_title(&whichcmd[count+1]);
+        break;
+      case WCMD_TYPE:
+        WCMD_type (p);
+	break;
+      case WCMD_VER:
+        WCMD_version ();
+        break;
+      case WCMD_VERIFY:
+        WCMD_verify (p);
+        break;
+      case WCMD_VOL:
+        WCMD_volume (0, p);
+        break;
+      case WCMD_PUSHD:
+        WCMD_pushd(p);
+        break;
+      case WCMD_POPD:
+        WCMD_popd();
+        break;
+      case WCMD_ASSOC:
+        WCMD_assoc(p, TRUE);
+        break;
+      case WCMD_COLOR:
+        WCMD_color();
+        break;
+      case WCMD_FTYPE:
+        WCMD_assoc(p, FALSE);
+        break;
+      case WCMD_MORE:
+        WCMD_more(p);
+        break;
+      case WCMD_EXIT:
+        WCMD_exit (cmdList);
+        break;
+      default:
+        WCMD_run_program (whichcmd, 0);
+    }
+    HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, cmd );
+    HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, new_redir );
+    /* Restore old handles */
+    for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
+      if (old_stdhandles[i] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+        CloseHandle (GetStdHandle (idx_stdhandles[i]));
+        SetStdHandle (idx_stdhandles[i], old_stdhandles[i]);
+      }
+    }
+ * WCMD_LoadMessage
+ *    Load a string from the resource file, handling any error
+ *    Returns string retrieved from resource file
+ */
+WCHAR *WCMD_LoadMessage(UINT id) {
+    static WCHAR msg[2048];
+    static const WCHAR failedMsg[]  = {'F','a','i','l','e','d','!','\0'};
+    if (!LoadString(GetModuleHandle(NULL), id, msg, sizeof(msg)/sizeof(WCHAR))) {
+       WINE_FIXME("LoadString failed with %d\n", GetLastError());
+       strcpyW(msg, failedMsg);
+    }
+    return msg;
@@ -2510,3 +2137,368 @@ void WCMD_free_commands(CMD_LIST *cmds) {
       HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, thisCmd);
+ * Main entry point. This is a console application so we have a main() not a
+ * winmain().
+ */
+int wmain (int argc, WCHAR *argvW[])
+  int     args;
+  WCHAR  *cmd   = NULL;
+  WCHAR string[1024];
+  WCHAR envvar[4];
+  HANDLE h;
+  int opt_q;
+  int opt_t = 0;
+  static const WCHAR autoexec[] = {'\\','a','u','t','o','e','x','e','c','.',
+                                   'b','a','t','\0'};
+  char ansiVersion[100];
+  CMD_LIST *toExecute = NULL;         /* Commands left to be executed */
+  srand(time(NULL));
+  /* Pre initialize some messages */
+  strcpy(ansiVersion, PACKAGE_VERSION);
+  MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, ansiVersion, -1, string, 1024);
+  wsprintf(version_string, WCMD_LoadMessage(WCMD_VERSION), string);
+  strcpyW(anykey, WCMD_LoadMessage(WCMD_ANYKEY));
+  args  = argc;
+  opt_c=opt_k=opt_q=opt_s=0;
+  while (args > 0)
+  {
+      WCHAR c;
+      WINE_TRACE("Command line parm: '%s'\n", wine_dbgstr_w(*argvW));
+      if ((*argvW)[0]!='/' || (*argvW)[1]=='\0') {
+          argvW++;
+          args--;
+          continue;
+      }
+      c=(*argvW)[1];
+      if (tolowerW(c)=='c') {
+          opt_c=1;
+      } else if (tolowerW(c)=='q') {
+          opt_q=1;
+      } else if (tolowerW(c)=='k') {
+          opt_k=1;
+      } else if (tolowerW(c)=='s') {
+          opt_s=1;
+      } else if (tolowerW(c)=='a') {
+          unicodePipes=FALSE;
+      } else if (tolowerW(c)=='u') {
+          unicodePipes=TRUE;
+      } else if (tolowerW(c)=='t' && (*argvW)[2]==':') {
+          opt_t=strtoulW(&(*argvW)[3], NULL, 16);
+      } else if (tolowerW(c)=='x' || tolowerW(c)=='y') {
+          /* Ignored for compatibility with Windows */
+      }
+      if ((*argvW)[2]==0) {
+          argvW++;
+          args--;
+      }
+      else /* handle `cmd /cnotepad.exe` and `cmd /x/c ...` */
+      {
+          *argvW+=2;
+      }
+      if (opt_c || opt_k) /* break out of parsing immediately after c or k */
+          break;
+  }
+  if (opt_q) {
+    const WCHAR eoff[] = {'O','F','F','\0'};
+    WCMD_echo(eoff);
+  }
+  if (opt_c || opt_k) {
+      int     len,qcount;
+      WCHAR** arg;
+      int     argsLeft;
+      WCHAR*  p;
+      /* opt_s left unflagged if the command starts with and contains exactly
+       * one quoted string (exactly two quote characters). The quoted string
+       * must be an executable name that has whitespace and must not have the
+       * following characters: &<>()@^| */
+      /* Build the command to execute */
+      len = 0;
+      qcount = 0;
+      argsLeft = args;
+      for (arg = argvW; argsLeft>0; arg++,argsLeft--)
+      {
+          int has_space,bcount;
+          WCHAR* a;
+          has_space=0;
+          bcount=0;
+          a=*arg;
+          if( !*a ) has_space=1;
+          while (*a!='\0') {
+              if (*a=='\\') {
+                  bcount++;
+              } else {
+                  if (*a==' ' || *a=='\t') {
+                      has_space=1;
+                  } else if (*a=='"') {
+                      /* doubling of '\' preceding a '"',
+                       * plus escaping of said '"'
+                       */
+                      len+=2*bcount+1;
+                      qcount++;
+                  }
+                  bcount=0;
+              }
+              a++;
+          }
+          len+=(a-*arg) + 1; /* for the separating space */
+          if (has_space)
+          {
+              len+=2; /* for the quotes */
+              qcount+=2;
+          }
+      }
+      if (qcount!=2)
+          opt_s=1;
+      /* check argvW[0] for a space and invalid characters */
+      if (!opt_s) {
+          opt_s=1;
+          p=*argvW;
+          while (*p!='\0') {
+              if (*p=='&' || *p=='<' || *p=='>' || *p=='(' || *p==')'
+                  || *p=='@' || *p=='^' || *p=='|') {
+                  opt_s=1;
+                  break;
+              }
+              if (*p==' ')
+                  opt_s=0;
+              p++;
+          }
+      }
+      cmd = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, len * sizeof(WCHAR));
+      if (!cmd)
+          exit(1);
+      p = cmd;
+      argsLeft = args;
+      for (arg = argvW; argsLeft>0; arg++,argsLeft--)
+      {
+          int has_space,has_quote;
+          WCHAR* a;
+          /* Check for quotes and spaces in this argument */
+          has_space=has_quote=0;
+          a=*arg;
+          if( !*a ) has_space=1;
+          while (*a!='\0') {
+              if (*a==' ' || *a=='\t') {
+                  has_space=1;
+                  if (has_quote)
+                      break;
+              } else if (*a=='"') {
+                  has_quote=1;
+                  if (has_space)
+                      break;
+              }
+              a++;
+          }
+          /* Now transfer it to the command line */
+          if (has_space)
+              *p++='"';
+          if (has_quote) {
+              int bcount;
+              WCHAR* a;
+              bcount=0;
+              a=*arg;
+              while (*a!='\0') {
+                  if (*a=='\\') {
+                      *p++=*a;
+                      bcount++;
+                  } else {
+                      if (*a=='"') {
+                          int i;
+                          /* Double all the '\\' preceding this '"', plus one */
+                          for (i=0;i<=bcount;i++)
+                              *p++='\\';
+                          *p++='"';
+                      } else {
+                          *p++=*a;
+                      }
+                      bcount=0;
+                  }
+                  a++;
+              }
+          } else {
+              strcpyW(p,*arg);
+              p+=strlenW(*arg);
+          }
+          if (has_space)
+              *p++='"';
+          *p++=' ';
+      }
+      if (p > cmd)
+          p--;  /* remove last space */
+      *p = '\0';
+      WINE_TRACE("/c command line: '%s'\n", wine_dbgstr_w(cmd));
+      /* strip first and last quote characters if opt_s; check for invalid
+       * executable is done later */
+      if (opt_s && *cmd=='\"')
+          WCMD_opt_s_strip_quotes(cmd);
+  }
+  if (opt_c) {
+      /* If we do a "wcmd /c command", we don't want to allocate a new
+       * console since the command returns immediately. Rather, we use
+       * the currently allocated input and output handles. This allows
+       * us to pipe to and read from the command interpreter.
+       */
+      /* Parse the command string, without reading any more input */
+      WCMD_ReadAndParseLine(cmd, &toExecute, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
+      WCMD_process_commands(toExecute, FALSE, NULL, NULL);
+      WCMD_free_commands(toExecute);
+      toExecute = NULL;
+      HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, cmd);
+      return errorlevel;
+  }
+  SetConsoleTitle(WCMD_LoadMessage(WCMD_CONSTITLE));
+  /* Note: cmd.exe /c dir does not get a new color, /k dir does */
+  if (opt_t) {
+      if (!(((opt_t & 0xF0) >> 4) == (opt_t & 0x0F))) {
+          defaultColor = opt_t & 0xFF;
+          param1[0] = 0x00;
+          WCMD_color();
+      }
+  } else {
+      /* Check HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor
+         Then  HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor
+           for defaultcolour value
+           Note  Can be supplied as DWORD or REG_SZ
+           Note2 When supplied as REG_SZ it's in decimal!!! */
+      HKEY key;
+      DWORD type;
+      DWORD value=0, size=4;
+      static const WCHAR regKeyW[] = {'S','o','f','t','w','a','r','e','\\',
+                                      'M','i','c','r','o','s','o','f','t','\\',
+                                      'C','o','m','m','a','n','d',' ','P','r','o','c','e','s','s','o','r','\0'};
+      static const WCHAR dfltColorW[] = {'D','e','f','a','u','l','t','C','o','l','o','r','\0'};
+      if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, regKeyW,
+                       0, KEY_READ, &key) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+          WCHAR  strvalue[4];
+          /* See if DWORD or REG_SZ */
+          if (RegQueryValueEx(key, dfltColorW, NULL, &type,
+                     NULL, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+              if (type == REG_DWORD) {
+                  size = sizeof(DWORD);
+                  RegQueryValueEx(key, dfltColorW, NULL, NULL,
+                                  (LPBYTE)&value, &size);
+              } else if (type == REG_SZ) {
+                  size = sizeof(strvalue)/sizeof(WCHAR);
+                  RegQueryValueEx(key, dfltColorW, NULL, NULL,
+                                  (LPBYTE)strvalue, &size);
+                  value = strtoulW(strvalue, NULL, 10);
+              }
+          }
+          RegCloseKey(key);
+      }
+      if (value == 0 && RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, regKeyW,
+                       0, KEY_READ, &key) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+          WCHAR  strvalue[4];
+          /* See if DWORD or REG_SZ */
+          if (RegQueryValueEx(key, dfltColorW, NULL, &type,
+                     NULL, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+              if (type == REG_DWORD) {
+                  size = sizeof(DWORD);
+                  RegQueryValueEx(key, dfltColorW, NULL, NULL,
+                                  (LPBYTE)&value, &size);
+              } else if (type == REG_SZ) {
+                  size = sizeof(strvalue)/sizeof(WCHAR);
+                  RegQueryValueEx(key, dfltColorW, NULL, NULL,
+                                  (LPBYTE)strvalue, &size);
+                  value = strtoulW(strvalue, NULL, 10);
+              }
+          }
+          RegCloseKey(key);
+      }
+      /* If one found, set the screen to that colour */
+      if (!(((value & 0xF0) >> 4) == (value & 0x0F))) {
+          defaultColor = value & 0xFF;
+          param1[0] = 0x00;
+          WCMD_color();
+      }
+  }
+  /* Save cwd into appropriate env var */
+  GetCurrentDirectory(1024, string);
+  if (IsCharAlpha(string[0]) && string[1] == ':') {
+    static const WCHAR fmt[] = {'=','%','c',':','\0'};
+    wsprintf(envvar, fmt, string[0]);
+    SetEnvironmentVariable(envvar, string);
+    WINE_TRACE("Set %s to %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(envvar), wine_dbgstr_w(string));
+  }
+  if (opt_k) {
+      /* Parse the command string, without reading any more input */
+      WCMD_ReadAndParseLine(cmd, &toExecute, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
+      WCMD_process_commands(toExecute, FALSE, NULL, NULL);
+      WCMD_free_commands(toExecute);
+      toExecute = NULL;
+      HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, cmd);
+  }
+ *	If there is an AUTOEXEC.BAT file, try to execute it.
+ */
+  GetFullPathName (autoexec, sizeof(string)/sizeof(WCHAR), string, NULL);
+    CloseHandle (h);
+#if 0
+    WCMD_batch (autoexec, autoexec, 0, NULL, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
+  }
+ *	Loop forever getting commands and executing them.
+ */
+  WCMD_version ();
+  while (TRUE) {
+    /* Read until EOF (which for std input is never, but if redirect
+       in place, may occur                                          */
+    WCMD_show_prompt ();
+    if (WCMD_ReadAndParseLine(NULL, &toExecute,
+                              GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE)) == NULL)
+      break;
+    WCMD_process_commands(toExecute, FALSE, NULL, NULL);
+    WCMD_free_commands(toExecute);
+    toExecute = NULL;
+  }
+  return 0;

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